世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/08/02 11:51
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  • I've become accustomed to my job and am self-sufficent.

To be "accustomed" means to be used to something. "Self-sufficent" means that you can take care of something on your own. I hope that this helps! :)
"accustomed" は「(物事に)慣れている」という意味です。 "self-sufficent" は、物事を自分で処理できることを表します。 お役に立てば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • I got used to this work pretty much.

I’ve been working here for 4 years, so I got used to this work pretty much. I can do most of the things by myself. Since I’ve been working here for 4 years, I got used to it pretty much. I can handle most of the things by myself. 【訳】ここで4年働いているので、だいぶこの仕事に慣れました。ほとんどのことは1人でできます。 あえて2通りの表現で書きましたので、お好みで使ってみて下さい。 here(ここで)がないと、どの仕事であっても(途中転職したり仕事を変えていても)とにかく働いている期間が4年という意味になります。 仕事をすることに慣れたのではなく、「この」仕事に慣れたと言いたい場合は、hereやthis workなどの指定が必要です。 get used to 〜 = 〜に慣れる do 〜 by myself =1人でできる handle ~ by myself =1人でこなせる
  • I have got so used to my job I can do most things by myself

  • Work has become easier now I'm used to it

  • Work's a doddle now i know what I'm doing and used to it

If you are saying you find something easy to do and don't have to think about it much we can say 'it's a doddle' or 'you are used to it' so can do most things by yourself
何かがすごく簡単で考えなくてもできるなら、 「'it's a doddle'(とても簡単)あるいは 'I'm used to it'(慣れている)だからほとんど一人でできる」 と言えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • It's all just routine now

  • I feel fully au fait with every aspect of this work

  • This job's a doddle now I've got used to all the procedures

If a job is a doddle it means that it is easy for you. If you are au fait with something, it means that you understand or are knowledgeable, or are comfortable with it. If something is 'just routine' it means that you have done it, or experienced it many times before as part of your regular timetable.
"job is a doddle"はそれがあなたにとって簡単であることを示します。 ”you are au fait with something"はあなたがそれについて理解していたり、知識が豊富だったり、楽に感じている時に使います。 " just routine"はあなたにとって、それが通常の仕事の一つとなる前に、すでに何度も経験している時に使います。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'm accustomed to my job, I can pretty much work by myself.

  • I've found my feet at work and can do things by myself.

The two sentences you see above are great ways to express to someone that you are used to your job and you can do things by yourself. In the second sentence you will see the phrase find one's feet. This term means that a person is confident in a particular skill. This phrase is common in our everyday conversation and would be a great addition to your vocabulary.
上記二例とも、仕事に慣れて、自分で物事がこなせることを表す良い言い方です。 2つ目の文には"find one's feet"というフレーズがあります。これは、人がある特定のスキルについて自信を持っていることを表します。このフレーズは日常会話でとても一般的なので、あなたの語彙に加えておくと良いと思います。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • I have been working at my current job for four years now and I find everything pretty easy now.

  • At work I am independent because I have worked there for so long.

When you have worked at the same place for a number of years most people will find that job fairly routine. This may not necessarily mean easy. For example, a doctors job is not easy, but they will know exactly how to handle any situation after a few years, and so find the job easier than when they started.
何年も同じ所で働いていると、たいていの人はその仕事を習慣と感じるようになります。これは必ずしも簡単というわけではありません。 例えば、医者の仕事は簡単ではありません。ただ、働き始めて数年もすれば、それぞれの状況にどのように対処すればいいか分かるようになり、最初の頃より仕事を楽に感じるようになるでしょう。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • I have been working at my current job for four years and I've gotten used to it.

  • I have gotten used to my job now and can work independently

When you want to explain that you have been in your job for four years and have gotten comfortable with doing your job and can do most things on your own, then you can say: -I have been working at my current job for four years and I've gotten used to it. -I have gotten used to my job now and can work independently
今の職場で4年間働いていて、もう自分の仕事に慣れて、ほとんどのことが一人でできるようになったことを説明したいなら、次のように言えます: -I have been working at my current job for four years and I've gotten used to it. (今の仕事に就いて4年なるので、もう仕事には慣れました) -I have gotten used to my job now and can work independently. (もう仕事に慣れて、自分の力で仕事ができます)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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