世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/08/18 23:04
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  • This restaurant is only open on the weekends.

  • This restaurant is closed all week and open on the weekend.

  • This restaurant is only open three days a week.

This restaurant is only open on the weekends. This restaurant is closed all week and open on the weekend. This restaurant is only open three days a week. They are only open on the weekends. They are not open on weekdays, just the weekends. I'm sorry but we are only open three days a week. Their business hours are only open on the weekend.
This restaurant is only open on the weekends.(このレストランは週末しか開いていません) This restaurant is closed all week and open on the weekend.(このレストランは週末しか開いていません) This restaurant is only open three days a week.(このレストランは週三日しか開いていません) They are only open on the weekends.(週末しか開いていません) They are not open on weekdays, just the weekends.(平日は開いていません、週末だけです) I'm sorry but we are only open three days a week.(申し訳ありません、週三日しか営業していないんです) Their business hours are only open on the weekend.(週末しか営業していません)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • The restaurant is open just three times a week.

The restaurant is open just three times a week.「そのレストランは、週三日だけ空いています。」 once a week と言えば、週に一回twice a week と言えば、週に二回、それ以上は、〇〇 times a week といいます。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
Able English Studies カナダ(バンクーバー)のTOEIC専門学校
  • This restaurant limits its business to three days per week.

Limits' means 'to restrict.' We often say 'per week' as a different way of saying 'a week.' They mean the same thing. So we might say 'I eat sushi three times per year.'
「Limit」は「制限する」という意味です。「a week」の別の言い方としてしばしば「per week(一週間につき)」と言います。 例えば、以下のように言えます。 I eat sushi three times per year. (一年に3回寿司を食べます。)
Thomas C DMM英会話講師
  • The restaurant is only open (list days of the week).

  • The restaurant is only open three days a week.

The simplest way to explain when something is open during the week, you can say "The restaurant is only open three days a week." If you want to be more specific, you can choose to list specifically what days the restaurant is open. For example, if it's only open on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, you can say "The restaurant is only open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays." If something is only open Friday through Sunday, you can say "The restaurant is only open on the weekend."
「1週間のうち~日営業している」の最もシンプルな言い方は、 "The restaurant is only open three days a week."(そのレストランは週3日しか開いていません) です。 より具体的に、営業している曜日を伝えることもできます。例えば、月曜日と水曜日と金曜日だけ営業しているなら、 "The restaurant is only open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays."(そのレストランは月曜日と水曜日と金曜日だけ営業しています) と言えます。 もし金曜日から日曜日まで営業しているなら、 "The restaurant is only open on the weekend."(そのレストランは週末だけ営業しています) と言えます。
Thia H DMM英会話講師
  • This restaurant is only open for three days a week.

  • The restaurant is only open for three days per week.

To explain that a restaurant is only open three days a week, you can do so in the following ways: "This restaurant is only open for three days a week." "The restaurant is only open for three days per week."
あるレストランについて「週三日しか開いていない」と伝えたいなら、次のように言えます。 "This restaurant is only open for three days a week."(このレストランは週三日しか開いていない) "The restaurant is only open for three days per week."(そのレストランは週三日しか開いていない)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • They're only open thrice a week.

  • They are only in operation three times a week.

  • Their working hours are limited to only three times a week.

To explain that a certain restaurant is only available for three days in a week you can use the sentences above. Some stores are open all week (Monday to Sunday) Some are open only during the workweek (Monday to Friday) Some stores only open on weekends (Saturday and Sunday) "That restuarant is only open on weekends." "They only open during the workweek."
あるレストランについて「週に三日しか営業していない」と説明したいなら、上記の文が使えます。 レストランによって、毎日営業している所(月曜から日曜)もあれば、 平日しか営業していない所(月曜から金曜)、 あるいは、週末しか営業していない所(土曜と日曜)もあります。 "That restuarant is only open on weekends."(そのレストランは週末しか営業していない) "They only open during the workweek."(その店は平日しか営業していない)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • The restaurant is only open three days a week.

This would be the most formal way to explain to someone that the place is only open three days a week.
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • It's only open 3 days a week

  • It opens 3 days a week

  • It doesn't open 4 days a week

When talking about a certain restaurant, the restaurant is only open three days a week, and you would like to explain that. Above are a couple of suggestions.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • This restaurant is only open on certain days of the week.

  • The restaurant is closed four days a week.

  • For three days a week, they open the restaurant.

We use the term 'opening hours' to describe how often a restaurant is open. We can either describe how often the restaurant is open or how often the restaurant is closed. When talking about how often the restaurant is open, we can also name the days that it is open by saying 'The restaurant only opens on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays'.
レストランの「営業時間」は 'opening hours' といいます。 ここでは、レストランが開いている時かあるいはレストランが閉まっている時を説明できます。 レストランが開いている時について言う場合、開いている曜日を伝えることもできます。 例えば: 'The restaurant only opens on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays'. (そのレストランは金曜日と土曜日と日曜日しか営業していない)
Matt L DMM英会話講師
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