世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/05/16 13:36
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  • If we are late we won't get seats in the cafeteria.

  • Hurry or there won't be any seats left!

  • Hurry or there won't be any seats left in the cafeteria.

"Hurry!" means to be quick. All three examples say to rush, to hurry, not to be late so that you can get seats in the cafeteria. To say, 'if we are late' means that if you do not make it there on time there is a reaction, in this case it is you won't get seats in the cafeteria. I think the most common way to say this would be, "Hurry or there won't be any seats left in the cafeteria!"
"Hurry!"「急いで!」は素早く動くことを言います。英訳例はすべてカフェで席を取るために大急ぎで動くように、急ぐように、そして遅れないようにすることを伝えています。 "if we are late" はもしあなたが時間に間に合わなければ結果として問題があり、今回のケースで言うとあなたがカフェで席を取れない取れないことを意味します。 これを伝える最も一般的な言い回しは、3番目の英訳例だと思います。 "Hurry or there won't be any seats left in the cafeteria!" 「急いで!そうでないとカフェの席がなくなっちゃうよ」
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • Hurry up! The seats at the cafeteria are almost taken.

Hurry up! The seats at the cafeteria are almost taken. 「急いで!ほとんどの席が埋まっているよ。」 席が埋まっているという時には、takenという単語が使えます。ご参考になれば幸いです。
Able English Studies カナダ(バンクーバー)のTOEIC専門学校
  • If we dilly dally, we won't get a seat in the cafe

To 'dilly dally' means to go slowly because you are not concentrating on completing your journey, or perhaps are being sidetracked by conversation or other distracting events.
「dilly dally」は、他のことに気を取られて (おしゃべりに夢中など) 行くのが遅くなる」という意味です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • We need to hurry otherwise we are not going to get a seat at the cafeteria.

  • We need rush to the cafeteria to get a seat.

>We need to hurry otherwise we are not going to get a seat at the cafeteria. Hurry indicates that you need to make quick and not waste time. The reason to hurry is to get a seat at the cafeteria. >We need rush to the cafeteria to get a seat. To rush is to make quick, you should almost run because of walking fast. So what you are saying is let us walk very fast to the cafeteria to get a seat.
>We need to hurry otherwise we are not going to get a seat at the cafeteria. (急がないとカフェテリアの席が取れないよ。) Hurry=急ぐ、時間を無駄にしない この場合、急ぐ理由はカフェテリアで席を確保するためということになります。 >We need rush to the cafeteria to get a seat.(カフェテリアの席を確保するために急がないと。) Rush=(早歩きかほぼ走るぐらい)急ぐ この例文は、相手に「とにかく早歩きでカフェテリアに行かないといけない」ということが伝わります。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Chop-chop, we have to go to the cafeteria before all the seats are taken!

  • We need to be quick, otherwise we wont get a place in the cafeteria.

  • We need to speed up otherwise the cafeteria will be full when we arrive.

"Chop-chop" is a common colloquial way of telling someone to be quick in the UK. Its perfect for a situation like this. A seat can also be referred as "place" in this context, the place being the area that you occupy during your time in the cafeteria. There are many ways to express this sort of statement. You can also describe the cafeteria as being "full", i.e full with customers leaving no room for anyone else.
"chop-chop"はイギリスではよく使われる口語で、”早く早く”という意味になり、このような状況の時に使います。 この状況の場合、seat= placeとして使うことができ、place=確保して座る場所という意訳になります。 他にも違う言い方で表現することができ、急がないとカフェテリアが"full"(いっぱいになる)とも言えるでしょう。 "full with customers leaving no room for anyone else" (お客さんでいっぱいになり他の人が座る場所がない)
Spencer T DMM英会話講師
  • Let's hurry up else we won't find a seat at the cafeteria.

  • We won't get a seat at the cafeteria unless we hurry up.

  • The seats at the cafeteria are limited, let's hurry up so we can catch one.

Use the above sentences to say that you should hurry if you would like to find available seats when you arrive at the cafeteria. Hurry up: Be quick Limited: they run out, they finish Seat: a place to sit Make your way: get to the place There is limited space in a cafeteria and so if you would like to have a place to sit then you should make sure to make your way there quickly before the place fills up. There is urgency in this sentence, the word that shows urgency is 'hurry'. The people have to make their way to the cafeteria quickly else they won't be able to enjoy time at the cafeteria comfortably seated.
カフェテリアで席を取りたいなら、急がないといけないことを伝えるにはこれらの例文を使うといいでしょう。   Hurry up: 急ぐ Limited: 限定の、限りがること Seat: 席 Make your way: その場所につく   食堂はスペースが限られているので、座りたいなら席が埋まる前に急いで行く必要があります。緊急の場合は、 'hurry'を使うといいでしょう。 食堂に急いでいかないと、席に座って楽しんで食事ができないでしょう。  
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • We need to hurry or we won't get a seat in the cafe.

  • We won't get a seat if we don't hurry.

  • In order to get a seat, we'll need to hurry.

To hurry means to be quick or to rush. 'We need to hurry'- We need to be quick. -We need to hurry or we won't get a seat in the cafe. -We won't get a seat if we don't hurry. -In order to get a seat, we'll need to hurry.
To hurryとは、急ぐという意味です。 'We need to hurry'とは、急がないといけないという意味です。   -We need to hurry or we won't get a seat in the cafe. 急がないと、カフェの席がとれないよ。 -We won't get a seat if we don't hurry. 急がないと、席がとれないよ。 -In order to get a seat, we'll need to hurry. 席をとるには、急がないといけない。
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • We need to hurry or there aren't going to be any seats left.

We need to hurry or there aren't going to be any seats left. 急がないと席がなくなっちゃうよ。 上記のように英語で表現することができます。 hurry で「急ぐ」を英語で伝えることができます。 no seats left と言うと「席が残っていない」となります。 お役に立てればうれしいです。
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