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飲食店でアルバイトをしているのですが、団体のお客様が来た時まとまった席が用意出来ない場合に Separately OK? と聞いているのですが正しい言い方はあるのでしょうか?
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2018/07/24 18:48
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  • Are you okay with sitting at different tables?

"To be okay with" means that you accept a specific condition. You want to use "are you" because you are looking for a yes or no answer from your customers. I hope that this helps :)
to be okay withは、ある特定の状況を受け入れるという意味です。客から、イエス、またはノーの答えを求めてるのでare youを使います。 これが、役立つことを願います。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Are you OK to sit seperately?

  • Would it be OK to sit you at different tables?

  • Do you mind if we split up your group for seating

If you are asking someones opinions and whether something is alright to do then you would say 'Are you OK?', 'would it be OK?' or 'do you mind?' to explain that the group cannot be seated together then you could say 'sit seperately', to 'sit at different tables' or to 'split up' the group
何かをしてもいいかどうか相手の気持ちを尋ねるときには、 'are you OK?'(問題ありませんか) や、 'would it be OK?'(問題ありませんか) 'do you mind?'(問題ありませんか) が使えます。 一緒に座れないことを説明するときには、 'sit seperately'(分かれて座る) 'sit at different tables'(違うテーブルに座る) 'split up'(分ける) が使えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Would you mind sitting on separate tables?

  • We cannot accommodate your large group on one table, may we put you on separate table?

"Would you mind" means that you are asking the customer if they care or mind about sitting on separate tables, and at the same time it implies there is no other option available. The second answer expands on this and tells the customer exactly why they will have to sit on separate tables.
Would you mindを使って、別々のテーブルに座ることについて、問題ないかどうか客に尋ねています。これはまた、他に選択肢がないというニュアンスになります。 二番目の例文は、より詳しく、何故別々のテーブルに座らなければならないのかを伝えています。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • Will it be okay if I split your group?

  • Can I seat you at different tables?

  • Can I split you in two groups as there is no space for the whole group at one table.

This is a way of asking if you can separate a large group of people who come in together because you do not have table sizes for that number of people.
Nicole Le DMM英会話講師
  • Is it alright if you just use the tables as they are now arranged?

  • Sorry, but as we can't rearrange the seating now, could you please just use the available tables as they are?

It is easy to imagine that for a large group of people to sit together it would require considerable rearrangement of the seating plan - and if there are other customers present, it would not be feasible. The above example sentences offer ways of explaining this.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Is it fine if you sit at separate tables?

  • Do you mind sitting at separate tables?

  • I am sorry, we can't merge tables so that you can sit at the same place, you will have to sit separately unfortunately. Would you be okay with that?

It is common to see customers come to restaurants in groups. It may be a large family, work colleagues, or members of a sports team. Usually, such groups prefer sitting together to sitting separately because they would like to talk to each other. However, it is usually not possible to change sitting arrangements without prior notice. It is advisable for such groups to book tables in advance. So, if you are visited by a large group of customers without prior booking and they expect to sit together, you may ask them as follows: Is it fine if you sit at separate tables? or Do you mind sitting at separate tables? or I am sorry, we can't merge tables so that you can sit at the same place, you will have to sit separately unfortunately. Would you be okay with that?
レストランには団体の客が来ることがよくありますね。これは大家族かもしれませんし、職場の同僚、あるいは、スポーツチームのメンバーということもあるでしょう。 そのような団体客は一緒に話をしたいと思っていますから、普通別々には座りたがりません。 ただ、突然座席の配置を変えることは普通はできません。ですから、団体でお店を訪れる際は事前に予約をしておくのが良いでしょう。 もし大勢の団体客が事前の予約なしにお店にやって来て、一緒に座るつもりでいたら、次のように尋ねることができます。 Is it fine if you sit at separate tables? (別々の席に座っていただいてもよろしいですか) Do you mind sitting at separate tables? (別々の席に座っていただいてもよろしいですか) I am sorry, we can't merge tables so that you can sit at the same place, you will have to sit separately unfortunately. Would you be okay with that? (申し訳ありません、テーブルをくっつけることはできないので、別々に座っていただかなければなりませんが、よろしいですか)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Are you OK with sitting separately?

  • Is it alright if I place you in separate tables?

  • Would it be okay if we got you separate tables?

When you want to ask customers whether the would be OK to be seated separately, then you may ask in the following ways: -Are you OK with sitting separately? -Is it alright if I place you in separate tables? -Would it be okay if we got you separate tables?
団体のお客さんに分かれて座ることが可能かどうか尋ねたいなら、次のように言えます。 -Are you OK with sitting separately?(分かれて座ることは可能ですか) -Is it alright if I place you in separate tables?(別々のテーブルに座っていただいてもいいですか) -Would it be okay if we got you separate tables?(別々のテーブルに座っていただいてもいいですか)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Is it okay if you sit separately?

  • Is it okay to sit at different tables?

"Is it okay if you sit separately?" 'Is it okay?' is a term used to ask politely whether something is possible. 'Separate' is an expression used to describe splitting something up into groups or by yourself. "Is it okay to sit at different tables?" This is a bit more blunt and easy/casual sentence.
"Is it okay if you sit separately?"(分かれて座るのは可能ですか) 'Is it okay?' は、何かが可能であるかどうかを尋ねる丁寧な言い方です。 'Separate' は、何かをグループかあるいは個人に分けることを表します。 "Is it okay to sit at different tables?"(別々のテーブルに座ることは可能ですか) は、簡単/カジュアルで、少しぶっきらぼうな言い方です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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