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2018/08/05 15:33
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  • Thank you for your message

そのままですと「Thank you for your message」が正しい英語です。 使い方だと例えば: - Thank you for your birthday message! - Thank you for the well-wishing message! - Thank you for your warm message.
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • Thanks a lot for your message!

  • Thank you very much for your friendly message. I really appreciate it!

ご質問どうもありがとうございます。 様々な表現があると思いますが、いくつか自然な表現を紹介します。 - Thanks a lot for your message! - Thank you very much for your friendly message. I really appreciate it! --- appreciate = [感謝する]( お好みに合わせて使い分けてみてください。 ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
  • Thanks for your message

  • Thank you for your message

Thanks / Thank you for ~ で「〜を[ありがとう](」という言い方です。 メッセージありがとう Thanks for your message! 誕生日メッセージありがとう Thanks for your birthday message! Thanks for your birthday wishes! ※[お誕生日おめでとう](というメッセージのことを、birthday wishes と言います。 参考になれば幸いです。
DMM Eikaiwa C DMM英会話
  • Thanks for your message.

  • Thank you for your text.

  • Thank you for your email.

メッセージありがとうは英語で Thanks for your messageとなります。 誕生日メッセージありがとうは Thanks for your birthday wishes. SMSやwhatsappなどでメッセージが送られてきた場合は (whatsappはLINEのようなものです) Thanks for your textでもいいですし、 メールの場合は Thank you for your emailとなります。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • Thanks for the card!

  • Thanks for the birthday greeting!

If someone sends a message - such as on your birthday - and you wish to thank them, then one of the above suggestions may suffice. Such a message would usually be written on a card - or possibly could be left as a phone message.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Thanks for your message

  • I appreciate your message

  • Thanks for the birthday wishes

It is so nice to respond to a kind message. Thanks for your message is very general, it is polite, but not specific. I would be nicer/kinder to say what the message was about and then say thank you for that. If it was a birthday message saying happy birthday, then it is considered very kind to say thank you for the birthday wishes. "Thanks for the happy birthday" is nice too. If it is not your birthday, say something specific about the message. Thanks for messaging me about the party, I had fun too. Thanks for your kind message is very formal and general, it is very nice too.
親切なメッセージに対して返答するのは素晴らしいですね。 "Thanks for your message" はとても一般的で丁寧ですが、具体的ではありません。何についてのメッセージだったのかをはっきりさせた上で感謝を伝えた方が良いでしょう。もし "happy birthday" という誕生日のメッセージだったなら、"Thank you for the birthday wishes" と言うととても丁寧です。"Thanks for the happy birthday" も良いです。 誕生日でないなら、そのメッセージについて具体的に言いましょう。 "Thanks for messaging me about the party, I had fun too." (パーティーについてのメッセージありがとう、楽しかったです) "Thanks for your kind message"(優しいメッセージありがとう)はとてもフォーマルで一般的です、これもすごく良いです。
Elisabeth L DMM英会話講師
  • Thanks so much for your message!

  • Thank you very much for your kind message! I appreciate it very much!

It's always nice to receive a nice friendly message from someone. Sometimes if it is unexpected it can make you feel very happy. We should be thankful and polite when we respond to the message, particularly if it is a happy birthday message. These two sentences can be used in any kind of situation both formal and informal
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • Thanks for the/your message.

  • Thanks for messaging me.

  • I appreciate your message.

Here are two examples of how we can thank someone for sending us a message. Notice that the main difference between these two examples is that one is using the noun, "the/your message" while the other is using the gerund / verb, "messaging." We can use either of these structures when showing thanks. The last example here is using the verb, "to appreciate," to show our gratitude or appreciation for what they did.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you so much for the message, I appreciate it greatly!

"Thank you so much for the message, I appreciate it greatly!'' would be the proper response when thanking someone for messaging you for your birthday or even if they are just messaging you to wish you well, or to complement you on a new venture. This phrase can also be used to thank someone when messaging in a business setting.
"Thank you so much for the message, I appreciate it greatly!''(メッセージありがとうございます。本当に感謝します) これは、誰かから誕生日や応援のメッセージをもらったとき、あるいは新しい試みについて誰かに褒めてもらったときに使うことができます。 このフレーズは、ビジネスシーンでメッセージを送るときにも使えます。
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for the message. I really appreciate it.

  • Thank you for the well-wishes. I appreciate the message.

  • Thanks for the text.

When someone sends you a message and you want to thank them for their message; then you may express this in the following ways: -Thank you for the message. I really appreciate it. -Thank you for the well-wishes. I appreciate the message. -Thanks for the text.
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • "Thank you for the message!"

  • "Thank you for thinking of me"

  • "I appreciate your message"

If someone sends you a message, for example on your birthday to wish you well, you can simply say "Thank you for the message!", "Thank you for thinking of me" or "I appreciate your message". All three of these replies lets the person who messaged you know that you are thankful that they have sent you this message and wish to express this to them.
誰かが例えば誕生日にお祝いのメッセージを送ってくれたら、シンプルに次のように言えます。 "Thank you for the message!"(メッセージありがとうございました) "Thank you for thinking of me"(気を遣ってくれてありがとうございます) "I appreciate your message"(メッセージありがとうございました) これら三つは全て、メッセージをくれたことに感謝する言い方です。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for your message

  • Thank you for your text

  • Thank you for remembering me.

The first one denotes gratitude for the message in general. The second one denotes gratitude for the METHOD in which the message is transmitted, like Text Message, E-mail, Facebook wall post, etc. The last one involves simply gratitude for remembering a person on their special day. Any of these ideas are excellent means of communicating your gratitude to the person who sent you the birthday message.
Brayan DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you so much for the message.

  • Thanks for the message.

  • The message was very kind, thank you so much.

Thank you so much for the message. Thanks for the message. The message was very kind, thank you so much. When someone sends you a message and you want to thank them for it, you can use one of these three sentences. I hope that helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for your kind message

  • Thanks for the lovely message.

The first example 'Thank you for your kind message' is commonly used when saying thank you in a slightly formal way. The second example 'Thanks for the lovely message' is more commonly used with someone you know more personally, like a work colleague or friend.
Adel A DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for reaching out to me.

  • Thank you for getting in touch, it meant a lot to hear from you.

  • Great to hear from you., and thanks for touching base.

The first phrase uses the American term "reach out" which is not often used in the UK, but is becoming mare popular. The second phrase uses "getting in touch" which is more frequently used in the UK. The second part of the phrase lets the person know that the message was appreciated. The third phrase conveys that the speaker was pleased to receive the message, and "touching base" infers that the people don't always speak as often as they should.
Gozo P DMM英会話講師
  • A) Thank you for your kind words !

  • B) Thank you for the lovely message.

  • C) Thank you so much for the message !!

A) Thank you for your kind words ! When you say "Thank you for your kind words" you are thanking the person for being good-hearted,kind ,thoughtful etc For Example : A: Happy birthday Sam! May all your wildest wishes come true ! stay the amazing person you are !! B: Thank you for your kind words ! B) Thank you for the lovely message. - When something is lovely it's nice, wonderful, pleasing! A: Hi Gill i hope you doing well ! Happy new year and wishing you all of the best for the year! B: Thank you for the lovely message ! Happy new year to you too :-) C) Thank you so much for the message !! - This is a simple way to just thank someone for their message . This can be used in a formal or informal matter . I hope this helps :-)
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • Thanks for the message!

  • I appreciate you wishing me a happy birthday!

In this situation when someone sends you a kind message or well wishes it is polite to respond by thanking them for sharing the nice message with you, this is showing gratitude towards the other person for being thoughtful towards you.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for the message.

  • Thank you for the 〜 message.

こんにちは。 「メッセージありがとう」は下記のような表現ができます。 ・Thank you for the message. 「メッセージありがとう」 ・Thank you for the 〜 message. 「〜のメッセージありがとう」 ・Thank you for the birthday message! 「誕生日メッセージありがとう!」 「メッセージ」は英語でもそのまま message と言えます。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Thank you for the beautiful well wishes!

  • Thanks for the good wishes and for remembering my birthday!

1. Thank you for the beautiful well-wishes! Well-wishes refers to wishing someone well on their birthday, on a promotion, their engagement or marriage, in fact on anything good, or great that they are experiencing currently. 2. Thanks for the good wishes and for remembering my birthday! "Good wishes" is often used in place of well-wishes. Many people will thank you for remembering their birthday especially if you are only a colleague or an acquaintance as it stands to reason that family members will remember your birthday.
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • Thanks for the message!

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「Thanks for the message!」 (意味)メッセージありがとうございます!/ <例文> Thanks for the message!/ No problem. I hope you had a great birthday. <訳>メッセージありがとうございます!/ 素晴らしい誕生日を過ごせたことを願っています。 参考になれば幸いです。
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