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2018/05/02 14:21
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  • I'm happy when you're around.

  • I like it when we are together.

  • I am happy when we spend time together.

All of these examples will let your boyfriend know how much you care. It is always so nice when you can look at someone and say, "I like when you're around." All of these examples work well in the situation. It shows joy and love.
I'm happy when you're around. あなたがいると私は[幸せ](です。 I like it when we are together. 私たちが[一緒にいる](と嬉しいです。 I am happy when we spend time together. 私たちが一緒に時間を過ごすと幸せです。 これら全ての表現で、あなたが彼氏の事をどんなに思っているか伝えることが出来ます。 これは誰かに会って言う事が出来るのはとても素敵な事ですよね。 "I like when you're around." (あなたと一緒にいる時が好き) このような状況の場合、これらの表現は上手くいくでしょう。 これは喜びと愛を示しています。
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • I'm glad we're able to spend time together

  • I happy that we are spending time together

  • I'm happy to be with you

When you want to tell your boyfriend that you're happy that you're spending time together, then you can say: -I'm glad we're able to spend (some) time together -I'm happy that we are spending time together -I'm happy to be with you
彼氏に、[一緒に過ごせて](うれしいことを伝える言い方です。  -I'm glad we're able to spend (some) time together 一緒に過ごすことができて[うれしいよ](。 -I'm happy that we are spending time together 一緒に過ごせてうれしい。  -I'm happy to be with you 一緒にいられてうれしい。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I'm happy to spent time with you.

  • I'm happy to be with you.

  • I'm happy to spend time together.

To be happy means you are in a good mood about the situation you are in so to say you are happy to be with someone means you are enjoying it and like doing it. To spend time together is to do things together like watch a movie or go for a walk. This can also be called spending quality time with someone which means you value the time you are together and is worth a lot to you.
to be happyとは、あなたが置かれている状況で機嫌が良い、言ってみれば、You are happy to be with someone.は、楽しんでいる、またそれをすることが好きだという意味です。 to spend time togetherは、映画を観たり、散歩をしたり一緒に何かをすることです。これは、またspending quality time with someone.と言い、一緒にいる時間を大切にする、あなたにとってかなりの価値があるという意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I love spending time with you.

  • I like being around you.

  • I am happy when we are together.

"I am happy when we spend time together." However, I'm happy being with you or I'm happy to be with you denotes more of an intimate relationship or feelings. If you say I like spending time with you that shows more of a casual, less intimate relationship between friends or a relationship that is not very serious.
"I am happy when we spend time together." 一緒にいると、幸せです。 しかし、"I'm happy being with you"(あなたと一緒にいられて幸せです)や"I'm happy to be with you"(あなたと一緒にいられて幸せです)の方がより親密な関係や感情を示します。 "I like spending time with you"(あなたと過ごすのが好きです)と言うと、それほど親密でないカジュアルな関係を示します。
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • I'm so happy to be with you.

  • I love spending time with you.

  • You make me happy.

色んな文脈・状況があっての「あなたと一緒に過ごせて幸せです」だと思います。 ※深読みし過ぎかもですが、悲しい展開も想像してしまいました。ここでは割愛しますが。 「彼氏」に言いたい、ということで、特別な感情を込める感じで「楽しい!」という表現を挙げてみました。 あとは、彼氏さんとの付き合いへの感謝に対して、時間的奥行きなどをつけたい時などは現在完了にしたり、彼氏さんへのアクションに対してのお礼などに「You made my day」なんて返したりしてもいいかもです。 彼氏さんとのコミュニケーション、うまくいくこと、願っています。
Kimochi 英語落語家・パブリックスピーカー
  • I like spending time with you.

  • I'm happy to be with you.

  • I really like spending time together.

You could say this in lots of different ways - the easiest is saying 'I like spending time with you', whilst saying 'I'm happy to be with you' also suggests that time spent with your boyfriend is enjoyable. If you want to show a little more enthusiasm, you could say, 'I love spending time with you' - the 'love' is a stronger word than 'like'.
これは、色々な言い方ができます。 最も簡単なのは、'I like spending time with you'ですが、'I'm happy to be with you'でも、彼氏と過ごす時間が楽しいことを表せます。 もう少し気持ちを表したいなら、'I love spending time with you'と言えるでしょう。'love'は、'like'より強い気持ちを表す単語です。
Sarah El DMM英会話講師
  • I always feel great when I'm with you!

  • You make every day a special memory for me!

Well, generally, unless you are going to use some extreme adjectives in this situation, it is better to keep quiet than say something like: "I'm OK when I'm with you." Many people are 'OK' with perfect strangers also. So it is necessary to be emotive and passionate here!
そうですね、一般的に、この状況で、もしあなたが強い形容詞を使わず、「I'm OK when I'm with you.」のように言うのであれば、黙っていた方がいいでしょう。多くの人は、全く知らない人といても「OK」です。ここでは、感情的、情熱的になる必要があります!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I am so happy that I can spend time with you.

  • I love spending time with you.

Wow! Today has been great. It has been so amazing. Yeah, I wish we could do this all the time. Me too. I am so happy that I can spend time with you. I love spending time with you. I hope this helps. Have a good day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • I love being around you.

  • I love it when we're together.

  • I'm always so happy around you.

There are many ways in which we can say this but when talking about, "being around," someone means being in their presence or spending time with them. "Together," can also refer to when two people are doing something with each other.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • I'm glad to be spending time with you.

  • I'm happy to be spending time with you.

When you are happy to be spending time with someone you are happy or glad or joyful. They all have the same meaning. Example; - I'm really glad that we get to spend some time together. - It makes me happy to spend time with you.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • Spending time with you makes me happy.

  • I love being together with you.

(1) Spending time with you makes me happy. 愛しい人と友人と一緒に過ごせて嬉しいという感じを伝える言い方です。 (2) I love being together with you. 貴方と一緒にいる時が好きだという言い方です。 どちらの言い方を使っても、すべての表現で彼氏のことをどんなに思っている感じを伝えるべきです。
JC DMM英会話翻訳パートナー
  • I can't tell you how happy I am by just spending time with you.

「あなたと一緒に過ごせて幸せです。」は、 "I can't tell you how happy I am by just spending time with you." と言うことも出来ます。 "I can't tell you how happy I am."は、「言葉に表せないほど幸せです。」という意味です。 "by just spending time with you"は、「ただあなたと一緒に過ごすだけで」 ご参考になれば幸いです。
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