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2018/04/12 09:30
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  • Marunouchi is a great tourist destination

  • Maruncouchi is loacted in the center of the city, it has everything!

Either of these sentences will let your listener know that they are very popular places to visit. By using the phrase "center of the city" or "city center" most will interpret this as it being a very dense and exciting place with lots of things happening.
どちらの表現も、丸の内がいい場所だということを伝えることができます。中心地や市街地という意味の"center of the city" や"city center" を使うことで、色々することができる面白い場所だということが伝わります。
Lauren F DMM英会話講師
  • Marunouchi is a very good area to stay

  • The area around Marunouchi station has plenty to offer

  • Marunouchi is a convenient location with a good selection of accommodation

Three simple examples showing how convenient area is. Noun phrase ‘a very good area’following linking verb be(is).
3つの例文全て、どれほどそのエリアが便利なのかを表現しています。 ‘a very good area’(とてもいいエリア)はbe動詞isにつながっている名詞句です。
Neil G DMM英会話講師
  • Marunuchi is a great hotel location for you!

Both the hotels and the geographical location are ideal for people in Marunuchi, so it is a 'great hotel location' for people. If you wish you could use the phrase 'recommend strongly.' "I strongly recommend that you stay in Marunouchi which is a superb location and has some great hotels!"
丸の内は、ホテルも立地も理想的なところなので、 'great hotel location' と言えるでしょう。 'recommend strongly.'(強くお勧めする)というフレーズを使いたいなら、以下のように言うことができます。 "I strongly recommend that you stay in Marunouchi which is a superb location and has some great hotels!" とてもいいロケーションでいいホテルのある丸の内に泊るのを強くお勧めします。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Marunouchi has many good hotels and in a good location for everything

  • Marunouchi is a great place to stay

If an area has alot of things to do and see and it's good for people to go and visit and stay then you could simply say 'Marunouchi is a great place to stay' If a place has alot of hotels to stay at then you could say 'has many good hotels' in a good location means it is easy to get to for people to visit
もしそこが色んなものがそろった理想の観光地なら、シンプルに 'Marunouchi is a great place to stay'(丸の内は滞在するのにうってつけの場所です)と言えます。 そこにホテルがたくさんあるなら、'has many good hotels'(ホテルがたくさんある)と言えます。 'in a good location' は、「立地が良い」という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • You should stay in Marunouchi, it has great hotels and is in a good location.

  • Marunouchi is centrally located with great accommodations.

  • I recommend Marunouchi because of the location and excellent hotels.

The first sentence is a simple way to answer the question of where to stay in Tokyo. Great and good are adjectives that are often used interchangeably. The second sentence I believe is also common and brief. By saying centrally located, you are making it clear that this area allows easy access to Tokyo's main attractions. Accommodations also implies many different places that are available to stay. This could mean an Airbnb , hostel, bed and breakfast and/or a traditional hotel. The final sentence is formal but simple. I would use this sentence while at work or in some official capacity. By saying you recommend, you are stating this is just your opinion. Then you clearly state reasons for believing this is true - location and hotels. Excellent is another synonym for great and good, but to a slightly higher degree. Hope this helps!
最初の文は、東京のどこに泊まったらいいかの質問に答えるのにぴったりのフレーズです。Great やgood は、同じように使うことのできるいい、素晴らしいという意味の形容詞です。   2つ目の文は、一般的で短い表現だと思います。centrally locatedは、東京も主要観光地に簡単にアクセスできることを意味します。  Accommodationsは宿泊施設のことで、 Airbnbやホテル、ベッドアンドブレックファストや旅館だったりします。  最後の文は、フォーマルな文ですがシンプルです。会社やオフィシャルな場で使うといいでしょう。  recommendは、その人のおすすめということです。 Excellent は、great やgoodの類義語ですが、それよりも素晴らしいという意味です。  お役に立てると幸いです。
Staycee DMM英会話講師
  • Marunouchi is in a prime location and has many great hotels.

  • Marunouchi has a lot of good hotels and is in a good location.

  • Accommodation and entertainment around Marunouchi is of high quality.

Marunouchi is in a prime location and has many great hotels. - the word "prime" means best or really good quality. Marunouchi has a lot of good hotels and is in a good location. - this is the most basic way of putting this sentence together. Accommodation and entertainment around Marunouchi is of high quality. - "accommodation" is where you stay whether it is a hotel, hostel, motel, etc. "Entertainment" is fun stuff you can do.
Marunouchi is in a prime location and has many great hotels. (丸の内はいいロケーションで、素晴らしいホテルがたくさんあります。) "prime" は、最もいい、とてもクオリティがいいという意味です。   Marunouchi has a lot of good hotels and is in a good location. (丸の内はたくさんのいいホテルがあり、ロケーションも素晴らしいです。) これは最もベーシックな言い方です。   Accommodation and entertainment around Marunouchi is of high quality. (丸の内周辺は宿泊施設も娯楽もクオリティが高い。)  "accommodation"は、ホテル、ホステル、モーテルなどの宿泊施設のことです。 "Entertainment"は、娯楽のことです。
Chelsi B DMM英会話講師
  • Manarunouchi is filled with many outstanding hotels and is located in a prime area.

  • Manarunouchi well known for it's location with many great hotels and easy access to everything.

  • Manarunouchi has a large number of great hotels and is a good location for many things.

while trying to state that Manarunouchi is a great location to many things and filled with many hotels, we can use words like 'well known" or 'prime" or "good" to show that is in a good area while using words like "outstanding" and "great" to show that something is good. so an example sentence would be "Manarunouchi is a very well known place filled with many nice hotels and is located in a very good area close to many popular things."
丸の内は、色々なところに便利なロケーションで、ホテルもたくさんあることを言いたいときは、 'well known" や 'prime" 、 "good"という言葉を使うといいでしょう。"outstanding" や "great"も何かがすばらしいことを表す言葉です。 例文: "Manarunouchi is a very well known place filled with many nice hotels and is located in a very good area close to many popular things. (丸の内はたくさんの素晴らしいホテルがあることで知られていて、たくさんの人気の場所に近いとても便利なエリアです。)
Kharina DMM英会話講師
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