My heart! You scared me! - We would use this if someone, for example, jumped out from behind the sofa and shouted ''boo''. It could make you just or even scream. This is called getting a ''fright''.
The word ''surprise'' is usually used in a positive way. Foe example if your friends all arranged a secret party for your birthday. You did not know about it and they you were surprised but it would make you feel very happy. This is called a ''surprise party''.
My heart! You scared me!
-これは、例えば誰かがソファーの後ろから飛び出してきて「boo(ばあ!)」と叫んだ時に使います。叫んでしまうこともあると思います。これは「get a fright(ビックリする)」と言います。
「surprise([驚く](」は普通いい意味で使われています。例えば、友達があなたに内緒で誕生会を開く場合。全く知らなかったあなたは"surprised"(驚き)ますが、とっても嬉しい気分になります。 これを「surprise party''(サプライズパーティー)」と言います。
Well, there are two types of startling - scary and unexpected. The first example sentence is an informal exclamation when you are frightened by something happening. Perhaps a man with a clown face knocks on your door, for example. If you are made to 'jump' it means that you are suddenly surprised by something. Perhaps you find your grandmother unexpectedly sitting in your front room. Or perhaps your child bursts a balloon
If someone startled you but didn't scare you then you can use the first sentence to describe how you felt. Also, if someone tries to scare you, you can use the second sentence to explain your reaction.
I hope this helps :)
We get surprised because something unexpected happens to us or we hear something that is shocking and unexpected.
Examples: "We threw her a surprise birthday party".
"I was so surprised to hear you got married so soon".
人は、予期せぬ(unexpected )ことが起きたり、ショッキングな(shocking)ことを聞いたときに驚き(surprised)ます。
"We threw her a surprise birthday party".
"I was so surprised to hear you got married so soon".
"You frightened the life out of me!" is a common expression in English speaking countries to express surprise or shock. It also really emphasizes how startled you were. It is a good one to use in situations such as this.
You can also say you are shocked or caught by surprise in day to day interactions like this.
"You frightened the life out of me!"
- 英語圏の国でよく使われる表現で、驚きやショックを表します。また、これは驚いたことを強調します。このような状況で使うのにとてもいい表現です。
また「shocked(ショックを受けて)」や「caught by surprise(不意打ちを食らう)」も、日常会話で使えます。
If someone surprises you, then you could use the terms 'you scared me!' or 'you frightened me!
A simple way of saying this is 'you gave me a fright!' meaning you didn't expect it to happen so you got a surprise (fright)
誰かに驚かされたとき、「びっくりさせないで!」という意味の”You scared me!"または”You frightened me!"という表現が使えます。
”You gave me a fright!"(びっくりさせないで!)とシンプルに言うことも出来ます。Frightは「恐怖」という意味ですが、予期せぬハプニングに驚いたときにも使えます。
- You REALLY scared me there, you know^^
- That REALLY scared me, you know^^
- That was REALLY scary!
- You scared the living hell out of me!^^
- You nearly scared me to death (here)!^^
--- to scare the living hell out of someone = 誰かを死ぬほど怖がらせる(カジュアルな言い方です!)
--- to scare someone to death = 誰かを死ぬほど怖がらせる (カジュアルな言い方です!)
人から驚かされた時とかに、「びっくりした」が英語で「You shocked me!」か「You scared me!」と言います.
その物音にびっくりした ー The noise scared me.
彼を見てびっくりした ー I was shocked to see him.
To scare means cause great fear or nervousness in something. Frightened has a close meaning. In such a situation I usually use the first one, it's a more typical thing to say.
You can use any of these sentences to indicate that someone scared you.
1. You scared me!
2. What a surprise!
3. On my goodness! you almost made me faint.
Sometimes people scare or frighten use by accident or on purpose, like a surprise birthday party. Sometimes it fun to be surprised but sometimes its scary.
Hope this helps!
1. You scared me!(ビックリした)
2. What a surprise!(ビックリした)
3. Oh my goodness! you almost made me faint.(何!気絶するかと思ったよ)
You scared me!
Oi! You surprised me me!
You scared the life out of me
You scared me
You scared the heck out of me
The news shocked me
The news surprised me