"Free time" is extra time that you have to be able to do extra things. This is a way to tell someone that you are very busy and that you won't be able to do anything else. I hope that this helps :)
Native speakers will say like this: “I don't have time for that”.
There are lots of other ways to say it, but this one is the most accurate and most commonly used.
Here is an example on how to use this in a conversation:
A: Can you help me with this?
B: I can't. I don't have enough time, sorry.
“I don't have time for that”
A: Can you help me with this?
B: I can't. I don't have enough time, sorry.
The two sentences you see provided above are great ways to express to your listener that you do not have time to do something in particular. In the first sentence you will see the word enough. This word means to have the necessary amount of something. You will find this word to be a very useful part of your vocabulary.
If talking to a non-native speaker, you may wish to say 'I won't have enough time to do this.', because by saying 'enough time' and 'to do this', there is less room for confusion.
However, it is common to omit 'enough' and 'to do this', particularly in informal conversation. I would also suggest apologising (saying sorry) in order to be polite.
You could also say that you are 'too busy' instead, if you want to tell the person that you have many things to do, and so you will not be able to do what they request.
相手が英語のネイティブでない場合は、'I won't have enough time to do this'(これをする時間がありません)と言った方がいいかもしれません。'enough time'(十分な時間)と'to do this'(これをする)と言えば、明確に、誤解されることなく伝わります。
ただ、インフォーマルな会話では、'enough'と'to do this'は省略されることが多いです。また、より丁寧に、相手に謝った方が(sorry)いいかもしれません。
やることがたくさんあって、相手の望みに答えられないのなら、'too busy'(忙しすぎる)を使ってもいいです。
When you want to explain that you don't have time to do something, you can say:
"I don't have much time."
"I don't have time to ~."
"I don't have much time."(あまり時間がない)
"I don't have time to ~."(~ する時間がない)
"Sorry, I am busy right now I do not have time" is a polite way of explaining to someone you do not have time do something they are asking you to do. This example sentence tells your listener you are sorry you can not do something and also tells the listener why you do not have the time to which is because you are busy.
"Sorry, I am busy right now I do not have time"(すみません、今忙しくて時間がありません)は、頼まれたことをする時間がないことを伝える丁寧な言い方です。
I don't have the time.
I haven't got time right now.
I just don't have enough time.
There aren't enough hours in the day.
Are all good examples in this instance.
I don't have the time.(時間がありません)
I haven't got time right now.(今時間がありません)
I just don't have enough time.(時間がありません)
There aren't enough hours in the day.(一日が短すぎます)
You would like to explain that you do not have time to do anything. Any of the above suggestions would be approprioate for that conversation.
I don't have much time; you can use this when trying to explain that you do not have much time left to do a particular thing or if you start to do something now there wont be enough time for you to finish the duty.
I'm out of time; means that you do not have any time at all left to do a particular thing.
You could use either of the above two sentences to explain that you do not have time to do something.
In this situation it is important to explain to the other person that you don't have any time/spare time/free time. For example: Do you want to come to the movies this afternoon? Sorry I can't make it, I don't have any free time this afternoon.
If you don't have time to do something it is because you are busy with other things that are more important.
To express that you don't have time use the sentences above.
Pressed for time: pressed (pressure), in a hurry
"Sorry, I have no time."
"I'm too busy at the moment, sorry."
"I can't do that now, I am pressed for time, can I help you tomorrow?"
Pressed for time: 忙しい、急いでいる
"Sorry, I have no time."(ごめんなさい、時間がありません)
"I'm too busy at the moment, sorry."(今時間がありません、ごめんなさい)
"I can't do that now, I am pressed for time, can I help you tomorrow?"(今は忙しいのでできません。明日では駄目ですか)
You can simply say "I don't have time" or "I don't have time to (name of activity)_" but this might make the person you're speaking to feel as if you just don't want to do it. To make it clear that the issue really is about your schedule not allowing for it, you can use some other words around the phrase to soften it's meaning and show the person that you really do care.
I really wish I could come to the movies with you, but I don't have time.
I won't have time to go with the movies with you tomorrow, but maybe another time.
シンプルに "I don't have time" または "I don't have time to (活動の名前)_" と言えます。ただ、これは「ただやりたくないだけ」という印象になることがあります。それがスケジュールの問題であることを明確にするなら、いくつか言葉を加えて、意味を和らげ、そして相手に関心があることを示しましょう。
I really wish I could come to the movies with you, but I don't have time.
I won't have time to go to the movies with you tomorrow, but maybe another time.
It is a typical situation when we need to tell others that we are busy. I wrote to sentences which should help you to avoid any problems when you need to explain the lack of your time.
Busy' is an adjective used when we have a lot to do. We can say we are busy if we do not have the time to do something. We can also say that we have 'run out of time'.
Busy' は、やることがたくさんあるときに使われる形容詞です。
忙しくて時間がないときには、'I'm busy' と言えます。
また、'I have run out of time'(時間がなくなってしまった)という言い方もできます。
When talking about, "enough," it means that there we have some of something but we lack the correct amount to be able to do something. In this context, when there isn't, "enough time," it means that we won't be able to finish the task with the amount of time we have available.
・I don't have time to ...
・I don't have much time.
have time = 時間がある
don't have time = 時間がない