世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/08/05 14:40
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  • How do I look?

  • Do these look good on me?

  • How does it look on me?

When you want someone how something looks on you while you fit clothes at the store, then you can say: -How do I look? -Do these look good on me? -How does it look on me? -Do these look nice on me?
お店で[試着](したときに、どのように見えるのか尋ねたい場合は、以下のように言えるでしょう: How do I look?(私、どう?) Do these look good on me?(これら、私に似合ってる?) How does it look on me?(私に似合ってる?) Do these look nice on me?(似合ってる?)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • How do I look?

  • Does this outfit suit me?

When at a shop to try on clothes and possibly buy them, it is important to know if those clothes look good on you or not. Usually most stores have a mirror in the dressing room, however if not it is acceptable to ask someone, either a friend or a member of staff of the store "How does it look?". When asking if something 'suits' you or not, this means that you look good in it and comfortable, as some new clothes can be uncomfortable for some people.
お店で洋服を[試着](して買うかもしれない時は、その洋服があなたに[似合う](か似合わないかはとても重要です。 通常、お店の試着室には鏡がありますが、友達やお店の店員さんに "How does it look?". (どう似合ってる?) と尋ねることは許される事です。 誰かに'suits' (合う)か合わないか尋ねるということは、似合っていて心地よいことを意味しています。 新しい服が心地のいい物ではない人もいますから。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • What do you think of this top?

  • How do I look?

  • Is this outfit okay?

What do you think of this outfit?'- This is the most common and direct way to ask someone whether the like the outfit you have tried on or not. Asking someone what they think of something means that you want their opinion on it. 'How do I look'- This is asking them if they think you look good, bad etc. The response would be 'You look amazing!' or 'I like the top but I don't like the pants/skirt.'
What do you think of this outfit?'- (この洋服どう思う?) これは、最も一般的で単刀直入に、 あなたが試着している洋服を相手が好きか嫌いか尋ねています。 誰かに"what they think of something"と質問すると、 それは相手の意見を尋ねています。 'How do I look' (どう、似合う?) - これは、あなたに似合うかどうかを相手に尋ねています。 返事は、次のようになるでしょう。 'You look amazing!' (あなた素敵よ) 'I like the top but I don't like the pants/skirt.' (そのトップはいいけど、そのズボン/スカートはあまり好きじゃないです)
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • How does it look?

  • Does this look okay?

  • What do you think of this outfit?

Whenever we go to a clothing store, there is an option to try on some of the clothes. If we have a friend or family member go with us, we can ask them how we look in the clothes. To ask about this, we can say some expressions such as: 1) How does it look? 2) Does this look okay? 3) What do you think of this outfit?
洋服屋さんに行く時と、必ず試着できますね。 友達や家族と一緒に行ったときは、その洋服か似合うかどうか尋ねることが出来ます。 これを聞くときは、次の表現を使うことが出来ます。 【例文】 1) How does it look? (どうですか?) 2) Does this look okay? (これどうですか?) 3) What do you think of this outfit? (この洋服どう思いますか?)
Daniel Su DMM英会話講師
  • What do you think?

  • How is that?

  • Shall I buy it or not?

Deciding which clothes are best for you may be a long process of elimination, and it is useful to have one or two short phrases to use which quickly ask anyone present for their opinion about how suitable the items may be for you.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Does this look good on me?

  • How do I look?

  • What do you think about this?

This is a question you ask someone who is shopping with you. You ask them these questions after you try wearing the outfit and they see what it looks like on you. You ask this to get their opinion if they like it or if they think it is pleasant on you. When you ask a true friend, he or she will tell you honestly if the clothes are unattractive on you. Some people ask will always answer, "it's very nice," or "it looks good," so that they do not hurt your feelings if you want to buy the item.
これは一緒に買い物をしている人への質問ですね。 洋服を試着した時、似合うかどうかこの質問をして、相手の意見を聞きます。 本当の友達だったら、似合わないときは正直に言ってくれるでしょう。 相手がその商品を買おうとしている時は、傷つけないようにいつも、 "It's very nice" [訳]とってもいいね "It looks good" [訳]似合っているよ と答える人もいると思います。
Jaymie Gee DMM英会話講師
  • Does this suit me?

  • Does this flatter me?

  • Does this look good on me?

The three questions you see provided above are great ways to ask your listener what they think about the clothing you are trying on. In the first question you will notice the word suit and in the second question you will notice the word flatter. Although these words have different meanings in these questions they mean something(like a piece of clothing or a piece of jewelry) looks good on you.
上記三つの例文は、試着している服が似合うかどうか相手の意見を聞きたいときに、便利な表現です。 最初の例文では"suit"、二つ目の例文では"flatter"を使っているのに気が付いたと思います。この二つの単語はいろいろな意味で使われますが、例文ではどちらも「(洋服・アクセサリーなどが)似合っている」という意味です。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Does it look good on me?

  • How does it look?

  • How do I look?

・Does it look good on me? 「これ私に似合ってる?」 ・How does it look? 「似合ってる?」 ・How do I look? 「似合ってる?」  直訳は「私はどう見えていますか?」                                   いずれも、試着後、服などが自分に似合ってるかどうかを相手に尋ねるフレーズです。 この質問の答えとして、例えば「そのドレス似合ってるよ」と言いたいときは、次のように言うことができます。 ・That dress looks good on you.「そのドレス似合ってるよ」 この例文のように、服やアクセサリーなどが、誰かに 「 似合ってる 」 と言いたい時は、物を主語にして、「物 + look good on + 人」 と言うことができます。 人を主語にする際は、下記のようになります。 ・You look good in that dress. 「そのドレス似合ってるよ」                                                                 ・You look good in blue.「青が似合うね」   ・You look great with short hair.「ショートヘアがとても似合ってるね」 参考になれば幸いです。
Yoshinari Mori ビジネス英語講師。 ビジネスコンサルタント。
  • Does this outfit flatter my figure?

  • What do you think? Can I pull this off?

1. The expression "flatter my figure" means that something has the right fit for the body type of the person wearing it. It is a way to find out if the particular style is meant to be worn by a person of one's particular body type. 2. To ask if something can be pulled off in this context implies to get away with wearing it without being perceived as uncanny. It goes along with the idea of specific styles for certain body types.
1. "flatter my figure" は「体型にぴったり合っている」という意味です。その服が自分の体型に合っているかどうかを尋ねる言い方です。 2. "Can I pull this off?" はこの場合「(この服)似合いますか」という意味です。これは「それぞれの体型に合ったスタイルがある」という考えに基づいています。
Laurel DMM英会話講師
  • Do you think it suits me?

  • Do you think I will turn heads when wearing this?

  • Is this style good for my body shape?

Wow! that black dress really suits you, it fits you like a glove. The style looks great on you. Fits like a glove - when we refer to clothing that fits you well, not loose, fitted to your body shape. You will turn heads, means you will stand out in the crowd, people will stop and look at you, because of that beautiful dress your wearing.
Wow! that black dress really suits you, it fits you like a glove. The style looks great on you. (わーっ!その黒いドレスすごく似合う。ピッタリだね。そのスタイルすごく似合うよ) Fits like a glove -〔服が〕ピッタリ合う、緩くない、体形に合っている 'Turn heads' は「目立つ」、「素敵なドレスに、すれ違った人が振り返る」という意味です。
Bev U DMM英会話講師
  • Does this item compliment me?

  • Does this ____ make my ___ look good?

  • Do I look good in this ___?

An item is any object, when talking about clothing, item can mean skirt, T-shirt, blouse, pants etc "Does this dress make my legs look good?" "Do I look good in this shirt?" "Does this necklace compliment me?"
どんなものについても言うことができますが、服装の場合、スカートやTシャツ、ズボンなどを指します。 "Does this dress make my legs look good?" (このドレスを着たら足がきれいに見える?) "Do I look good in this shirt?" (このシャツ私に似合ってる?) "Does this necklace compliment me?" (このネックレス私に似合ってる?)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Does this suit me?

  • Do I look good in this?

When trying on clothes often you may hear the expression 'does this suit me?'the verb to suit means to look right on or to enhance the features of.... You can also ask more simply, 'do I look good in this?' which you would say when you are already wearing the clothes.
服を試着して、 'does this suit me?'(これ私に似合う?)と聞くことがあるかもしれません。動詞suitは、似合う、会うという意味です。 またシンプルに、'do I look good in this?' (これ似合う?)とすでにもう着ている服に対して言うことができます。
Franji DMM英会話講師
  • How does it look?

  • Does it look good on me?

How does it look? どんな感じ? Does it look good on me? 私に似合ってる? 上記のような言い方ができます。 look(s) good on で「似合う」を英語で表現することができます。 例: The shirt looks really good on you. そのシャツ、あなたにとても似合っているよ。
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