世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/04/14 13:46
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  • The bags not big enough.

  • It wont fit in.

When a container or bag is too small we normally talk about it in an informal way. "The bags not big enough." is a very simple and effective way to indicate that you will not be able to fit the item into the bag as it is the wrong size. "It wont fit in" is another informal expression to indicate that you cannot put the item into the bag because there is insufficient space for it. You can use this expression not only when a bag is too small but also when your bag is too full to add anything extra.
入れ物やかばんが小さすぎるときには、たいていカジュアルな会話となります。 "The bags not big enough." かばんが大きくない。 これは、かばんがちいさくて荷物が入りきらないということを伝えるとてもシンプルで使える表現です。 "It wont fit in" おさまらない。 これは、かばんにスペースがなくはいりきらないことを伝える別の表現です。この表現は、かばんが小さいときだけでなく、かばんがいっぱいでものを入れるスペースがないときにも使うことができます。
Caryn DMM英会話講師
  • This won't go in

  • The bag isn't big enough

  • It doesn't fit in!

You have a bag and something you wish to put in the bag. But the item does not fit in the bag as it is too big. Apart from the offered examples above, you could mention the actual items - for example "This guitar is too big for the bag!" "This bottle just won't fit in my handbag!"
かばんに何かをいれたくても、その入れたいものがかばんに入りきらないことがあります。挙げた例の他に以下のような表現を使うこともできます。 "This guitar is too big for the bag!" このギターは、このかばんには大きすぎる! "This bottle just won't fit in my handbag!" このボトルは私のハンドバッグにはおさまらない!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It looks like it won't fit

  • I don't think that is going to fit in the bag

  • The bag is bit small for the iPad

There are a number of ways you can say this. E.g. -It looks like the iPad won't fit into that bag. -The bad is not big enough for the iPad. -Can I please get a bigger bag for the iPad This will indicate that you think the iPad (or any item) is too big to fit into the given bag.
これを言い表す表現は沢山あります。 【例】 -It looks like the iPad won't fit into that bag. (そのバッグにアイパッドは入らないみたい) -The bad is not big enough for the iPad. (そのバッグはアイパッドが入るほど大きくないです) -Can I please get a bigger bag for the iPad (アイパッドが入るもっと大きなバッグはありますか) これらは、アイパッド(又は他のアイテム)がそのバッグに入らない事を言い表しています。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • It wont fit in

  • That wont fit in the bag

  • The bags not big enough

If the person knows the item that wont fit in the bag then you can just say 'it wont fit in', 'that wont fit in the bag' or 'the bags not big enough' If someone doesn't know what you are talking about then you would name the item so could say 'The Ipad wont fit in the bag' or 'the bags not big enough to fit the Ipad'
物が鞄の中に納まらないことを、”It wont' fit in"・”That wouldn't fit in the bag"・ "The bags are not big enough"と言います。 ”The iPad won't fit in the bag"または”The bags are not big enough to fit the iPad"(iPadが鞄の中に入らない)と言う風に、鞄の中にいれようとしている物の名前を明確に伝えることも出来ます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • The bag isn't big enough for it to fit.

Native speakers will say like this: “The bag isn't big enough for it to fit”. There are lots of other ways to say it, but this one is the most accurate and most commonly used. Here is an example on how to use this in a conversation: A: Why don't you put it in the bag? B: The bag isn't big enough for it to fit.
ネイティブスピーカーは次のように言います。 “The bag isn't big enough for it to fit” (大きすぎてかばんには入らないです。) 他にもいろいろな言い方ができますが、これが最も正確で一般的です。 以下、会話例です。 A: Why don't you put it in the bag? (かばんに入れたらどうですか?) B: The bag isn't big enough for it to fit. (大きすぎてかばんには入らないです。)
Ned DMM英会話講師
  • The bag (or container) is too small.

  • It's not fitting inside. Do you have a bigger bag?

  • I can't get it to fit in the bag.

1) "The bag (or container) is too small." - Whether you are trying to fit an item inside a bag, suitcase, box, container, etc., you can use this simple sentence. 2) "It's not fitting inside. Do you have a bigger bag?" - This is a polite way of asking if someone has a bigger bag that you can use because yours is too small. 3) "I can't get it to fit in the bag." - This lets the listener know that either the item won't fit, or you cannot position it properly and might need his/her assistance.
1) "The bag (or container) is too small." 〈訳〉袋(入れ物)が小さすぎる。 - この文は、それが袋であれスーツケースであれ箱であれ入れ物であれ、使うことができます。 2) "It's not fitting inside. Do you have a bigger bag?" 〈訳〉小さすぎて入りません。もっと大きな袋はありますか。 - これは、その袋では小さすぎるので、もっと大きな袋があるか確認する丁寧な言い方です。 3) "I can't get it to fit in the bag." 〈訳〉袋に入りません。 - この文は、そのアイテムが袋に入らないこと、あるいは、うまく入れられないので手伝って欲しいことを表します。
Miranda DMM英語講師
  • That isn't going to fit.

  • The bag is too small.

  • That item is too big.

The three sentences you see provided above are great ways to express to your listener that a particular item will not fit in a bag. In the second and third sentence you will see the word too. Although this word has different meanings in these sentences it means excessively. This is a word that is appropriate for both formal and informal settings.
上記三つの例文は、ある物がバッグに入らないことを表す素晴らしい言い方です。 二つ目と三つ目の文には、"too"という単語が使われています。"too"にはいろいろな意味がありますが、これらの文では「過度に」「あまりに」という意味です。この単語はフォーマルな場面でもインフォーマルな場面でも使うことができます。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
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