世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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masaki sasakiさん
2018/09/07 16:27
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  • Is anyone getting off here?

  • Would anyone like to get off?

"Is anyone getting off here?" - This answer could be used by a bus driver who is driving a route with stops, for example around a city, and if nobody stands up to get off the bus maybe he will double check and ask this question, just in case a passenger is not paying attention to where they are on the route. "Would anyone like to get off?" - This answer is more likely to be used by the driver of a tour bus, and maybe he is seeing if anyone would like to take a break from the bus ride. This answer could be expanded to - "Would anyone like to get off to stretch their legs?"
"Is anyone getting off here?"(ここで降りる人はいませんか?)- バスが乗客を乗せて走っている時、運転手が、誰も降りそうにない時に、乗客に確認のためにこのように聞くことがあるかもしれません。乗客が降りるバス停に気づいていない場合があるからです。 "Would anyone like to get off?"(降りたい人はいませんか?)- これは、観光バスの運転手が使うかもしれません。休憩したい人がいないか確認している感じです。 この回答は以下のように拡大できます: "Would anyone like to get off to stretch their legs?" (誰か降りて足を伸ばしたい人はいませんか?)
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • Is anyone alighting here?

  • Is anyone disembarking here?

There are single words that connote getting out of a bus, train, or any other form of transport such as the verbs 'alight' and 'disembark'. So, the bus driver my ask the passengers as follows: Is anyone alighting here? or Is anyone disembarking here? Let us say you saw some tourists descending from a boat, you may say: I saw several tourists alighting from a boat. or in any other situation, you may say: A lot of passengers disembarked from the train at the last station.
alight'(動詞)や'disembark'(動詞)など、英語にはバス、電車など乗り物から降りることを表す単語があります。 なので、バスの運転手は乗客に以下のように聞くかもしれません: Is anyone alighting here? (ここで降りたい人はいませんか?) Is anyone disembarking here? (ここで降りたい人はいませんか?) 例えば、あなたがボートから降りている観光客を見た場合、このように言えます: I saw several tourists alighting from a boat. (何人かの観光客がボートから降りているのを見た) もしくは別のシチュエーションではこのように言えます: A lot of passengers disembarked from the train at the last station. (たくさんの乗客が終点で電車を降りました)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Does anyone want to get off?

  • Anyone getting off?

  • Is anyone getting off here?

When a bus driver wants to ask if any of the people on the bus want to get off, then he can say: -Does anyone want to get off? -Anyone getting off? -Is anyone getting off here?
バスの運転手が乗客に、誰か降りる人がいるか尋ねる場合は、以下のように言えます: -Does anyone want to get off? (降りたい人はいませんか?) -Anyone getting off? (降りる人はいますか?) -Is anyone getting off here? (ここで降りる人いますか?)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Does anyone want off?

This is a very informal way to ask someone if they want to get off the bus. I hope that this helps :)
この例文は、カジュアルに「バスを降りる人がいるかどうか」を確認する聞き方です。 お役に立てれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Is there anyone getting off at the next stop?

  • Are there any passengers who would like to get off?

  • Would any passengers like to get off at the next stop?

Is there anyone getting off at the next stop? - This question could be used by the driver to notify the passengers of the next station as well as inquiring if anyone desires to stop at the next station. Are there any passengers who would like to get off? - This question could be used by the driver to inform and inquire any passengers who would like to leave the bus. Would any passengers like to get off at the next stop? - This question could be used by the driver to inform and inquire any passengers who would like to leave the bus at the next station
Is there anyone getting off at the next stop?(次のバス停で降りる方はいらっしゃいますか) これは、乗客に次のバス停について知らせ、そこで降りる人がいるかどうか確認するときに使うことができます。 Are there any passengers who would like to get off?(降りる乗客の方はいらっしゃいますか) これは、バスを降りる乗客がいるかどうか確認したいときに使うことができます。 Would any passengers like to get off at the next stop?(次のバス停で降りる方はいらっしゃいますか) これは、次のバス停で降りる乗客がいるかどうか確認したいときに使うことができます。
Dyami DMM英会話講師
  • Are you wanting to get off here?

  • Anyone getting off here?

If the bus driver was talking to an individual person he could say "Are you wanting to get off here?" But the bus driver was talking to everyone then a good way of asking would be "Anyone getting off here?"
バスの運転手が一人の人に向かって話しているなら、"Are you wanting to get off here?"(ここで降りますか)と言えます。 バスの運転手がみんなに向かって話しているなら、"Anyone getting off here?"(降りる方はいますか)と言えます。
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • Any drop offs?

  • Is anyone getting off here?

  • Any stops?

If the bus driver wants to know if anyone is getting off at the next stop, the sentences above can be used. "Am I dropping anyone off at the next stop?" "Would anyone like to get off?"
バスの運転手をしていて、次のバス停で降りる人がいるかどうかを確認したいということなら、上記の文が使えます。 "Am I dropping anyone off at the next stop?"(次のバス停で降りる方はいらっしゃいますか) "Would anyone like to get off?"(降りる方はいらっしゃいますか)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Anybody want to get off at this stop?

  • Does anyone wish to alight from the bus here?

When a bus driver wants to ask if any of the people on the bus want to get off, he can try any of the above suggested announcements. Alight = to get off a bus, train or vehicle.
バスの運転手がバスを降りたいかどうかを尋ねるときは、これらの例をアナウンスするといいでしょう。 Alight = バス、電車、乗り物を降りる
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Is anyone getting off here?

It is important to know that the phrasal verb we use when talking about public transport is 'get off' (or 'get on'). For example - I get on the bus near my house and get off near my office. So the driver might ask "Is anyone getting off here?"
公共交通機関において、'get off'(降りる)や 'get on'(乗る)という言葉を知っておくのは大切です。 例:  I get on the bus near my house and get off near my office. (家の近くでバスに乗って、オフィスの近くで降ります。) 運転手は、 "Is anyone getting off here?"(こちらで降りる方はいますか?)と聞くといいでしょう。
Danno DMM英会話講師
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