世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2018/06/05 04:59
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  • Sorry,what were you going to say?

  • What were you tying to say earlier?

❶ Sorry, what were you going to say? (ごめんね、何て言おうとしてたの?)。 ❷What were you tying to say earlier? (先ほど、なんて言おうとしたの?)。 または、Sorry I interrupted you. (話そうとしてたのに邪魔してごめんね)〜と言うこともできます。
  • Sorry, you were saying something?

  • What were you saying?

  • Please carry on!

You interrupt someone to say something important - then wish to revert to the conversation and allow your friend to complete what they were saying.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry I interrupted you. Please, go ahead.

  • Sorry that I interrupted you. Please, you go first.

  • Sorry I spoke over you. Please continue what you were saying.

Sometimes we speak at the same time as another person. You can call this "interrupting someone" or "speaking over someone". "Speaking over someone" has a second meaning. It can mean to purposely talk louder than another person, so that the other person cannot be heard.
時々、相手と同時に話してしまう事はありますね。 これを次のように言うことが出来ます。 "interrupting someone"(話に割り込む)や "speaking over someone"(他人の話に割り込む) "Speaking over someone"にはもう一つ意味があります。 これは、わざと大きな声で話して相手の言っていることを聞こえないようにすることです。
Erin J DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry, please continue

  • What were you going to say?

  • Sorry, I interrupted you

In a free flowing conversation it can be easy for the two people talking to occasionally trip over each other in the conversation. If this happens and you do interrupt someone, any of these answers can allow the other person to continue speaking.
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry. What were you about to say?

  • I'm sorry. You can say what you wanted to say first.

When someone is about to say something but you accidentally interrupt them, then you can say: -Sorry. You can go first. -Sorry. What were you about to say? -I'm sorry. You can say what you wanted to say first.
『誰かが何かを言おうとした時にそれを遮ってしまった』、そんな時に使える表現です: Sorry. You can go first. (ごめんなさい。先にどうぞ。) Sorry. What were you about to say? (ごめんなさい。どうぞ。) I'm sorry. You can say what you wanted to say first. (ごめんなさい。先に言っていいですよ。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry, go ahead!

This is an informal way of fixing the situation and it both communicates that you feel bad for having interrupted the person and that you would like to hear what they have to say. Both of these parts are important so that the person whom you are speaking with doesn't feel bad. I hope this helps :)
これは、この状況を修正する砕けた表現です。これは、話を遮って申し訳なく思っていることと、言おうとしていたことを聞きたいと思っていることを表します。どちらのパートも、相手の気分を害さないために重要です。 お役に立てば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry, you were saying?

  • I'm sorry, were you about to say something?

"I'm sorry, you were saying?" Normally when you ask this question you say it as though you would say something after saying, but leave it having for them to answer. "I'm sorry, were you about to say something?" This is just another way of asking there person what they were going to say before you cut them off.
"I'm sorry, you were saying?"(ごめんなさい、何を言おうとしたの) - 本来は "saying" の後に何かが入るのですが、ここでは相手にそれを答えさせるため空白になっています。 "I'm sorry, were you about to say something?"(ごめんなさい、何か言おうとしましたか) - こちらも同様、話を遮る前に何を言おうとしていたのか尋ねています。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
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