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吐き気がしたり胸焼けがしたりした時の症状のことをいいます。 また、ストレスや緊張を感じた時に気分が悪くなることもあります。
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2018/08/24 03:48
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  • I feel pretty rough.

  • I'm feeling sick.

  • I think i'm coming down with something.

Feeling 'rough' is the same as feeling unwell when having head nausea or flu. "I think i'm coming down with something" is a good way of telling someone that you are beginning to feel unwell.
rough' とは、[吐き気をもよおしたり](、[インフルエンザ](のときのような気分がすぐれないのと同じ意味です。 少しカジュアルな印象があります。 "I think i'm coming down with something" 具合が悪くなってきていると思う。 これは、自分が気分が悪くなり始めたことを伝えるのに良い表現です。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • I don't feel well

  • I feel unwell

  • I feel sick

良い[気分](じゃないって表現です。 I feel sick はどちらかと言うと[気持ち悪い](って意味ですが 気分悪いと同じ感じで使う人もいます。
  • I'm not feeling well.

  • I feel sick.

  • I don't feel good.

In formal settings, like at work or business settings, you can say, "I'm not feeling well." This is because it's not too graphic nor personal to share. You can use it in written or typed messages to colleagues in the workplace. In casual settings, you can say, "I feel sick," or "I don't feel good." These phrases are more common to use between close associates.
職場などフォーマルな場面では、"I'm not feeling well."(具合が悪いです)と言えます。これは曖昧でざっくりした言い方だからです。職場の同僚に書面・メールなどで伝える時にも使えます。 カジュアルな場面では、"I feel sick"(気持ちが悪い)や"I don't feel good."(気分が悪い)などと言えます。親しい間柄ではこれらのフレーズの方が一般的です。
Jaymie Gee DMM英会話講師
  • I'm not feeling good.

  • I don't feel 100%.

  • I feel sick.

When you are not feeling 100% good you could explain this by saying you don't feel 100%, you feel a bit rough, you feel sick, you are feeling unwell, you are not feeling good, or you are feeling a bit under the weather. These are all terms to explain that you do not feel healthy without going into detail about your symptoms.
体調が100%でないときは、以下のように表せます: I don't feel 100% (ちょっと具合が悪い) I feel a bit rough (ちょっと体調が悪い) I feel sick (気持ちが悪い) I'm feeling unwell (具合が悪い) I'm not feeling good (具合が悪い) I'm feeling a bit under the weather (ちょっと体調が悪い) これらすべて、症状については具体的に言わず、体調がよくないことを表す言い方です。
Shannon J DMM英会話講師
  • I don't feel so good.

  • I'm not feeling well.

  • I think I'm coming down with a cold/ fever etc.

Any of these phrases can be used to explain that you aren't feeling like your normal self.
Yash DMM英会話講師
  • I feel ill. I have (nausea/heartburn)

  • I don't feel too well.

  • I'm sick. I think I might have caught a cold.

When you want to explain to someone that you are not feeling well, then you may express it in the following ways: -I feel ill. I have (nausea/heartburn) -I don't feel too well. -I'm sick. I think I might have caught a cold.
気分がよくない時は、次のように言えます: 【例文】 -I feel ill. I have (nausea/heartburn) [訳]気分が悪いです。(吐き気/胸やけ)がします -I don't feel too well. [訳]具合が悪いです -I'm sick. I think I might have caught a cold. [訳]具合が悪いです。風邪をひいたのかもしれない
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I feel unwell

  • I'm feeling under the weather

  • I'm not feeling very well

If someone is 'under the weather' it means that they are not feeling 100% well. It may be just a slight inconvenience such as a cold or stomach ache - or it could be something more serious.
under the weather'は「体調がよくない」という意味です。これは、風邪や腹痛など軽い不調かもしれませんし、もしかしたらもっと深刻なことかもしれません。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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