世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/04/11 10:49
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  • I'll show you some great sights while you're here!

  • If you like, I'll accompany you to some of the best sites in Japan.

If a friend is visiting Japan from abroad, depending on your relationship, you may be quite forward and presumptuous, as in the first sentence, or, more tentative and formal, as with the second example.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I can't wait to be your tour guide!

  • I have lots of recommendations for you when youcome to Japan

Both of these phrases will work when talking to your friend abroad. The first is telling the person you will be their tour guide. A tour guide is someone who shows people around and gives them recommendations and facts about a city. The second one is just notifying them that you have places that you would like for them to see while on their trip to Japan.
どちらの表現も、海外の友人と話すときに使うことのできるフレーズです。 はじめの例は、あなたがその人のツアーガイドになることを伝えます。a tour guideとは、人にある場所を[案内](し、[お勧め](の情報を伝える人のことです。 2つ目の例は、日本への旅行の際に、見てもらいたいところがあることを伝えています。
Lauren F DMM英会話講師
  • I’m looking forward to showing you some of my favorite places

  • I have lots of great ideas for your visit

  • I know some lovely places for you to visit

Looking forward=excited to do in future. Lots = many or plenty. Some = adjective describing places. Unspecified amount
Looking forward=~を楽しみにしている Lots = たくさんの Some = いくつかの、ある~
Neil G DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to show you some great places in Japan when you're here

  • I have some great places/spots to show you in Japan

  • I would like to take you sightseeing when you are in Japan

If you want to say to someone about showing them places/sightseeing spots that are good then you could say 'I would like to show you some great places/spots in Japan' or ' I have some great places/spots to show you in Japan' By adding 'when you're here' or 'when you are in Japan' means you will show them personally and not a photograph
おすすめの場所、観光スポットを案内すると言いたいなら、 'I would like to show you some great places/spots in Japan'(日本の素晴らしい場所を見せたい) または、 'I have some great places/spots to show you in Japan'(日本にあなたに見せたい素晴らしい場所がある) と表せます。 そして、 'when you're here'(あなたが来たら) または、 'when you are in Japan'(あなたが日本にいるときに) と加えると、写真ではなく実際に見せるという意味になります。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I will show you my favorite hangouts in the city.

  • I want show you some of my favorite sights and sounds in Japan while you are her.

  • While you are in Japan I want to show you my top must see l locations to visit.

A favorite "hangout" is a place that you like to eat, drink and relax with friends with. You may go to this place often and be very familiar with it so you can suggest your favorite hangout to your friend to try. When you want to show some favorite "sights and sounds" these may be places that you would suggest to go sightseeing(sights) or even listen to music(sounds). Perhaps a club or concert location that a lot of local people like to go to. "Must see" locations are places that are typically very famous and well know. When you want to show your top locations that means you want to show them your favorite tourist destinations in Japan that you think they would like a lot.
お気に入りの”Hangout"(たまり場)とは、貴方が友人と一緒に食べたり飲んだりしながらリラックスする場所のことを言います。貴方がよく知っている行きつけの場所なので、お友達に紹介するのも良いかもしれませんね。 ”Sights and sounds"は「(場所の)雰囲気」のことです。景色を観たり、音楽を聴きに行ったりするようなスポットです。地元の人が行くようなクラブやコンサート会場なども含まれます。 ”Must see"は「必見」という意味で、有名だったり知名度がある場所の事を言います。”Top location"は、貴方がお友達に見せてあげたいお気に入りの観光名所のことです。
Stephen C DMM英会話講師
  • I'll you what are the best places to visit on your trip.

  • I want to tell you about the best places to go sightseeing while you are here.

  • I have some ideas of spots to go sightseeing.

You can refer to a certain location as a "spot". It is used in general terms but is vague as to what the actual location is.
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • I would really like to be your tour guide and show you some of my favourite places.

  • Whilst you're in Japan, I would really like to take you sightseeing.

You can use these phrases to explain to your friend from abroad that you desire to, and would enjoy being able to introduce them to some of your recommended spots. By saying "I would really like to be your tour guide and show you some of my favourite places" it shows you wish to mimic a tour guide's role.
どちらも、海外の友達におすすめの場所を紹介したいと伝える言い方です。 ------ "I would really like to be your tour guide and show you some of my favourite places"(あなたのツアーガイドになって、私の大好きな場所を紹介したい) これはツアーガイドの仕事をまねたいという意味です。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
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