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旅行にいった後に感想をよく聞かれます。 そのとき「すごく楽しかった!また行きたい」と言いたいです。
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2018/07/02 21:07
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  • I want to go again.

  • I want to visit again.

"I want to go again."は「また行きたい」の直接の翻訳です。 あと、どこか旅行に行ったとき、そのところにまた行きたいといいたいときは、"I want to visit again."も使えます。"visit"は「訪ねる」という意味を持っています。 参考になれば幸いです。
  • I want to go again!

  • That was a great trip! I can't wait to go again!

  • I hope I can go again soon!

There are so many great places to visit and travel to. But sometimes we find the perfect spot and we would like to visit that place again. If we want to talk about how much we enjoyed that place and how we want to go again, there are a few expressions we could use: 1) I want to go again! 2) That was a great trip! I can't wait to go again! 3) I hope to go again soon!
旅行したり訪れたりするのに、すばらしい場所は沢山ありますね。 でも、たまに完璧な場所やまた行きたくなるような場所もあります。 その場所をどんなに楽しめたか、どんなにそこへまた行きたいかを言い表す表現がいくつかあります。 【例】 1) I want to go again! (また行きたい!) 2) That was a great trip! I can't wait to go again! (素晴らしい旅でした!また行くのが待ちきれません) 3) I hope to go again soon! (またすぐに行きたいです!)
Daniel Su DMM英会話講師
  • I'd love to repeat this holiday!

  • We should do this again!

If you are with a special person, you can use 'we' to express your desire to repeat the holiday. 'I'd love...'+ to + Verb is a great way to show that you really want something.
もしあなたが、特別な誰かと一緒だったら「we(私たち)」を使って、 楽しかった休暇を、もう一度過ごしたい気持ちを言い表すことが出来ます。 「I'd love... + to + 動詞」は、何かを本当にしたい気持ちを表す時に使えます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'd love to go there again

  • I want to go (to New York) again.

  • I'd like to visit (New York) again. I really enjoyed my vacation there.

When you want to explain that you liked a vacation destination so much that you want to go again at some point, then you can say: -I'd love to go there again -I want to go (to New York) again. -I'd like to visit (New York) again. I really enjoyed my vacation there.
あなたが休暇で行った先をとても気に入って、また行きたいという時、以下のように言えるでしょう: -I'd love to go there again. (是非もう一度そこに行きたいです。) -I want to go (to New York) again. (是非もう一度(ニューヨークに)行きたいです。) -I'd like to visit (New York) again. I really enjoyed my vacation there. (是非もう一度そこに行きたいです。私はそこでの休暇を本当に楽しみました。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I want to go again.

  • I want to visit again.

If you want to say that you want to go to the same holiday destination again, you can say: "I want to go again." "I want to visit again."
「(同じ旅行先に)また行きたい」は、次のように言えます。 "I want to go again." "I want to visit again." (また行きたい)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • I am definitely doing this again.

  • That was awesome. I must do it again.

-I am definitely doing this again. This sentence indicates that you are really going to do it again because you have enjoyed it so much. -That was awesome. I must do it again. This is saying that it was amazing and that you need to do it again.
【例】 -I am definitely doing this again. (間違いなく、またやりたい) この表現は、とっても楽しんだので本当にまたやりたいという気持ちを表しています。 -That was awesome. I must do it again. (最高!またやらなきゃ) これは、とても素晴らしかったのでもう一度やらなきゃいけないという事を言い表しています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I enjoyed my vacation in England and would love to visit there again.

  • I'd like to spend more time there next time.

  • My time there was wonderful I'd love to travel there again in the future.

To convey that you'd like to spend more time in a particular place you may say the following; I enjoyed my vacation in England and would love to visit there again. (England is just an example. You may refer to many other places ) I'd like to spend more time there next time. My time there was wonderful I'd love to travel there again in the future. (You may also choose to be more specific and say what you loved about the specific place.)
ある場所で更に時間を過ごしたいことを伝えるとき、以下のように言えるでしょう; I enjoyed my vacation in England and would love to visit there again. (イギリスでの休暇はとても楽しかったので、また是非訪ねたいです。) イギリスは単なる例です。他の場所を言うこともできます。 I'd like to spend more time there next time. (次回はそこでもっと長めにいたいです。) My time there was wonderful I'd love to travel there again in the future. (私はそこで素晴らしい時間を過ごしました。将来また是非訪れたいです。) もっと具体的に言うこともできるので、あなたが気に入った具体的な場所についても言うこともできます。
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to go back there again

  • I want/would like to go again

  • I want/would like to visit again

If you want to do something you could also say you would like to. 'To go back', 'to go' mean the same thing. You could also say 'visit' 'again' tells the person you have already been somewhere.
「I want to(~がしたい)」は「I would like to(~がしたい)」とも言えます。 「to go back」「to go」は同じ意味です。「visit」とも言えます。 「again」は、そこに前に行ったことがあることを表します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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