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将来的に自動運転の電車ができて、電車の運転手の職業がなくなるかもしれない。 というような文章で使う場合, train operator ? train conductor ? If automated trains are invented in the future, train conductors may lose their jobs.
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2018/05/21 13:25
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  • Train driver

  • Train operator

If you want to expain that someone drives a train then you could say 'train driver' or 'train operator' the person would know what you mean by this term
電車の運転手のことは、'train driver' または 'train operator' と言えます。このように言えば、相手に伝わります。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Train operator

電車の運転手さんの募集にはよくtrain operatorとみます。 いろんな言い方があるようです。
  • Conductor

  • Train Conductor

  • Train Operator

Generally, one might call a train driver a train conductor or more simply, just conductor. To be more specific you can say a train operator as well. All of these terms will get the meaning across but train conductor is most common.
一般的には電車の運転手は"train conductor"、またはシンプルに"conductor"と呼ばれます。より具体的に言うなら、"train operator"も使えます。 これらは全て通じますが、"train conductor"が最も一般的です。
Morrisa DMM英会話講師
  • Conductor

  • Train operator/driver

"Conductor" In the U.S. and Canada the proper title for a person that operates a train is Conductor. He or she is responsible for the operation and safety of the train and passengers. He/she forms part of a train crew. "Train operator/driver" Most people use this term because they do not knw that actual title of the person operating the train. This is probably more common terms used instead of conductor.
"Conductor" アメリカとカナダでは、電車の運転手の正式な肩書は"conductor"です。電車と乗客の安全と運転の責任者です。 "Train operator/driver"(電車の運転手) ほとんどの人は電車の運転手の正式な肩書を知らないのでこの表現を使います。たぶんこれは、"conductor"よりも一般的です。
Salomon DMM英会話講師
  • Train driver.

  • Train operator.

  • Train conductor.

Train driver. Train operator. Train conductor. In English, the person who drives the train is called one of these three names. Personally, and I think most people also, will call him/ her a train driver. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • A train driver

A person who drives a train is called 'a train driver'. In the UK, 'a train operator' (meaning driver) is a confusing term as it may refer to a company that has been granted a licence to operate trains on the national railway grid. Similarly, a 'conductor' of a train blows a whistle and checks tickets..but does NOT drive a train. A: "I'm a train driver based in London."
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • train driver

  • train operator

We usually call them "train drivers" or "train operator.'' Examples : Train operators work very hard. I know that train driver. Train drivers are underpaid. The train operation is late for his shift.
電車の運転手は普通、"train driver"または"train operator"と呼ばれます。 例: Train operators work very hard.(電車の運転手はよく働きます) I know that train driver.(私はあの運転手を知っています) Train drivers are underpaid.(電車の運転手は低賃金です) The train operator is late for his shift.(電車の運転手が遅刻しています)
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Train driver

  • Train operator

A person that drives or operates a train is called a "train driver" or a "train operator". You may use these terms in a sentence in the following ways: -My father is a train operator. He works five days a week -My grandfather was a train driver before he retired.
電車の運転手は"train driver"または"train operator"と言います。 文の中では次のように使えます。 -My father is a train operator. He works five days a week(私の父は電車の運転手です。週五日働いています) -My grandfather was a train driver before he retired.(祖父は退職するまで電車の運転手でした)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Train operator

The term you're looking for is "Train operator". There are some other names to it, but this one will suffice as it's the most used one. Here's how to use it in sentences: A: The train operator looks really familiar. B: That's Johnnys dad!
あなたのお求めの表現は "train operator" です。 ほかの言い方もありますが、これが最も一般的です。 文中では、以下のように使えます。 A: The train operator looks really familiar.(あの電車の運転手には見覚えがあります) B: That's Johnnys dad!(あれはジョニーのお父さんです)
Ned DMM英会話講師
  • Train driver

  • Train operator

In general, we can call a train driver a train operator. Although he doesn't drive as if he were driving a car, it has more or less the same idea. He must operate the train and make sure the speed is acceptable for safe travel, inspect the train, report damages and of course get the train to its destination on time so all customers are happy.
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • Train driver

  • Train operator

You can either call a person who drives a train either a, "train operator," or, "train driver," as they both have the same meaning and can be used interchangeably. Example sentences : - My father was a train operator for over 20 years. - The train driver told us we were arriving at our station over the speakers.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • train driver

  • train operator

こんにちは。 電車の運転手は「train driver」や「train operator」と呼ばれます。 ・電車の運転手:train driver/train operator ・タクシー運転手:taxi driver ・トラック運転手:truck driver 参考になれば嬉しいです。
  • Train driver

  • Train conductor

皆と同じ、電車の運転手はtrain driverかtrain conductorといいます。 たぶんtrain conductorの方が使います。 大人になったら電車の運転手になりたい When I grow up, I want to be a train driver/conductor 電車の運転手は楽しい仕事けれどもし仕事中寝たらニュースにでるよ Being a train driver is a fun job but if you fall asleep on the job you’ll be on the news.
  • Train driver

「電車の運転手」が英語で「Train driver」と言います。ちなみに、「train conductor」が「列車の車掌」という意味です。 例文: 将来的に自動運転の電車ができて、電車の運転手の職業がなくなるかもしれない。 ー Automatic trains may be invented in the future and there may be no need for train drivers anymore. 電車の運転手 ー I want to become a train driver 参考になれば嬉しいです。
  • Train driver.

A train driver is someone who drives/operates a train. They are trained to know how to drive the vehicle safely for the purpose of transporting passengers or cargo from one location to another. Example: I have been a train driver for 20 years.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • I'm a train conductor.

  • I operate and drive trains for a living.

The noun you see in the first sentence (train conductor) is the noun we use to describe a person who conducts a train. In the second sentence you will see the term for a living. We use this term to describe our job which provides what we need. This term is commonly used in our everyday conversation, it would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • train driver

train driverと言います(*^_^*) ◆ 他に職業名をいくつか挙げますね♪ 「弁護士」lawyer 「行政書士」administrative scrivener 「司法書士」judicial scrivener 「看護師」nurse 「医者」doctor 「教師」teacher 「システムエンジニア」systems engineer 「建築家」architect 「売春婦」prostitute 「ウェイター」waiter 「ウェイトレス」waitress 「俳優」actor 「キャビンアテンダント」flight attendant/cabin attendant 「アナウンサー」news caster 「芸人」comedian 「AV女優」porn star 「映画監督」movie director 「検察官」prosecutor 「占い師」fortune teller 「牧師」pastor 「モデル」model 「パイロット」pilot 「薬剤師」pharmacist 「美容師」hairdresser 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(^_^)
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