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コンビニで使う定型文で温かいものと冷たいものの袋を分ける時に使う言葉、 あと、温めますか?も知りたいです。 いらっしゃいませーなど定型文が知りたいです。
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2018/06/16 15:35
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  • Would you like your hot and cold things put in separate bags?

  • Would you like your Bento heated up?

例文1は「温かいものと冷たいものを別の袋に入れて欲しいですか?」=「袋をわけますか?」となります。 would you like〜?で「〜したいですか?欲しいですか?」と言う聞き方。 put in separate bags で「別々の袋に入れる」 例文2「お弁当を温めて欲しいですか?」=『お弁当を温めますか?」 「いらっしゃいませ」という英語はありませんが、お店にお客さんが入ってくると Hi. How are you today? Hi. Can I help you with something? などと言います。 ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • Would you prefer these separated

  • Shall I put these is separate bags for you

Would you prefer these separated is a very polite way of asking whether you want the items put into different areas(containers). Prefer meaning to choose one thing above another Shall I put these in separate bags for you is also polite and acceptable
Would you prefer these separated? 別にした方がよろしいですか? これは、その商品を別にいれてほしいか尋ねるとても丁寧な表現です。 Preferとは、あるもののほうを選ぶという意味です。  Shall I put these in separate bags for you? 別の袋にお入れしましょうか? これも丁寧で使える表現です。
Neil G DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like me to put the cold items in a separate bag for you?

  • Shall I separate the cold and warm items?

  • Shall I keep the cold items separate?

When you are packing bags, you can offer to the customer to pack the cold items in a separate bag from the room temperature and warm items. This will help keep the cold items cool for longer. The key word to use here is "to separate", which means to keep two or more items apart.
袋詰めの時には、お客さんに冷たい物と温かい(室温の)物を別の袋に入れるか尋ねられます。こうすると、冷たい商品をより長く冷たく保つことができます。 キーワードは「to separate」です、2つ以上の物を別にするという意味です。
Erin J DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like the warm items packed separately to the cold items?

Well, to be honest, this seems like an unnecessary question. Cold food should always be kept separate from hot food. If it is frozen food, it will start to ,melt. If it is something like milk, it may turn sour or have a much reduced period of freshness. Just pack these items separately anyway - no question needed.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like seperate bags for your warm and cold items?

  • Would you like your hot and cold things put in separate bags ?

When shopping you sometimes buy items that are both hot or cold so you might not want to put them in the same bag therefore you would need 'separate' bags
買い物に行くと、冷たい物と熱い物どちらも買うことがあります。これらを同じ袋には入れたくないかもしれません。ですから、'separate bags'(別々の袋)が必要になります。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Do you want the warm items and the cold items in different bags?

  • Would you prefer to have your warm items and cold items in separate bags?

The two sentences you see provided above are terrific ways to ask your listener if they want their warm items and their cold items in separate bags. In the second sentence you will see the word prefer. That means to want one option over another option. This word is appropriate for both formal and informal settings. It would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
上記二つの例文は、温かい物と冷たい物を別の袋に入れた方がいいかどうか確認する素晴らしい言い方です。 二つ目の例文には "prefer" という単語が使われています。これは「あることよりも別のことを好む」という意味です。この単語はフォーマルな場面でもインフォーマルな場面でも使うことができます。ぜひ語彙に加えておいてください。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like your cold items bagged separately?

  • Would you like for me to bag your cold items separately?

  • Would you like the cold and warm items separated?

When a person is buying both hot and cold items, you can specify which type of item you want to know about. For example, if you're specifically asking about the cold items, then the customer will understand that you mean for them to be put in different bags, away from the hot items. If you were to say, "Would you like your hot items to be bagged separately?", then the customer will know you mean 'in separate bags from the cold items'. Therefore, it is not necessary to say 'cold items and hot items' in the same sentence.
温かい物と冷たい物の両方を買うお客さんがいたら、どちらか一方について聞くことができます。例えば、冷たい物について聞けば、お客さんはそれを温かい物とは別の袋に入れるのだと理解します。 もし "Would you like your hot items to be bagged separately?"(温かい物を別の袋に入れましょうか)と言えば、お客さんは温かい物を冷たい物とは別の袋に入れるのだと理解します。 ですから、同じ文で 'cold items and hot items'(冷たい物と温かい物)と言う必要はありません。
Miranda DMM英語講師
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