世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話





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2018/08/21 04:47
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  • You might want to keep that window closed as some rainwater may come in.

  • Shall we leave the window closed? We don't want the rain coming inside.

Both of these answers begin in a similar way, in that you are suggesting to your friend or someone that they will most probably want to keep the window closed as some water may come in the window.
The second answer "Shall we leave the window closed? We don't want the rain coming inside" is a subtle hint that if the window is opened then water will come in through it.


"Shall we leave the window closed? We don't want the rain coming inside"


Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • You might want to keep the window closed.

  • It might be better if we keep it closed.


・You might want to keep the window closed.
・It might be better if we keep it closed.


「雨が入ってくるから」は because the rain might come in と言えます。

You might want to keep the window closed because the rain might come in.


Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Maybe it would be better if we don't open the window.

  • It might be better if we left the window closed.

 "Maybe it would be better if we don't open the window."
 「窓は開けない方がいいかも」"better"は「より良い」という意味で、"window"は「窓」に相当します。あと。"may be"は次の例文の"might be"の同意語で、「かもしれない」という意味を持っています。

 "It might be better if we left the window closed."


  • If you open the window, you'll let the rain in.

  • It's better to keep the window closed because it's raining.

There is more than one way to convey your thoughts on keeping the window closed.
You can also say:
It seems like it's raining quite heavily outside, we might want to keep the window closed.

If you open the window, the rain will splatter everywhere.

Splatter: is a word used with water. Meaning it goes everywhere. Water splatters.

All these sentences can be used interchangeably in formal and informal settings.
Hope this helps!



It seems like it's raining quite heavily outside, we might want to keep the window closed.(雨すごく強いみたいだから、窓は閉めておいた方がいいかもしれない)

If you open the window, the rain will splatter everywhere.(窓を開けると、そこら中水が飛び散るよ)

"Splatter" は水に関する言葉です。水が飛び散ることを表します。



Zoulfa DMM英会話講師
  • Perhaps we should keep the window closed while it's still raining?

  • Let's wait until the rain stops before we open the window.

The first phrase is a polite way of suggesting it would be best to keep the window closed for now, but that it can be opened once the rain stops. It also asks for the agreement of the other person.

The second phrase is still polite, but is more of a statement than a question, and shows the person you do not want the window opened until the rain stops.



Gozo P DMM英会話講師
  • You might not want to do that since it's raining.

"Might" is a good word to use here because it is a polite way to make a suggestion. "Since" in this sentence is the same as "because." I hope that this helps. :)

"Might" はこの場面にピッタリです。これは相手に提案をするときの丁寧な言い方です。

"Since" はここでは "Because"(なぜなら)と同じ意味です。


Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Opening the window right now might not be the best idea because the rain will come inside.

  • You might want to rethink opening the window right now because the rain will come in.

If you would like to tell someone that they might nit want to open a window now because the rain will come in, you can say something like "You might want to rethink opening the window right now because the rain will come in.". By saying words like "rethink", this tell someone that maybe the should think again before doing something.

Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • The rain will come in if you open the window.

Is anybody warm? I am warm. Do you mind if I open the window?
The rain will come in if you open the window.
Yeah, but it is warm in here, right?

I hope this helps.
Have a great day.

Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Can we keep the window closed until it stops raining, please?

  • Can we close the window please so the rain don't come in.

You might want to keep that window closed - Both of these sentences highlights ways to advise that by opening the window the water from the rain will enter the house or building therefore this phrase is used to advise The Listener to keep the windows closed so the water will not be able to come inside the property. Both of these sentences you can use to express your desire to keep the windows closed.

You might want to keep that window closed(その窓は閉めておいた方がいいかもしれない)



Lee Di DMM英会話講師
  • Better not open the window - the rain will come in

  • Best keep the window closed as it's raining

  • Please leave the window - the rain will come in

Well, in this situation it really depends on your role in this scene. Are you the householder or owner of the building? Do you have any authority? Or are you just a member of the public? How much do you really want to get involved here? One of the above suggestions may fit.

Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Please don't open the window because the rain will come inside.

Using this sentence is a good way to politely describe that it is not a good idea to open the window up because the rain will be able to get in the room, when rain/water get's inside it can damage certain materials, for example: causing wood to rot, if the water is not cleaned up quickly and the wood doesn't get the chance to dry out.

Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • The rain might come inside if you open the window.

  • If you open the window, the rain might come inside.

  • You might want to keep the window closed, the rain will come inside.

Notice that in the first two examples, you can see that there can be clause movements within the sentence focused around the conjunction, "if." The third example shows a general sentence if you wanted to offer the suggestion to the person rather than an explanation as to why not to open the window.

Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Don't open the window.

  • Bad idea.

You could use any of the above two phrases when telling someone not to open the window and then state why.

- It is a bad idea to open the window when it is raining as the rain will come pouring in.

Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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