At least from where I'm from in the United States, we don't use the word "evening" very often. Instead, we'll normally say "Have a great night!" You can also have a wonderful/beautiful/good/amazing night. I hope that this helps! :)
少なくてもアメリカの私の住んでいる所では、"evening" はあまり使われません。その代わりに普通は、"Have a great night!"(良い[夜](を)と言います。また、"Have a wonderful/beautiful/good/amazing night." と言うこともできます。
It is very common for people to use the words 'great', 'wonderful' and 'pleasant' when referring to a day or night. It is a very formal and kind way to wish someone a good, enjoyable and relaxed time. You can also say, "I hope you have a..." and then add the adjective and day/night that you want to use. For example: "I hope you have an enjoyable night!"
great' と 'wonderful' 'pleasant' は、'day'([一日](や 'night'([夜](を形容するときによく使われます。これは、楽しくすてきな時間を過ごして欲しいと伝えるとてもフォーマルで丁寧な言い方です。
他には、"I hope you have a..." と言って、そこに形容詞と 'day' あるいは 'night' を加えることもできます。
"I hope you have an enjoyable night!"
Well if you want to say something like "Have a nice/wonderful/beautiful evening".it rather depends on what kind of evening the person in question is having? Better to tailor the message according to the venue of the evening.
Eg The cinema: 'Have an entertaining evening!'
Eg Staying at home: 'Have a relaxing evening!'
Eg An award ceremony: 'Have a sensational evening!'
"Have a nice/wonderful/beautiful evening" などと言いたいなら、これはその人がどんな夜を過ごしているのかによってかなり変わってきます。どこにいるのかによって言い方を変えた方が良いです。
例えば映画館:'Have an entertaining evening!'(楽しい夜を)
例えば家:'Have a relaxing evening!'(のんびり過ごしてください)
例えば授賞式:'Have a sensational evening!'(素晴らしい夜を)
I hope you have a wonderful evening! / I hope you have a beautiful evening!
「よい夜を!」という表現を英語で表すと「Have a wonderful evening!」と「Have a beautiful evening!」と言ってもよいです。書いた文章が完璧でした。他の言い方は「I hope you have a wonderful evening!」と「I hope you have a beautiful evening!」です。「I hope ~」という表現の意味は「〜してほしい」です。例えば、「I hope you have fun.」(楽しんでほしいです)です。
There are a number of ways to tell someone to have a pleasant evening; and a few of them as followis:
-Have a great evening.
-Have a wonderful evening.
-Have a good evening.
-Have a great evening.
-Have a wonderful evening.
-Have a good evening.
It is a very common occurrence to say something such as "Have a nice/wonderful/beautiful evening". This is said commonly as it is a polite and nice thing to say to a person, if you are hoping that they will enjoy their evening. These are many different ways to say it, such as "Have a great night", "Have a nice evening" or "Have a wonderful evening".
"Have a nice/wonderful/beautiful evening" といったフレーズは非常によく使われます。楽しい夜を過ごして欲しいと願っているときにこのように伝えると非常に丁寧なのでよく使われます。
"Have a great night"(良い夜を)
"Have a nice evening"(良い夜を)
"Have a wonderful evening"(良い夜を)
Enjoy your evening!/ Enjoy the rest of your evening!
Hope you have a wonderful evening!
"Good night!"/ "Have a good night!"
"Enjoy your evening!"/ "Enjoy the rest of your evening!”
"the rest of your evening"は、「残りの夜」という意味です。
"I hope you have a wonderful evening!"/ "Hope you have a wonderful evening!"
"wonderful / beautiful evening"も普通に使います。ただ、親友やパートナーに言われた場合、状況や言い方によっては少し皮肉に聞こえる場合もあります。
'Have a good night!' and 'Enjoy your evening!' are two common ways of wishing someone a good night in English. 'Night' and 'Evening' are synonymous here.