世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/02/23 14:53
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  • I had trouble communicating in English during my oversea trip

  • I couldn't speak English well in different coutries when I was traveling.

まず、”I had trouble" で直訳すると「私は問題をもっていた」という文書が普通の「困った」という言い方になりますね。 同時に、“communicating"、つまり「会話する」、「人と話す」という単語をつければ「会話するのに困った」となります。 それを “in English”、「英語で」、"during my oversea trip" 「私の海外旅行で」と並べば、ばっちり伝わります。 同時に、「能力を表現する」単語である ”couldn't” を使って「~できなかった」と言い始めれば、よりストレートな表現で言うことができます。 ”in different countries when I was traveling." 、つまり「旅行している時に訪れた国々で」と言えば「海外旅行」という言葉の意味をくだいて表現しているだけの違いになりますので、いずれもまた通じますね。 さて、これから海外旅行が倍以上楽しくなるよう英語がんばってくださいね~♪
Hara Ken English teacher
  • I found it very difficult to communicate in English while I was travelling abroad.

  • That's why I am now learning English at DMM.

旅行中、英語でコミュニケーションをとるのにすごく困りました。 それがきっかけでDMMで英語を勉強しています。 I find it difficult to ... よく使われるフレーズです。直訳すれば...するのが難しいとわかった。ですが意訳的に、困ったと伝える際にも使えます。これを応用すると、I found it interesting to ...; ...するのはすごく楽しい!などなど、difficultの部分を違う形容詞に変えていろんな表現に使えます。 例 I found it interesting to read a novel. 小説の楽しさがやっとわかったよ! That's why ... ;それが理由で...だ これも何かを説明しているときに、頻繁に使われるフレーズです。 例 That's why he cried. それが理由で彼は泣いたんだ。 英会話はぜひ楽しみながら!
  • The reason why I started with online English lessons was because when I traveled abroad I struggled to communicate in English.

  • When I traveled abroad I could not really communicate in English that is why I started doing online English lessons.

>The reason why I started with online English lessons was because when I traveled abroad I struggled to communicate in English. >When I traveled abroad I could not really communicate in English that is why I started doing online English lessons. Example 1 Friend: Why did you start doing online English lessons. You:The reason why I started with online English lessons was because when I traveled abroad I struggled to communicate in English. Example 2 Friend: Why did you start doing online English lessons. You:When I traveled abroad I could not really communicate in English that is why I started doing online English lessons.
The reason why I started with online English lessons was because when I traveled abroad I struggled to communicate in English. When I traveled abroad I could not really communicate in English that is why I started doing online English lessons. 上記の表現を使って以下のような例文をつくることができます。 例文1 Friend: Why did you start doing online English lessons. 友達:どうして、オンライン英会話のレッスンを始めたのですか? You:The reason why I started with online English lessons was because when I traveled abroad I struggled to communicate in English. あなた:どうしてオンライン英会話のレッスンを始めたのかというと海外旅行に行った時、英語に困ったからです。 例文2 Friend: Why did you start doing online English lessons. 友達:どうしてオンライン英会話のレッスンを始めたのですか? You:When I traveled abroad I could not really communicate in English that is why I started doing online English lessons. あなた:海外旅行に言った時に英語でコミュニケーションが取れなかったのでオンライン英会話のレッスンを始めました。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I had a few problems communicating in English whilst abroad

  • When I was abroad I realised how bad my English was!

  • I realised the limitations of my English when I travelled abroad

Limitations =a limiting rule or circumstance; a restriction. "Severe limitations on water use." "How was your trip to Australia Len?" "It was an amazing experience - the scenery, the people...but there was one problem." "What was that?" "When I was abroad I realised how bad my English was!" "Really? I though you were OK." "No. When you are there, it's different. I just didn't have the vocabulary."
Limitations =制限されたルール、状況、制限。 "Severe limitations on water use." 水の利用は厳しく制限されている。 "How was your trip to Australia Len?" オーストラリア旅行はどうだった? "It was an amazing experience - the scenery, the people...but there was one problem." 最高だったよ、景色、人も。ただ一つ問題があったんだ。 "What was that?" なんだい? "When I was abroad I realised how bad my English was!" 自分の英語力の酷さにがっかりしたんだ。 "Really? I though you were OK." ほんと?大丈夫だと思ってたけど。 "No. When you are there, it's different. I just didn't have the vocabulary." いや、実際行ってみると大違い。単語力がなかったんだ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I struggled with...

  • I struggled with English communication when abroad, so I started online lessons!

I struggled with...To experience difficulty and make a very great effort in order to do something: This Infers an inability to deal with something easily. In this case to speak in English well enough to "feel comfortable" with one's performance. "I struggled with English communication when abroad, so I started online lessons!"
I struggled with...とは、何かをするのに難しく感じたり、多大な努力がいることを意味します。簡単にこなすことができないということです。 この場合、問題なく英語を上手に話すということです。   "I struggled with English communication when abroad, so I started online lessons!" 海外に行くとき英語でのコミュニケーションに苦戦します。だからオンラインレッスンを始めました。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I have some trouble communicating in English when I travel abroad.

  • I have some problems communicating in English when I am traveling.

When you want to explain that while you are traveling abroad, communicating in English is difficult for you, you can express this by saying "I have some problems communicating in English when I am traveling."
海外旅行のときに、英語でコミュニケーションをとるのが難しいことを伝えるには、  "I have some problems communicating in English when I am traveling." 旅行するとき、英語でコミュニケーションをとるのに困ります。 ということができます。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • I started online English lessons because I struggled to communicate when I traveled abroad.

  • I was traveling abroad and had difficulty communicating in English. This is why I started the online English lesson

  • I am using the online English lessons to improve my English because when I traveled abroad, I found it hard to communicate.

When you want to explain that you had a difficult time communicating in English when you traveled abroad, which caused you to take the English lessons; then you can say: -I started online English lessons because I struggled to communicate when I traveled abroad. - I was traveling abroad and had difficulty communicating in English. This is why I started the online English lesson -I am using the online English lessons to improve my English because when I traveled abroad, I found it hard to communicate.
海外旅行中、英語が話せなくて困り、それで英語の授業を受けることにしたことを説明したいとき、以下のように言えるでしょう: I started online English lessons because I struggled to communicate when I traveled abroad. (海外旅行中の会話に困ったので、オンライン英語授業を受け始めました。) I was traveling abroad and had difficulty communicating in English. This is why I started the online English lesson. (海外旅行中英語での会話に苦労したので、オンライン英語授業を受け始めました。) I am using the online English lessons to improve my English because when I traveled abroad, I found it hard to communicate. (海外旅行中会話に苦労したので、英語力を高めるためにオンライン英語授業を受講しています。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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