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2018/05/04 22:01
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  • Do they mean the same?

  • Is there any difference in meaning between those two words?

  • Do they have the same meaning?

Kenshinさん ご質問どうもありがとうございます。 様々な表現があると思いますが、いくつか自然な表現を紹介します。 1. Do they mean the same? (逐語訳)同じことを意味しますか? 2. Is there any difference in meaning between those two words? (逐語訳)この二つの単語とは、何か違いがありますか? 3. Do they have the same meaning? (逐語訳)それらは同じ意味を持つんですか? お好みに合わせて使い分けてみてください。 ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
  • Are they synonyms?

A synonym means having the same meaning, or almost the same meaning. So asking if they are synonyms, is the same as asking, "Do those two words mean the same thing?"
"synonym "とは同義語のことで、ほとんど同じ意味の言葉と言う事になります。 ですので、"synonyms"(同義語)を尋ねるという事は、 次の事を尋ねている事と同じになります。 "Do those two words mean the same thing?" (それら二つの言葉は同じ意味ですか?)
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • Do these two words/terms mean the same thing?

  • Do the words have the same meaning?

When you're asking whether two words/phrases/terms have the same meaning; then you can ask in the following ways: -Do the words (beautiful) and (gorgeous) have the same meaning? -Do the words have the same meaning? -Do these two words/terms mean the same thing?
2つの単語/フレーズ/言葉が同じ意味なのかどうかを尋ねる表現です: -Do the words (beautiful) and (gorgeous) have the same meaning? (beautiful)と(gorgeous)は同じ意味ですか? -Do the words have the same meaning? その単語は同じ意味ですか? -Do these two words/terms mean the same thing? この2つの単語/言葉は同じ意味ですか?
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Do those words mean the same thing?

  • Are those words synonyms?

  • Are those two words equivalent in meaning?

Synonym is English grammar word for two words that mean the same thing, so you can ask if two words are synonyms. The more casual and simple way of asking would be to ask if they mean the same thing? Equivalent is a way of saying two things are equal, so you can also ask if they are equivalent in meaning, but this is not a casual, everyday way of asking.
"synonym"とは「同意語」という意味の文法用語です。ですから、"Are those words synonyms?"(それらは同意語ですか)と聞けます。 よりカジュアルでシンプルな聞き方としては: "Do those words mean the same thing?" (これらの単語は同じ意味ですか) "equivalent"は二つのものが同等であることを表します。 ですから、 "Are those two words equivalent in meaning?"(これらの単語は同じ意味ですか) と聞くこともできます。ただ、これは日常的な(カジュアルな)聞き方ではありません。
Staci DMM英会話講師
  • "Do they have the same meaning?"

  • "Are these words synonyms? "

  • "Do those words mean the same thing?"

In order to find out whether two words mean the same thing, you could ask "Are these words synonyms? ". A synonym is a word which means exactly the same as another word, and can be used to describe something in exactly the same way as another word. You can also simply ask, "Do those words mean the same thing?".
二つの単語の意味が同じであるか確認したいときは、 "Are these words synonyms?"(これらは同義語ですか) と聞けます。 "synonym"とは、別の単語と全く同じ意味を持っていて、それと全く同じように使うことのできる単語を言います。 また、次のように尋ねることもできます。 "Do those words mean the same thing?"(それらの単語は同じ意味ですか)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Are these words synonyms for each other?

  • Can these words be used interchangeably?

1) "Are these words synonyms for each other?" - This asks if you both words have the same meaning. When words have the same meaning, we call them 'synonyms'. 2) "Can these words be used interchangeably?" - 'interchangeably' refers to using two or more words in the exact same way because they have the exact same meaning. For example: "I'm afraid." and "I'm scared." Here, 'afraid' and 'scared' have the exact same meaning, so they can be used in the exact same way. This means they are interchangeable.
1) "Are these words synonyms for each other?"(これらは同義語ですか) - この文では、それらがどちらも同じ意味であるか尋ねています。同じ意味の言葉は'synonyms'(同義語)と呼ばれます。 2) "Can these words be used interchangeably?"(これらの単語は置き換えられますか) - 'interchangeably'とは、二つ以上の単語が完全に同じ意味で全く同じように使うことができることを表します。 例えば、"I'm afraid."と"I'm scared."。 ここでは、'afraid'と'scared'は完全に同じ意味で、全く同じように使えます。これを'interchangeable'(置き換え可能な)といいます。
Miranda DMM英語講師
  • Do those/these words mean the same thing?

  • Do they both mean the same thing?

  • Do these words have the same meaning?

If you want to ask if something means the same as something else then you could ask 'Do these/those words mean the same thing?' you could also simply say 'do they both mean the same thing?' You could also use the term 'same meaning'
二つのものが同じ意味か尋ねたいなら、 'Do these/those words mean the same thing?'(これら/それらの単語は同じ意味ですか) と聞けます。 また、シンプルに、 'Do they both mean the same thing?'(同じ意味ですか) と聞くこともできます。 ほかに、'same meaning'(同じ意味)を使ってもいいです。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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