2つ挙げましたが、Check, please.は「お勘定」という感じで、やや丁寧さに欠ける言い方です。
bill とは勘定書のこと。
また、check はアメリカ英語で、bill はイギリス英語で使われる傾向にあります。
Could you please bring us the check/bill?
Hey there Kei!
※ お会計 ※
A: Can I have the bill?
B: Oh, you mean the check?
A: Oh yes, can I have the check?
※ お願いします ※
Could you do this? Please please!!
※ 丁寧な頼み方 ※
Can I ~ (割とカジュアル)
Can I have the check?
Can I have the steak?
Could I ~ (普通)
Could I have the check?
Could I have the steak?
May I ~ (割と丁寧)
May I have the check?
May I have the steak?
とてもカジュアルな頼み方もあります。それは単に「〜 please!」です。
Check, please!
can I get the bill please/ check please = 両方ともお会計お願いしますです。
Could I have the bill please? = you are asking for a note of the total amount of money to pay for the items your ordered. In the UK we say 'bill; in the US they say, 'check.'
In the UK, bills do not normally include a service charge. Customers decide if they want to leave a gratuity or 'tip' for any of the serving staff. However, this is not compulsory and many people never leave a tip.
Could I have the bill please? = 自分がオーダーしたものの請求書を貰いたいときに使います。UKではビル、USではcheckが使われます。UKでは、請求書にサービスチャージは含まれませんが、チップを置くかどうかは、お客様次第というようになります。もちろん強制ではないので、チップを置く人は少ないです。
bill = the list of items and prices of what you ordered.
Most often in a restaurant the waiter will bring you the bill, but it's not uncommon to pay at the register, in this case you could ask; where do I pay?
bill = 請求書
一般的には店員がbillをもっていますがレジで払うときもあります。その場合は where do I pay?と聞きます。
1. I'm ready to pay the bill.
2. Can I have the bill please?
Both these statements can indicate to the waiter or waitress that you are ready to pay the bill.
Your "bill" is the printed or written statement of the total amount of money owed for the goods or services received.
1. I'm ready to pay the bill.
2. Can I have the bill please?
会計 = bill (British English), check (American English)
May I have the check/bill?
Check/Bill, please.
Excuse me. Check/Bill, please.
Could I have the check/bill?
会計 = bill (British English), check (American English)
May I have the check/bill?
Check/Bill, please.
Excuse me. Check/Bill, please.
Could I have the check/bill?
We had a great meal now its time to pay the bill ...ask for the check please!
I'd like to pay now...can I have the bill please.
This is the normal/usual way to ask, when the time comes to "settle up"
and we have to pay for our meals... A simple check please!
will often do the trick;-)
As well as that universal sign language ...where we pretend to sign paper!
"I'd like to pay now...can I have the bill please"
これはお食事の"settle up"(お会計)する時に尋ねる一般的な表現になります。
シンプルに"check please!"(お勘定お願いします)と言っても通じますよ;-)
「Can I have the bill please」と「May I have the bill please」が両方ともよく使われています。
The bill/the check (お会計) Can I please have? (お願いします)
There are several ways to request the check or bill at a restaurant:
May I have the bill please?
May I have the check please?
Can I have my check?
Can I have my bill?
Can you get the bill for me please?
Can you get the check for me please?
May I have the bill please?
May I have the check please?
Can I have my check?
Can I have my bill?
Can you get the bill for me please?
Can you get the check for me please?
Hello Kei :-) I hope this helps!
A) Could you bring me/us the bill please?
B) Bill please?
C) Can we have the bill please.
You could us any of these :-)
こんにちは Keiさん :-) 回答がお役に立てば幸いです!
A) Could you bring me/us the bill please?(お会計をお願いできますか?)
B) Bill please?(お会計をお願いします)
C) Can we have the bill please.(お会計をお願いします)
このうちどれでも使えます :-)
I'd like to settle the bill please implies that you are
ready to pay the money you owe for a meal that you just had.
Please bring my tab. A tab is a bill for the cost of a meal
and /or drinks that you have bought at a restaurant.
I'd like to settle the bill please.
- 食事の代金を支払いたいという意味になります。
Please bring my tab.
- tab は、レストランで食べた食事や飲み物の値段が書かれた請求書のことです。
米国では、多くのレストランで会計は、テーブルで行います。とてもカジュアルな言い方ですが、食事が済んで会計をお願いする際は、担当のウエイター/ウエイトレスさんに “check please” と言うと、レシートを持ってきてくれます。レストランによっては、自動的に合計金額の20%程度に相当するチップが加算されていることがあります。”May I have a check please”と言うのが丁寧な言い方ですね^ ^。
"Check please" and "Can we have to bill"
Are both very common terms used when asking, for example, at a restaurant, for the 'bill','check' or money you will pay for the service/food provided.
"Check please" (お会計をお願いします。)や "Can we have to bill"(お会計をもらえますか?)
When we are done enjoying our meal we can call the waiter or waitress to ask for the bill.
We simply raise a hand to help our waiter see us, then we can use any one of the above sentences.
When we are done, we may thank the waiter or waitress and offer them a tip for good service.
"Thank you for the meal, here's your tip."
"Thank you for the meal, here's your tip."
「Bill please!」や「Could I get the cheque please?」は同じ意味ですが
「Could I get the cheque please?」の方が丁寧です。
イギリス英語だとスペルは Cheque と綴ります。
Notice that these three sentences are very similar in structure but we can interchangeably use the verb, "to have," and, "to get," in this example. In addition, we can also interchangeably use the nouns, "check," and, "bill."
When you ask for the bill, that you means you are asking for the invoice of the food and beverages that you purchased at the restaurant. Once you have the bill you can proceed to pay by using credit card, eftpos card, cash, etc, depending on which payment methods that particular restaurant accepts.
・Check please.
・Bill please.
・I'd like to pay.
pay は「支払う」という意味の英語表現です。
I'd like to ... は「私は〜したいです」となります。