世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


幼児に対して言いたいです。 寝ながら笑ってたよ。 どんな夢見てたのかなぁ? 今日も一緒に楽しいことしようね。 子どもと英語でお話を楽しんでいます。 このように一連の流れを言いたいです。 どのように表現したらいいですか?
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2018/07/23 12:41
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  • You were laughing in your sleep.

  • You were sleep-laughing.

You were laughing in your sleep. 寝ながら笑っていたよ。 子供相手なら You were sleep-laughing. の方が分かりやすいかもしれませんね! You were sleep-laughing. 寝ながら笑っていたよ。 What was so funny? 何がそんなに面白かったの? What were you dreaming about? どんな夢みてたの? Let’s do something fun and laugh like you were in your dream. 今日は楽しいことをして夢の中のように笑おうよ。
  • You were smiling in your sleep.

笑うの他の表現を書かせていただきますね。 寝ながらとの事ですので、微笑んだ程度だった場合は You were smiling in your sleep. 寝ながら微笑んでいたよ。 と言うのも良いかもしれませんね。 また、その後のフレーズにつきましては、 What were you dreaming about? 何の夢を見ていたの? Now… let’s do something fun! さぁ、何か楽しい事をしましょう! こんな風に言ってみるのも良いかもしれません。
Ishida R 日英バイリンガル
  • You were laughing while asleep.

  • You were laughing while you were sleeping.

Maisyさん ご質問どうもありがとうございます。 様々な表現があると思いますが、いくつか自然な表現を紹介します。 - You were laughing while asleep. - You were laughing while you were sleeping. --- asleep = 寝ているまま(形容詞) お好みに合わせて使い分けてみてください。 ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
  • You were laughing in your sleep last night

  • You laughed in your sleep last night

When you want to explain to someone that they were laughing in their sleep; then you may say this in the following way: -You were laughing in your sleep last night -You laughed in your sleep last night
「あなたは寝ながら笑っていました」は次のように言えます。 -You were laughing in your sleep last night(昨日の夜、寝ながら笑っていたよ) -You laughed in your sleep last night(昨日の夜、寝ながら笑っていたよ)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • You were laughing in your sleep

  • You were laughing while asleep

  • You were smiling in your sleep

If you are sleeping then you are also said to be 'asleep' when talking to a child it is good to keep things simple so you could use the words 'laughing' or 'smiling' you could follow it up by saying 'did you have a nice dream?' or 'what were you dreaming of/about?'
「眠っている」は、'asleep' で表せます。 子どもに話すときは、シンプルに言った方がいいです。ですから、'laughing' または 'smiling' が使えます。 次のように続けることもできます。 'did you have a nice dream?'(何か良い夢を見たの) 'what were you dreaming of/about?'(何の夢を見ていたの)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • You were laughing in your sleep

  • You were smiling in your sleep

  • I saw you laughing while you were sleeping

To a baby/child. He/she was smiling/laughing while asleep. You wish to tell them about it. You select one of the above suggestions.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • You were laughing in your sleep

  • You had a funny dream

  • You were sleep laughing

You can say that the person was sleep laughing which means they were laughing in their sleep. You can try to ask the child what was so funny in their dream that made them laugh, and maybe recreate the dream to make the child laugh again
 sleep laughingは、寝ながら笑っているという意味です。子供に夢の中で何かそんなにおもしろかったのかを聞いてみるといいでしょう。夢をもう一度作って子供を笑わせることもできるかもしれませんね。
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