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私が好きになった人には好かれませんが 私が好きではない人からは好かれます。 好きな人に好かれたいのに、そうではない人からは、行為を持たれる傾向にあることを、伝えたいです。
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2018/05/10 19:52
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  • Usually the people I don't like, like me.

  • Why is it that the ones I like don't like me?

"Usually the people I don't like, like me" This sentence is implying that when 'liking' someone or being attracted to someone, the 'ones' the individual(s) you 'like' or fancy don't often/usually like you back and that the 'ones' that you do not like or fancy will like you or fancy you. to 'fancy' someone is to be attracted to someone. fancy=crush.
"Usually the people I don't like, like me" (たいてい私が好きではない人に好かれる。) これは、自分の好きな人、魅力を感じる人にはたいてい好かれることがないことを意味します。   to 'fancy' とは、誰かが誰かに好かれることという意味です。fancy=crush(一目惚れ)
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • I'm often liked by men I don't like.

「私はよく自分が好きでない人に好かれる」の意味です。 そのままの直訳の例を示しましたが、これでも十分伝わります。 もし男女逆の立場なら、 I'm often liked by women I don't like. としてください。 ご参考になれば幸いです(*^-^*)
  • The guy I like never likes me, but the guys I don’t like do.

  • Why do I attract the guys I don’t like and not the ones I do?

❶ The guy I like never likes me, but the guys I don’t like do. (好きな男の人からは好かれないのに、好きじゃない男からは好かれる)。 ❷Why do I attract the guys I don’t like and not the ones I do? 「なんでわたしは好きではない人からは好かれる(魅力的なのに), のに好きな人からは好かれないの(魅力的じゃないの)?」 Attract が 「魅了する」という意味です。 好きな人が女性の場合、the girl 又は girlsと言いましょう。 1. The girl I like never likes me, but the girls I don’t like do. 2. Why do I attract the girls I don’t like and not the ones I do? それに加え: I can never get the guy I like. (いつも好きな人をゲットできない、つまり両思いになれない)。 Life is so unfair. (人生て不公平)。 〜と言えるかもしれません。
  • I tend to be liked by people I don't like.

  • People I don't like tend to like me.

Notice that in these two example sentences, we can use all of the same words and still have movement within the sentences. We can take the object, "people I don't like," and either have it come at the beginning of the sentence and change, "I," to, "me."
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Everyone loves me!

  • Even those I shun seem attracted to me. I don't know why!

You tend to be liked by people you don't like and wish to express this. If you are liked by both people you don't like and people you like, then there is a generality about it and you could just state that 'I am a very likeable person,' although that does sound a little bigheaded.
好きではない人に好かれることを言いたいのですね。もし好みの人、好みでない人両方に好かれるのなら、うぬぼれのように聞こえますが、'I am a very likeable person,' (私はとても人に好かれやすい。)ということができます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • You always want what you can't have.

  • It's always the way.

  • Opposites attract.

Sometimes things always work in opposites, e.g if you have curly hair you want straight hair, if you have straight hair you want curly hair. It can be annoying to always feel like whatever you want you get the opposite, there is a common English term saying 'you always want what you can't have' because it is not unusual for people to feel like this, and this is always the way it shall be. It is unlucky that the people you like never seem to like you back, you attract the opposite kind of person to the one you like.
物事が正反対の方向にいってしまうことはありますね。 例えば、ストレートヘアがよかったのに実際はカーリーヘアだったり。カーリーヘアがよかったのに、実際はストレートヘアだったり。 自分の望むものといつも反対のものになってしまうというのは、フラストレーションがたまると思います。 英語では、'You always want what you can't have'(人はいつも手に入らないものを欲しがる)とよく言います。このように感じるのは珍しいことではなく、世の中はいつもそうだからです。 自分の好きな人には好きになってもらえず、それと正反対のタイプの人を引き寄せてしまうというのは、不運ですね。
Shannon J DMM英会話講師
  • I don't understand why there are some people I don't like but they like me.

  • There are some people I don't like that like me.

  • I like him but he doesn't like me.

I don't understand why there are some people I don't like but they like me. There are some people I don't like that like me. I like him but he doesn't like me. She likes me but I don't like her. I don't understand why some people like me even though I don't like them. Why don't the people I like like me back?
I don't understand why there are some people I don't like but they like me. (何で好きじゃない人に好かれるのか分かりません) There are some people I don't like that like me. (私は好きじゃないのに私のことを好きな人がいます) I like him but he doesn't like me. (私は彼のことが好きなのですが彼は私のことを好きではありません) She likes me but I don't like her. (彼女は私のことを好きなのですが、私は好きではありません) I don't understand why some people like me even though I don't like them. (何で好きじゃない人に好かれるのか分かりません) Why don't the people I like like me back? (何で私の好きな人は私を好きになってくれないんだろう)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • I attract opposites...

  • For some reason I seem to be a magnet to people who are nothing like myself!

We usually find we like those who are similar to ourselves... It only Ego and human nature I guess...In any case some of us seem doomed to attract those diametrically opposite to our own good nature! It may be down to your forgiving energy field...Or you may simply be a magnet for the troubled and awkward;_D Good luck with that!
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • People who I'm not interested in are often interested in me.

  • I'm the type of person who gets a lot of admirers even though the feeling may not be mutual.

  • I'm often asked out by people I don't want to go out with.

1) 好意を抱くことを "be interested in"と表現します。 その他に、"like," "love," "have feelings for" も使う事ができますが、感情の度合いに合わせて単語を選びましょう。 日本語では「好き」という表現は"like" と "love" のどちらも意味する場合がありますが、英語では「love = 愛い」は一般的な表現になります。 2) "Admire" は「感心する」を意味しますが、"admirer" は名詞で他の物や人に関心を持つ人となります。 "Mutual" は「相互」を意味して、"to have mutual feelings" はお互いに同じ気持ちを持つ事となります。 3) 他人から "to get asked out" とされることはデートとかに誘わる事となります。 ですが、自分がその人をデートをしたくない場合(don't want to go out with) 、好きではないと捉えますので、この表現を使う事ができます。
JeffreyF バイリンガル翻訳家
  • People that I don't like always fancy me.

When you use this sentence: People that I don't like always fancy me, this means that: people who you are not fond of, take a liking towards you often. Here's an example: Tom likes me, people that I don't like always fancy me, it's so typical!
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • I'm often liked by people who I don't like.

Often in life, we like people, but they do not always like us in return and sometimes it's the other way around, people like us but we do not like them. It could be a man or a woman, it could be friendly or romantic. - He likes me but I do not like him.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • I am usually liked by people that I don't like.

  • People that I don't like often like me.

1) I am usually liked by people that I don't like. 「よく好かれる人は私が好きじゃない人です」 2) People that I don't like often like me. 「私が好きではない人によく好かれる。」 〜しやすいは 1) usually、2) often「よく」という意訳での訳出です
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