世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/06/05 22:44
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  • We forget even the most special of people after they are gone.

  • All are forgotten eventually.

例文1「人は亡くなると、特別な人でさえも忘れてしまう」というニュアンスです。 after they are gone で「死んだ後」という意味になります。 例文2「みんないつかは忘れられる」というニュアンスです。 All は「すべての人」という意味で、eventually は「最後には」という意味があるので、これで「人は死ぬと忘れ去られる」というニュアンスになります。 ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • People are often forgotten after they die.

  • People are soon forgotten when they die.

"People are often forgotten after they die." This explains to a person that once a person dies then people start to forget about them. "People are soon forgotten when they die." This is another way of explaining to someone that it does not take a long time for people to forget someone when they die.
"People are often forgotten after they die." 人は、死んだ後に忘れられるものです。 これは、人は死んでしまうと、忘れられてしまうことを意味します。   "People are soon forgotten when they die." 人は死ぬと、すぐに忘れられてしまいます。 これは、人は死んでしまうと忘れられるのにそう時間はかからないということを伝える表現です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Even great people are eventually forgotten with death.

  • Even great people fade from our memories once they have passed away.

There are many ways to talk about people who are dead. We can say "they have passed away", "they have died", or are "they are no longer with us". A very formal and scientific way to say someone has died is say they are "deceased". "To fade" means to slowly become pale. "To fade from someone's memories" means to be slowly forgotten by somebody.
亡くなった人の事を表現する方法は沢山あります。 次のように言うことが出来ます。 【例】 "they have passed away"(彼らは他界しました) "they have died"(彼らは亡くなりました) "they are no longer with us"(彼らはもはや私たちと一緒にいません) とてもフォーマルで科学的な表現で誰かが亡くなった事を "deceased"(死去した/亡くなった)と言います。 "To fade"(消えていく/色あせる)とはゆくりと薄くなっていくことを意味します。 "To fade from someone's memories" (誰かの記憶から薄れていく) これは、ゆっくりと誰かの記憶から忘れされれていくことを言います。
Erin J DMM英会話講師
  • People are forgotten after they die no matter how great they were.

  • People will not always be remembered long after they have passed.

When you want to explain that people are forgotten after they die no matter how great they were, then you can say: -People are forgotten after they die no matter how great they were. -People will not always be remembered long after they have passed. -People will forget about you at some point after you have died even if you were a great person in life.
どんなにすばらしい人でも亡くなった後には、人は忘れられるということを伝えたいときのフレーズです。 -People are forgotten after they die no matter how great they were. 人はどんなに素晴らしくても、死んだ後には忘れられるものです。 -People will not always be remembered long after they have passed. 人は亡くなるとずっと覚えられているわけではない。 -People will forget about you at some point after you have died even if you were a great person in life. あなたがどんなに素晴らしい人であったとしても、亡くなった後には、人はいつか忘れてしまいます。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • The dead are not remembered

Well, it seems a little harsh to say that, but it may be true. Although some people do remember their past loved ones forever, it should be mentioned.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Life goes on.

  • When you leave this Earth, people will eventually forget about you.

  • Unless you leave a significant footprint, once you die, everyone forgets about you.

We will all leave the planet at some point, it is a guarantee that makes most people uncomfortable. When people pass on, life goes on, the sun still rises in the morning, birds will still sing and bills must still be paid. We mourn the ones we care for and those we know but eventually, time takes everything away, eventually people forget about those who have passed. "Life goes on, even after losing my mother I have to wake up and live up to all my responsibilities." "Unless you do something special on this planet, once you die, it'll be as if you never existed." Footprint: a mark, making a difference Exist: to be real Live up to: keep promises Mourn: feel sorrow Significant: worthy of attention
みんないつかはこの世を去り、ほとんどの人がこのことを不安にさせることでしょう。 人生が過ぎていき、それでも太陽は昇り、鳥は囀り、支払うものは支払われます。 気にかけていたり、知っている人を追悼しますが、やがて時間が全てを消し、亡くなった人のことを忘れてしまいます。   "Life goes on, even after losing my mother I have to wake up and live up to all my responsibilities." (人生は続き、母が亡くなった後でさえも、目覚めて、自分の責任を果たすのです。) "Unless you do something special on this planet, once you die, it'll be as if you never existed." (この世で何か特別なことをしない限り、死んでしまうと、まるで自分が存在しなかったかのようになる。) Footprint: 足跡 Exist: 存在すること Live up to: 約束を守ること Mourn: 悲しむ Significant: 重大な
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • No matter how great a person was whilst they were alive; once they are dead, they are forgotten.

  • Even great people are forgotten after they pass away.

  • Once you are gone, people tend to forget you.

Great = important Whilst = during a time Once = can mean 'after something has happened' Pass away = to die Tend to = to behave in a certain way
Great = 重要な Whilst = 〔ある時間〕の間 Once = 「~した後で」の意味があります。 Pass away = 死ぬ Tend to = 特定の行動を取る
Rosalynn DMM英会話講師
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