世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/07/23 23:05
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  • You shouldn't care what other people think.

  • Do what makes you happy not what others expect of you.

Both of these answers are good ways of saying that you cannot do anything if you care care what other people think. It is so important to do what makes you happy and when others 'expect' something of you it means that those people may want you to be a certain way. This may not be who you really are or may just not make you happy and so being yourself and making our own choices is so important.
どちらも、他人がどう思うか気にしてたら何もできないと伝える言い方です。 あなたが幸せになることをするのが非常に重要です。他人があなたに何か期待してるとき、それはその人たちがあなたをある方向に誘導したいのかもしれません。これは、本当の自分ではない、またはあなたを幸せにしない可能性があります。従って、自分自身でいること、自分で決めることが非常に重要です。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • If you worry about what others think you'll never do anything.

You can say care about or worry about, either one of them are fine in this sentence. I hope that this helps :)
care about、またはworry aboutと言うことができます。この文中ではどちらでもokです。 これが、役立つことを願います。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Just do it and don't worry about what others think

  • .If you are too self conscious you'll never do anything!

Worrying about how others see you may be a debilitating characteristic for some people. They may be overly shy or obsessed with the possibility of failing to create a positive impression.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • You wouldn't do anything if you cared too much what others think

  • You'd end up doing nothing if you took people's opinions too seriously

When you want to explain to someone that they would not do anything if they always care about what others think; then you can say it in the following ways: -You wouldn't do anything if you cared too much what others think -You'd end up doing nothing if you took people's opinions too seriously
「人目を気にしていたら何もできない」は、次のように言えます。 -You wouldn't do anything if you cared too much what others think(人目を気にしていたら何もできない) -You'd end up doing nothing if you took people's opinions too seriously(人の目を気にしすぎると何もできなくなってしまう)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • It shouldn't matter what other people think

  • You will never do anything if you care what others think

Sometimes we worry too much about others and what they think about us, if you want to do something it should not matter what others think if it makes you happy just do it you can simply say 'it shouldn't matter what other people think'
私たちは人の目を気にしすぎてしまうことがありますね。何かやりたいことがあるなら、人がそれをどう思うかは関係ありません。それをして幸せになれるのなら、するべきです。シンプルに次のように言えます。 'it shouldn't matter what other people think' (人が何を思おうが関係ない)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • "You can't do anything if you care what others think"

  • "Don't worry about what other's think, you should always do what will make you happy"

  • "If you are too self conscious about other's opinions you'll never do anything"

If someone is hesitant about doing something due to the opinions of others and you want to tell them not to worry, you could say any of the following: "You can't do anything if you care what others think", "Don't worry about what other's think, you should always do what will make you happy" or "If you are too self conscious about other's opinions you'll never do anything".
他の人の意見が気になって、何かをすることをためらっている人に、心配しなくていいことを伝えるには以下のように言うといいでしょう。 "You can't do anything if you care what others think" (他の人どう思うかを考えてたら何もできないよ。) "Don't worry about what other's think, you should always do what will make you happy" (他の人の思っていることを気にしないで。自分がうれしくなることをするべきだよ。)   "If you are too self conscious about other's opinions you'll never do anything" (他の人の意見を気にしすぎたら、何もできないよ。)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • If you care about what others think, you will not be happy.

  • You will not enjoy yourself as much if you care what others think.

  • You will have more fun if you do not care what other people think.

These are all very common phrases, and easily understood. "Enjoy yourself" and "have fun" have the same meaning.
これらのフレーズは全てとてもよく使われ、すぐに理解してくれるでしょう。"Enjoy yourself" や "have fun" は、楽しむという意味のフレーズです。
Sarah Hu DMM英会話講師
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