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2018/07/23 22:28
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  • You can tell which company they work for by the logo on the back of their shirt.

To be able to "tell" in this sentence means to be able to understand or ascertain some sort of information.

I hope that this helps :)



Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • You can tell which company they work for by the logo on the back of their uniform.

  • The logo for the company is printed on the back of their uniform so you know where they work.

Sometimes certain companies will have special uniforms that each employee or member will use to show they work for the company.

If we want to talk about this, we can say something like:

1) You can tell which company they work for by the logo on the back of their uniform.
2) The logo for the company is printed on the back of their uniform so you know where they work.



1) You can tell which company they work for by the logo on the back of their uniform.

2) The logo for the company is printed on the back of their uniform so you know where they work.

Daniel Su DMM英会話講師
  • The company logo on the back of the uniform makes it easy to tell where they work.

  • If you can see the back of their uniforms, you know exactly where they work.

  • When you can see the back of their uniforms, you know exactly where they work.

Here, "easy to tell" means "easy to know". If you say "easy to know", it is still correct, but I think a lot of native speakers would say "easy to tell"

The second and third sentences are examples of the "zero conditional", which is a structure that can be used for things that are true all the time. In this case, "if" can be used instead of "when", but be careful -- in other situations, "when" might not be correct.

ここでは「easy to tell」は「easy to know(分かりやすい)」という意味です。「easy to know」と言っても正しいですが、多くのネイティブスピーカーは「easy to tell」と言うでしょう。

二番目と三番目の例文は、「zero conditonal(普遍的真実を述べる仮定法)」の例です。この場合、whenの代わりにifも使えますが、他の状況ではwhenが正しくない場合もあるので注意してください。

David McA DMM英会話講師
  • The company's logo is stamped on the back of every employee's uniform

The example sentence is sufficient in stating that you may easily recognise an employee of the said company by the logo stamp on their uniform.


Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The company's logo is printed on the back of their shirts so you know which company they work for.

The company's logo is printed on the back of their shirts so you know which company they work for.
The company's logo is the symbol that represents the company. You can change the word shirts to uniforms/ boilersuit (one piece uniform). 'So you know...' means the reason why you know which company they work for.


”Shirts"(シャツ)を”Uniforms"(制服)または”Boiler suit"(イギリスでオーバーオールのこと)と置き換えても良いでしょう。

”So you know.."は「○○だから、○○であることが分かる」を表すフレーズです。「ロゴ入りシャツを着ているから、どこの会社の社員かがわかる。」

Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • The company logo is printed on the back of the uniform and you can quickly identify which company the person works for

  • The company logo is on the back of the uniform, which helps one tell right away which company the person works for

When you want to explain that the company logo is located at the back of the work uniform and enables people to tell right away which company a person works for; then you may explain this in the following ways:
-The company logo is printed on the back of the uniform and you can quickly identify which company the person works for
-The company logo is on the back of the uniform, which helps one tell right away which company the person works for


-The company logo is printed on the back of the uniform and you can quickly identify which company the person works for

-The company logo is on the back of the uniform, which helps one tell right away which company the person works for

Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • You can tell which company it is by the logo on the back of the uniform

  • The company's logo is printed on the back of the uniform

Sometimes you mgiht be unsure of what company someone works for so alot of companies will put the name or logo onto the unform for everyone to see
Both of thesesentences would explain this



Mia St DMM英会話講師
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