世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




英会話のレッスンで、お世辞なのか「あなたの発音はとてもいい。問題ない。」と言われ、注意されないうえ、自分はそう思えないため、I want to get rid of my Japanese accent.(日本人的な癖をなくしたい)と言ったうえで、『なるべくなら、アメリカ人やイギリス人の話すような英語の発音に近づけたいので、その方向で注意してほしい』と伝えたいです。
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2018/07/14 18:56
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  • I want to lose my Japanese accent

  • I want to sound like an American or a Brit

  • I want to sound like a native speaker

If you "lose your accent", it means you now speak with a different accent. When you first started speaking English, you may have had a heavy Japanese accent. With time, your Japanese accent may become faint. Formally, losing your accent is called "accent reduction"
"lose your accent"アクセントを失くすとは、今あなたは別のアクセントで話しているという意味です。初めて英語を話し始めたときは強い日本語アクセントがあったけれど、時がたつうちに、あなたの日本語アクセントが消えてくるということです。 正式には、アクセントを失くすことを、 "accent reduction"と言います。
Erin J DMM英会話講師
  • Teacher my goal is to have a British or American accent, please advise me on how I can achieve this.

  • Dear teacher, please give me advice on how to make my pronunciation sound more like the US or UK.

  • Dear Teacher, please advise me on how to sound less Japanese and more American or British.

In order to inform one's teacher that you would like to sound more American or British you may ask in the following way; DearTeacher My Goal Is To Have A British Or American Accent, Please Advise Me On How I Can Achieve That. Dear Teacher, Please Give Me Advice On How To Make My Pronunciation Sound Like The US Or UK. Make Your Goals Clear And Ask For Advice on how you can achieve it.
アメリカ人やイギリス人のように聞こえるように先生に伝えたいときのフレーズです。  DearTeacher My Goal Is To Have A British Or American Accent, Please Advise Me On How I Can Achieve That. 先生、私の目標はイギリスやアメリカのアクセントにすることです。どうしたらいいかアドバイスをください。 Dear Teacher, Please Give Me Advice On How To Make My Pronunciation Sound Like The US Or UK. 先生、私の発音がどうやったらアメリカやイギリス英語に聞こえるようになるのかアドバイスをください。 目標を明確に、どのようにそれを達成できるか聞いてみましょう。
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • I want to sound like a UK or US speaker

  • I want my speech to be closer to that of a native Brit or American

Well, it is a gallant ambition, although most teachers would probably stress to you that clarity should be the main goal rather than simply trying to emulate an accent.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I want to make my pronunciation sound more like English speakers, as people from the USA or the UK

  • I want to improve my pronunciation to a point where it sounds more like native English speakers in the UK or the USA

When you want to explain to your teacher that you want to work on your pronunciation to a point where it's as closest as possible to native English speakers in the UK or the USA; you may says this in the following ways: -I want to make my pronunciation sound more like English speakers, as people from the USA or the UK -I want to improve my pronunciation to a point where it sounds more like native English speakers in the UK or the USA
「発音をイギリスやアメリカのネイティブスピーカーに近づけたい」は次のように言えます。 -I want to make my pronunciation sound more like English speakers, as people from the USA or the UK (発音をイギリスやアメリカのネイティブスピーカーに近づけたい) -I want to improve my pronunciation to a point where it sounds more like native English speakers in the UK or the USA (発音をイギリスやアメリカのネイティブスピーカーに近づけたい)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I want to sound like a native English speaker from the USA or UK

  • I want my pronunciation to be closer to a native English speaker from the USA or UK

Pronunciation is the way we say words or the sound words make when spoken so as well as saying 'pronunciation we can also say we want to 'sound' like A native English speaker is a person who speaks the language of the country they were born from birth
Pronunciation' は単語の言い方あるいは音をいいます。 'Pronunciation' に加えて、'I want to sound like'(~のように話したい)という言い方もできます。 'Native English speaker' は生まれた時から英語を話している人をいいます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • "I'd like to speak with an American or English accent."

  • "I'd like my pronunciation to be similar to that of an American or British native speaker."

  • "I'd like to work on my pronunciation. I'd prefer to speak like a native English speaker."

"I'd like to speak with an American or English accent" tells your teacher what your request and required result is. "I'd like my pronunciation to be similar to that of an American or British native speaker" gives your teacher a clear goal to work on. "I'd like to work on my pronunciation. I'd prefer to speak like a native English speaker" is another way to tell the teacher what you'd like to work on during the lesson and again gives them a clear idea of what your desired result is.
"I'd like to speak with an American or English accent" (アメリカアクセントかイギリスアクセントで話したいです。) これは、先生に何をしたいかを伝えるフレーズです。   "I'd like my pronunciation to be similar to that of an American or British native speaker" (アメリカかイギリスのネイティブスピーカーのような発音をしたいです。) これは、先生に目標をはっきり伝えるフレーズです。   "I'd like to work on my pronunciation. I'd prefer to speak like a native English speaker" (発音をがんばりたいです。ネイティブスピーカーのように話したいです。) これは、先生にレッスン中に発音を強化したいことを伝える別のフレーズです。
Rada DMM英会話講師
  • "I want to make my pronunciation closer to that of a native English speaker, for example from the USA or UK"

  • "I would like to speak English in a native way, rather than a Japanese way"

  • "I would like to sound like a UK or US speaker rather than Japanese"

If you wanted to explain that you want to get rid of your Japanese accent and speak like a native English speaker, you can say any of the following: "I want to make my pronunciation closer to that of a native English speaker, for example from the USA or UK", "I would like to speak English in a native way, rather than a Japanese way" or "I would like to sound like a UK or US speaker rather than Japanese".
日本語のアクセントを失くして、英語のネイティブスピーカーのように話したいことを伝えるときのフレーズです。 "I want to make my pronunciation closer to that of a native English speaker, for example from the USA or UK" (例えば、アメリカやイギリスのネイティブスピーカーの発音に近づけたいです。)  "I would like to speak English in a native way, rather than a Japanese way" (日本語ぽくではなく、ネイティブのように英語を話したいです。)  "I would like to sound like a UK or US speaker rather than Japanese" (日本人の英語というよりも、イギリスやアメリカ人のように聞こえるようになりたい。)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • How can I lose my Japanese accent?

  • My goal is to talk like a native English speaker.

1. How can I lose my Japanese accent? 2. My goal is to talk like a native English speaker. Both requests (something that you ask) are quite clear : 1. You want to get rid of your Japanese accent when speaking English - your teacher will provide you with the necessary tips to help you along. 2. A goal is an aim or a objective. Tell your teacher that your ultimate (eventual or end) goal besides improving your English speaking skills, is to speak like a native. Remember that this is going to take a lot of sacrifice on your part which includes taking lessons every single day as well as watching English movies in order to copy the pronunciation of native speakers. There are a few countries where English is the predominant (main or chief) language so you have to decide which accent you'd prefer to copy.
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • I want to have an American accent or a British accent.

You could ask your teacher I want to sound like someone from America or Britain. Could you help me change the sound of my accent please? Here is an example: I like the way American's sound, could you help my pronunciation so I sound more like an American?
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Ideally, I want to sound more British or American rather than speaking with a Japanese accent.

  • My goal is to be able to speak fluent English with either an American or British accent.

  • Please try to help me perfect my British accent as I want to sound as native as possible.

When speaking English, there are many different accents that can master. The main ones being either the British accent or the American accent. Both can sound completely different but its down to the individual which they prefer to try and imitate. - Please try to help me perfect my British accent as I want to sound as native as possible.
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
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