世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/07/28 11:40
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  • There's a high chance of a Typhoon happening so please be careful!

  • The weather news all reported that a Typhoon will happen so stay safe!

  • It's Typhoon season! Please stay safe!

Typhoons are similar to cyclones and tropical storms. The closest definition is a tropical cyclone. It is very important to take the necessary precautions against them and to stay safe. These phrases can be said to friends and family as well as to people you have a casual relationship with. "Stay safe" and "be careful" can be used interchangeably. Hope this helps!
「typhoon([台風](」は「cyclone(サイクロン)」や「tropical storm(熱帯暴風雨)」に似ています。定義としては「tropical cyclone(熱帯低気圧)」が最も近いです。 必要な安全対策をして、身を守ることが重要です。上記のフレーズは、友達や家族、それほど親しくな人に言っても大丈夫です。「Stay safe([気をつけて](」と「Be careful」は同じ意味になります。 There's a high chance of a Typhoon happening so please be careful! 台風が来る[確率が高い](ので気をつけてください! The weather news all reported that a Typhoon will happen so stay safe! 台風が来るって天気予報で言っていたので気をつけてください! stay safe = 無事で、気をつけて be careful = 気をつけて
Zoulfa DMM英会話講師
  • Please stay safe during the typhoon season

  • The forecast is for a typhoon tomorrow. Just please stay in a safe place.

Stay safe' is a common expression to say to someone as you are parting, or, as in this case, when there is a predicted event such as bad weather approaching. If you are able to give any words of wisdom about a forthcoming event (such as 'stay in a safe place') then that may well be appreciated.
"Stay safe"([気を付けて](は、別れ際に送る一般的な言葉であり、悪天候が接近しているというような予測された事柄に対して使います。これから起きることに対して何か助言してあげることが出来れば(例:"Stay in a safe place"―[安全な](場所に居て)喜ばれると思います。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Stay safe. There is a typhoon warning.

  • There is a typhoon warning at the moment so take care.

  • Look after yourself, and keep an eye on the news for weather updates as there is a typhoon warning.

When we tell someone to 'take care' this is a polite way of saying 'stay safe' or 'look after yourself'. When watching the news for weather updates this is a way that someone can take care of themselves because they are being updated on the situation by the news channel and so they will know what best course of action to take if the typhoon does hit.
「take care(気をつける)」は「stay safe」「look after yourself」の丁寧な言い方です。 最新の気象情報をテレビで見ることも、「take care(気をつける)」することです。 テレビ局の出す最新の情報をチェックしている訳ですし、それによって台風が来た時にどう行動すべきかが分かります。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • Be careful of the typhoon

  • Please be attentive because there is a typhoon forecast

  • A typhoon is coming, please be careful

If you would like to warn someone about the upcoming typhoon quickly, the best way would be to say "be careful of the typhoon". It is a little abrupt and direct, but it expresses the point. If you would like to be more polite, you can say "Please take care" or "Please be attentive"or "Please use caution". These are formal ways. To express that a typhoon is coming, "the forecast has predicted a typhoon"or "there is a typhoon warning"or "a typhoon is in the forecast"
近づいている台風について簡潔に注意を促したいなら、"be careful of the typhoon"(台風に気を付けて)と言うのがベストです。この表現はやや唐突で直接的ですが、言いたいことは伝えられます。もっと丁寧に言いたいなら、例えば: "Please take care" "Please be attentive" "Please use caution" (気を付けて下さい) これらはフォーマルな言い方です。 台風が来ていることを表すなら、例えば: "the forecast has predicted a typhoon"(台風が来ると天気予報で言っている) "there is a typhoon warning"(台風警報が出ている) "a typhoon is in the forecast"(台風が来ると天気予報で言っている)
Elisabeth L DMM英会話講師
  • Please be careful because a powerful typhoon is approaching.

  • Please take care because a category 5 typhoon is coming to our shores.

If you have to warn somebody about a typhoon approaching, you have to make it very clear because it is no laughing matter. Typhoons are very destructive and deadly. This means that they can destroy structures, uproot trees and kill people in the process. Typhoons come in various categories. A category 5 typhoon is the strongest and a category 1 typhoon is the weakest. They always accumulate from the oceans or seas before hitting the shores of a particular land mass. So, you may say: Please be careful because a powerful typhoon is approaching. or Please take care because a category 5 typhoon is coming to our shores.
台風が来ていることを警告しなければいけないのであれば、重大なことなので、はっきりと言わないといけません。台風は、'destructive' で 'deadly' です。つまり、建物を破壊し、木が根こそぎ倒れ、人が死ぬこともあります。台風は様々なカテゴリーに分かれます。カテゴリー5が最強で、カテゴリー1が最弱です。台風は、上陸する前に海で勢力を増します。 例文 Please be careful because a powerful typhoon is approaching. (強力な台風が接近しているので、気を付けて下さい) Please take care because a category 5 typhoon is coming to our shores. (カテゴリー5の台風が近づいているので、気を付けて下さい)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Keep an eye on the typhoon.

  • Make sure you are alert to the typhoon.

The two sentences you see above are excellent ways to express that you want your listener to be careful because of a typhoon. In the first sentence you will see the phrase keep an eye on. This phrase means we are informed or watchful over something. This is a phrase we use in our everyday conversation and would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
上記例文は、台風に気を付けて、と呼び掛けるのに最適な表現です。 一つ目の例文に"keep an eye on"というフレーズがありますが、これは、何か対して注意深く「目を付ける」という意味です。日常会話でもよく使うフレーズなので、貴方のボキャブラリーに追加すると良いと思います。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Please be careful a typhoon is coming

  • Please take care there is a typhoon coming

  • Please keep safe a typhoon is on its way

A typhoon is a very bad storm it can also be called a cyclone or tropical storm ( tropical cyclone) so can be very dangerous if people are out and about and they get caught it in When it is typhoon season it is always nice to tell your friends or family you know to stay safe or be careful so they do not get hurt to stay safe/be careful is a common expression in the uk and means you make sure you are ready for when it will happen so you dont get hurt and look after yourself
typhoonは、大嵐のことです。cyclone(サイクロン)又はtropical storm/cyclone(熱帯性低気圧/熱帯低気圧)と呼ばれることもあります。外に出ていると、とても危険です。 台風の季節には、家族や友人に、怪我をしないように気をつけるように言うと親切です。 stay safe/be carefulは、イギリスでよく使われる表現です。怪我をしないよう気をつけるように伝えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Be careful, a typhoon is coming.

  • Please be safe. A typhoon is coming.

ご質問ありがとうございます。 Be careful, a typhoon is coming. 気をつけてください、台風が来ています。 Please be safe. A typhoon is coming. 安全にしていてください。台風が来ています。 上記のように英語で表現することができます。 coming は「来ている」というニュアンスの英語表現です。 お役に立ちましたでしょうか? 英語学習頑張ってくださいね!
  • Be careful, a typhoon is happening soon!

  • Please take care, a typhoon is on its way!

In order to warn someone of a coming typhoon, you can say the following things: "Be careful, a typhoon is happening soon!" "Please take care, a typhoon is on its way!"
「台風が来るので気を付けて」は、次のように言えます。 "Be careful, a typhoon is happening soon!"(気を付けてください、もうすぐ台風が来るから) "Please take care, a typhoon is on its way!"(気を付けてください、もうすぐ台風が来るから)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • Take care, a typhoon is coming.

  • Be careful because a typhoon is coming.

Take care, a typhoon is coming. Be careful because a typhoon is coming. 上記のように英語で表現することができます。 take care / be careful で「気をつけて」という意味になります。 お役に立てればうれしいです。
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