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2018/06/07 09:43
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  • I believe in fortune telling only when it tells good news.

I believe in fortune telling only when it tells good news. 「良い内容の時だけ、占いを信じている。」 このように表現してみてはいかがでしょうか。ご参考になれば幸いです。
Able English Studies カナダ(バンクーバー)のTOEIC専門学校
  • I only believe in fortune telling when it predicts good things.

  • I only believe in divination when it tells me good things about my future.

  • I only believe in positive prophecies.

Another way to say "fortune telling" is "divination". When someone makes a prediction about what will happen in the future, it is called a "prophecy". There are lots of ways people may divine the future. They may read tea leaves, read tarot cards, read palms, or gaze into a crystal ball. It is normal to only want to hear prophecies that foretell good things. Nobody wants to hear they have bad times ahead.
「divination」は「fortune telling(占い)」の別の言い方です。「(将来何が起こるかの)予言」は「prophecy」と言います。 将来を占う方法はたくさんあります。茶葉を読んだり、水晶球を覗き込んだり、タロットカード、手相もあります。 良い予言だけを聞きたいと思うのは当然ですね。誰も「将来悪いことがある」なんて聞きたくありません。
Erin J DMM英会話講師
  • I only believe the good information

  • I believe only when the fortune teller says good things

I only believe the good information. I believe only when the fortune teller says good things. I do not believe any of the bad things that are told to me by the fortune teller.
I only believe the good information. いいことだけ信じます。 I believe only when the fortune teller says good things. 占い師がいいことを言ったときだけ信じます。 I do not believe any of the bad things that are told to me by the fortune teller. 占い師に言われた悪いことは信じません。
Kelly J DMM英会話講師
  • I believe in fortune telling only when it's good news

  • I only believe in the good news from fortune telling

When you have your fortune telling they tell you what they see happening in your future usually they can't tell you bad things but sometimes they might tell you little bits to warn you if you only want to believe the good news then both of these sentences are a good way to explain this
占い(fortune telling)に行くと、将来自分に何が起こるのかを教えてもらえます。普通はそんなに悪いことは言われません。ただ、ちょっとした警告をされることはあります。 占いの良いことだけを信じるようにしているなら、それは上記どちらの文でも伝えることができます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I only believe in fortune telling when it is good news

  • I believe in fortune telling only when it's good news

When you want to explain that you believe what a fortune teller has to say only when it is positive news, then you can say it in the following ways: -I only believe in fortune telling when it is good news -I believe in fortune telling only when it's good news -I only believe in good fortune when someone is telling me about the future.
占いでいいことだけ信じると言いたいときのフレーズです。  -I only believe in fortune telling when it is good news 占いはいいことだけ信じます。 -I believe in fortune telling only when it's good news 占いはいいことだけ信じます。 -I only believe in good fortune when someone is telling me about the future. 未来のことを占ってもらったときいいことだけ信じます。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • With fortune telling, I only accept the good news

If you are not really a believer in the skill of fortune telling, then obviously you may jokingly state that you will believe - but only the good parts! Clearly, if you did really believe, you would have to trust in every prediction, be it good or bad.
占いをあまり信じていないなら、当然、冗談っぽく「信じる、けど良い所だけ!」と言えますね。 もし本当に信じているなら、良い部分、悪い部分を含め、すべてを信じないといけないでしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I only believe in fortune telling when it's good news.

  • I only believe in positive fortunes.

To explain that you only believe the good things that fortune tellers say, you can do so in the following ways: "I only believe in fortune telling when it's good news." "I only believe in positive fortunes."
「占いは良いことだけを信じる」は次のように言えます。 "I only believe in fortune telling when it's good news."(占いは良いことしか信じない) "I only believe in positive fortunes."(占いは良いことしか信じない)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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