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2018/07/04 23:07
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  • It is quite possible to get addicted to gambling, so I don't like it.

  • People are likely to get addicted to gambling, so I don't approve of it.

Kenshinさん ご質問どうもありがとうございます。 様々な表現があると思いますが、いくつか自然な表現を紹介します。 1. It is quite possible to get addicted to gambling, so I don't like it. 賭け事は中毒になりかねないから嫌いです。 2. People are likely to get addicted to gambling, so I don't approve of it. 賭け事は中毒になりかねないから嫌いです。 P.S. approve of something = 何かが「よいこと」であるというふうに思われる get addicted to something は、一番自然な言い方なのではないか、と思います。 お好みに合わせて使い分けてみてください。 ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
  • I don't like gambling because it is easy to get addicted.

  • Gambling is an addicting game. I prefer not to play it.

Gambling is a very popular game in many countries. However, many times when you start gambling, it can be hard to quit. If you feel some pressure to play it, you could use these expressions: 1) "I don't like gambling because it is easy to get addicted." 2) "Gambling is an addicting game. I prefer not to play it."
賭け事は多くの国で人気があります。 ですが、賭け事を始めると多くの場合、やめるのが大変です。 賭け事をする事がプレッシャーになるなら、次の表現を使って言い表すことが出来ます。 【例】 1) "I don't like gambling because it is easy to get addicted." (中毒になりやすいので賭け事は好きではありません) 2) "Gambling is an addicting game. I prefer not to play it." (賭け事は病みつきになるゲームです、やりたくありません)
Daniel Su DMM英会話講師
  • I don't like gambling because it's addictive.

  • I don't gamble because it can be addicted to it.

  • I do not like to gamble because it's easy to get addicted.

When you want to explain to someone that you don't like the idea of gambling because you might get addicted, then you can say it in the following ways: -I don't like gambling because it's addictive. -I don't gamble because it can be addicted to it -I do not like to gamble because it's easy to get addicted
あなたが誰かに、中毒になるかもしれないのでギャンブルは嫌いだということを説明したければ、以下のように言うことができます: I don't like gambling because it's addictive. I don't gamble because it can be addicted to it. I do not like to gamble because it's easy to get addicted. (中毒になりやすいのでギャンブルは嫌いです。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Gambling is an addictive game and so i steer well clear of it

You may express you distaste for gambling by firstly stating that it is addictive in nature and then by declaring that you will not become involved with the game. To steer well clear of something = to avoid becoming involved in something
まず最初に、それは中毒になりやすいという事を言う事によって、賭け事が好きではない、賭け事はやらないという事を言い表すことが出来ます。 To steer well clear of something = 何かにかかわる事を避ける
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I don't feel comfortable gambling because it is very easy to get addicted.

  • I don't like to gamble because you can get addicted very easily.

Both of these are feeling based statements so that way your listener understands that while you may not like gambling that you are not judging them for doing so. It also explains very clearly why you are uncomfortable with gambling and that you do not wish to try.
どちらの例も、感情を元にした表現なので、あなたがギャンブルが好きではないからといって、ギャンブルをしている人を批判しているわけではないことを相手はわかってくれます。 また、ギャンブルがなぜ不快であるか、やりたくないかをとてもはっきりと説明しています。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • I do not gamble as I don't want to become addicted.

  • I don't like gambling as it is easy to get addicted to it.

  • I am afraid of getting addicted to it.

I do not gamble as I don't want to become addicted. I do not like gambling. It is dangerous and addictive. I do not like gambling as it is like a drug. It is widely known that gambling is very addictive. Saying that you do not like gambling as it is addictive makes perfect sense. To say something is ''like a drug'' implies that it is addictive. Addicted means to be completely dependent on something. You cannot live without it.
I do not gamble as I don't want to become addicted. (依存症になりたくないので、ギャンブルはしません) I do not like gambling. It is dangerous and addictive. (ギャンブルは好きではありません。危険ですし、中毒性があります) I do not like gambling as it is like a drug. (麻薬的な所があるので、ギャンブルは好きではありません) ギャンブルに中毒性があることはよく知られているので: I do not like gambling as it is addictive. (中毒性があるので、ギャンブルが好きではない) ↑と言えば、しっかり意味が伝わります。 「like a drug」は、中毒性があることを表します。 「addicted」は、何かに完全に依存することを表します。それなしでは生きられない、ということです。
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • I avoid gambling as it can be addictive.

  • I don't want to get addicted to gambling, so I avoid going to casinos and betting shops.

  • I don't gamble as I am afraid I might become addicted.

As you can see from the example sentences there are various ways of say that you do not like gambling and that you view it as dangerous and addictive. The first example is the shortest way, the second example is a bit more detailed. In the third example above you could use 'worried' or 'concerned' in place of 'afraid'.
例文の通り、「ギャンブルは依存性があり危険だから、好きでない」はいろいろな言い方ができます。 一つ目の例は最も短い言い方です。 二つ目の例はそれよりも少し具体的です。 三つ目の例では 'afraid' の代わりに 'worried' や 'concerned' を使うこともできます。
Mirek DMM英会話講師
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