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2018/08/13 23:56
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  • My mom gave me a present for celebrating my new job.

My mom gave me a present for celebrating my new job.「就職祝いに母がプレゼントをくれた。」 就職を祝うは、celebrating one's new jobで良いです。ご参考になれば幸いです。
Able English Studies カナダ(バンクーバー)のTOEIC専門学校
  • Someone gave me a gift to celebrate my new job!

Instead of putting "someone" you can also put the name or relationship to the person who gave you the gift (for example: my brother or a friend). I hope that this helps :)
"someone" と言わないで、プレゼントをもらった人の名前又はその人との関係を言うことも出来ます。(例 兄又は友人) お役に立てば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • I received a congratulatory present to mark my successful job application

  • After getting a job, I was delighted to receive a congratulatory present!

If you do something well - or achieve something - especially something important, then one of your buddies may well feel inclined to give you a gift of some kind, although this is not a common practice in the UK. In the UK, you might possibly receive a card or an offer to have a celebratory drink. If it is your partner, you may be invited to have a celebratory meal.
イギリスではあまり馴染みがないのですが、あなたが何か特別に大切なことをやり遂げた時、周りの友達はギフトなどを送ってくれると思います。 イギリスでは、もしかしたらカードやお祝いのお酒を受け取ることになるかもしれません。 恋人からの場合は、お祝いの食事に誘われるでしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • A gift to celebrate my new job!

  • Look at this gift I received for getting a new job!

  • Someone gave me a gift to celebrate my new job!

All of these captions say exactly what you want to say. You got a gift and it was to celebrate your new job!
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • Look at this gift I got to celebrate my new job

  • My wife bought me these chocolates for getting a new job

In English, we wouldn't typically use the word 'celebrate' in this context. It can be used but it seem quite formal. "Look at this gift I got to celebrate my new job" can be used but as it's instagram which is casual, I would use "My wife bought me these chocolates for getting a new job"
英語では普通この文脈では 'celebrate' という言葉は使いません。使うことはできますが、かなりフォーマルです。 "Look at this gift I got to celebrate my new job"(この贈り物、就職祝いにもらいました)と言うこともできますが、これはインスタグラムですよね。インスタグラムはカジュアルなものなので、私なら "My wife bought me these chocolates for getting a new job"(妻が就職祝いにこのチョコレートを買ってくれました)を使います。
Chinique DMM英会話講師
  • I received a Celebration gift for getting a new job

  • My family got me a celebratory present

"I received a Celebration gift for getting a new job" To 'receive' something is to be given a gift/present/something. "I received a bonus from my work" "My family got me a celebratory present" 'Celebratory' Is often an act or feeling you get from celebrating something.
"I received a Celebration gift for getting a new job"(就職祝いのプレゼントをもらいました) = 'receive' は「(プレゼントなどを)受け取る」の意味です。 例: "I received a bonus from my work"(仕事でボーナスをもらった) "My family got me a celebratory present"(家族がお祝いのプレゼントをくれました) = 'Celebratory' は、何かを祝うためにする行動や祝福の雰囲気を表します。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • I got this lovely gift to celebrate my new job.

  • I received a gift to celebrate my new job

When you want to write on social media that you got a gift to celebrate the fact that you got a new job; then you can express this in the following ways: -I got this lovely gift to celebrate my new job. -I received a gift to celebrate my new job
就職祝いにプレゼントをもらったとSNSに書きたいなら、それは次のように表せます。 -I got this lovely gift to celebrate my new job.(就職祝いにすてきなプレゼントをもらいました) -I received a gift to celebrate my new job(就職祝いにプレゼントをもらいました)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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