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2018/08/17 15:49
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  • I would like to make my wife's wish come true.

The phrase "make.... come true" in English is very common. This is when there is something that you would like to happen and you want to make sure that it happens. I hope that this helps! :)
"make.... come true" というフレーズはとてもよく使われます。これは、必ず実現させたいことについて使います。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • I want to fulfill my wife's wish.

  • I want to make my wife's dream reality.

"I want to fulfill my wife's wish." 「(私は)妻の夢を叶えてあげたい」 "to fulfill"は「叶える」という意味で、"wish"は「望み・夢」に相当します。"wish"の代わりに"dream"も使えます。 他の言い方は: "I want to make my wife's dream reality." 「(私は)妻の夢を現実にしたい」"reality"は「現実」という意味を持っています。 参考になれば幸いです。
  • I hope I can fulfil my wife's dream of having three kids.

  • If I can, I am going to give my wife exactly what she wants.

When we 'fulfil' something this is another word for reaching a goal or achieving something. Most of the time we associate the word 'fulfil' with something positive. For example - "I have fulfilled my dream of getting a degree in physics."
目標に辿り着いた時や、何かを達成した時の言い方として"fulfil"(実現する、果たす)があります。多くの場合、私たちは"fulfill"という単語を何かポジティブなものと結び付けて使います。 例えば、"I have fulfilled my dream of getting a degree in physics."(私は物理学の学位を得るという夢を実現した。)という様に使います。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • I want to fulfill my wife's wishes

  • I want to fulfill my wife's dream

  • I want to make my wife's dream come true

To fulfill something means to make something happen to achieve something when you want something badly we call this a 'wish' or a 'dream' the saying 'dream come true' means to get what you want to happen
to fulfill something' は「実現させる」という意味です。 すごく実現したい事は、'wish' または 'dream' と言えます。 'dream come true' は「願いをかなえる」という意味のフレーズです。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I want to make my wife's dream come true.

タイトル文の一番素直な直訳は、 I want to make my wife's dream come true. 「私は妻の夢を実現させたい」 makeは使役動詞で「させる」の意味です。 come trueは「本当になる、実現する」という意味で、それがmakeと合体して、 make ~ come trueで「~を実現させる」となります。 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*) ★★大阪カフェレッスン英会話講師KOGACHI
  • I hope my wife's dream of having a happy family with three children comes true

Well, it's not all about you, is it? One person cannot fulfill another person's dream if that dream involves two people. It takes two people to tango! You can try hard to assist your wife in fulfilling her dream. You can do everything possible to help her dream be fulfilled; but you can't fulfill someone's dream for them - especially when it comes to having children. Your wife will fulfill HER dream of having three children if everything goes to plan. With your support, your wife's dream may be fulfilled.
あなたの望みではないのですよね?2人の人間が関係する夢の場合、一人の人間が相手の夢を叶えてあげるというのは難しいと思います。 それは "It takes two people to tango!"(タンゴを踊るには二人必要⇒二人に責任がある)と言えます。 あなたは彼女が夢を叶える為に、ありとあらゆる手助けをすることが出来ますが、あなたは誰かの夢をその人の為に叶えてあげることはできません。とくに子供をもつようなことならなおさらです。 もし計画通りに行けば、彼女は3人の子供を持つという夢を叶えることができるでしょう。あなたのサポートなしでは、奥様の夢は叶うのが難しいかもしれません。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I want to fulfill my wife's dream of having a three kids

  • I want to make my wife's dream of having a three kids come true

When you want to explain that you want to fulfill your wife's dream of having three happy children, then you can say: -I want to fulfill my wife's dream of having a three kids -I want to make my wife's dream of having a three kids come true
妻の3人の元気な子供を持つという夢を叶えたいと伝えたいなら、次のような言い方ができます: -I want to fulfill my wife's dream of having three kids. (妻の3人子供を持つという夢を叶えたい) -I want to make my wife's dream of having three kids come true. (妻の3人子供を持つという夢を実現させたい)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I want to fulfill my wife's wish

  • I want her dreams to become a reality.

Saying you want to 'fulfill my wife's wish' is a more mature way of saying this. 'Fulfill' is a great word to use when you want to express that you aim to do something more than just an idea. When you 'fulfill' ideas become more than just ideas. By saying - 'I want her dreams to become a reality' - This is a more selfish way of saying this. But it's still a nice way to say it. Depending on how you say this sentence will determine how your responce will sound. But they are both ok to say in daily conversation.
Fulfill my wife's wish'(妻の願いを実現させる)はより大人な言い方です。'Fulfill' はあることを実現させたいことを表すときにピッタリの言葉です。'Fulfill' は「実現させる」の意味です。 'I want her dreams to become a reality'(彼女の夢が実現して欲しい)は、より利己的な言い方ですが、それでも悪い言い方ではありません。どのように言うかによって、印象が変わります。ただ、どちらの文も日常会話で使うことができます。
Bradley A bradleya
  • I want to fulfill my wife's wishes

  • I'd like to fulfill my wife's needs

  • I want to make my wife's dreams a reality

"I want to fulfill my wife's wishes" To 'fulfill' something is to complete or carry out a task, bringing fulfillment can also mean bringing happiness. When talking about someones 'needs' this is usually referencing want someone would want (Kids, money, happiness etc) ex. "My kids needs are so demanding!)
"I want to fulfill my wife's wishes"(妻の願いをかなえたい) 'fulfill' は「仕事を完了させる」の意味です。'fulfillment'(達成)をもたらすことは 'happiness'(幸せ)をもたらすことでもあります。 'someone's needs' は普通その人の求めるもの(例えば、子ども、お金、幸せなど)をいいます。 例: "My kids needs are so demanding! (子どものことでやらないといけないことがたくさんある)
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Make my wife's dream come true.

  • Honor my wife's dream

  • Make my wife's wishes a reality

Make my wife's dream come true example sentence: I would like to make my wife's dream come true one day by having three beautiful children and a happy family together. Honor my wife's dream example sentence: I agreed to honor my wife's dream of having a beautiful family with three happy children. Make my wife's wishes a reality example sentence: This year I want to make mine and my wife's wishes a reality by starting a family and having three beautiful children together.
Joey B DMM英会話講師
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