世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/07/01 00:04
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  • The number of people remaining single is on the rise.

  • The number of people not getting married is going up.

例文1「独身でいる人の数は増えている。」 the number of 「〜の数」 remain single 「独身のままでいる」 on the rise 「上昇して」 例文2「結婚をしない人の数は増えている。」 get married 「結婚する」 go up 「増す・上昇する」 「増える」は increase を使うこともできます。 The number of people remaining single is increasing. ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • More people are choosing not to marry.

More people are choosing not to marry. →結婚しない人が増えている 「choose to do」は「~することに決める」という意味です。 「marry」は「結婚する」ですね。 「more」はここでは「many(形容詞)」の比較級です。 文全体で「結婚しない人が増えている」という意味になります。 訳し方は文脈などによって変わりますので、一例とお考えください。 ありがとうございました
  • In the last couple of decades, people have not been getting married as much as before.

This is a way to state in American English that throughout the last ten, twenty, or even thirty years, that people are not choosing to get married as much as people previously did. This is a comparative statement that allows you to have an opinion about the rate of marriage throughout the years. I hope this helps :)
ここ10年、20年、30年の間で、結婚しない人が増えたことをアメリカ英語で表しています。過去と現在を比較する言い方で、この間の結婚率について考える材料になります。 お役に立てば幸いです
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Today, many are choosing to remain unmarried.

  • Lately, more and more people prefer unmarried relationships.

"Today" can be used to refer to the present period of time. For example: "today's society." "Lately" is used to refer to events in the recent past or situations that started a short time ago. "Prefer" means tend to choose.
"Today" は「現代」を指して使われることがあります。 例えば: "Today's society."(今日の社会) "Lately" は、最近の出来事あるいは少し前に始まった状況について使われます。 "Prefer" は「~を選ぶ」という意味です。
Jae C DMM英会話講師
  • The option of marriage is becoming less and less popular

  • Marriage is a dying institution

It is an old phrase, but the actress Cameron Diaz recently stated that marriage was a dying institution. It seems the option of marriage is less in vogue than previously in our history. And of course, of those that do marry, the majority of those marriages are, unfortunately doomed to fail.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • In recent years more people have decided not to get married

  • Recently more people have chose not to get married

  • Recently the amount of people staying single has increased/risen

If something goes up then this is called to 'rise' or to 'increase' When talking about something that has happened not that long ago we use the term 'recent/recently' when talking about this in years we say 'in recent years' If you make your mind up about something you say you have 'chose' or 'decided'
何かが増えることは、'To rise' や 'To increase' で表せます。 'recent/recently' は「最近」という意味です。'in recent years' とすると「ここ数年」という意味になります。 何かを決断することは、'chose' や 'decided' で表せます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • These days, more and more couples are choosing not to get married.

  • Remaining single is an increasing trend.

"These days, more and more couples are choosing not to get married." - This is an alternative way to say this same expression especially if you are referring to people in a relationship but are still not getting married. "Remaining single is an increasing trend." - This example explains that more individuals are staying single according to recent statistics.
"These days, more and more couples are choosing not to get married."(最近は、結婚をしない人が増えている) - これはこの表現の別の言い方です。特に結婚していないカップルについて言っています。 "Remaining single is an increasing trend."(最近は、結婚をしない人が増えている) - これは「最近の統計によれば結婚しない人が増えている」という意味です。
Bryn DMM英語講師
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