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2018/09/07 11:19
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  • Do you have a picture of the hairstyle you want?

美容師さんをされているんですね。 お店に外国人の来客がありましたら、「Do you have a picture of the hairstyle you want?」と聞くといいです。 そうすれば、スマホでインスタなどの写真を見せてくれるはずです。 *「写真や画像など」の部分は "picture"だけにしてあります。
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • Do you have a picture of the hairstyle you want?

  • Do you have a photo of what you want me to do to your hair?

When you want to ask a customer if they have a photograph of the kind of hairstyle that they want; then you can say: -Do you have a photo of what you want me to do to your hair? -Do you have a picture of the hairstyle you want?
お客さんに、希望の髪型の写真があるか尋ねたいなら、次のように言えます: -Do you have a photo of what you want me to do to your hair? (ご希望の髪型の写真はありますか?) -Do you have a picture of the hairstyle you want? (ご希望の髪型の写真はありますか?)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have a photo of the hairstyle you like?

  • Do you have a photo of the hairstyle you will like to have done?

あなたが好きなヘアスタイルの画像はありますか? Do you have a photo of the hairstyle you like? あなたがしたいヘアスタイルの写真や画像などはありますか? Do you have a photo of the hairstyle you will like to have done? 画像=image 写真=photo 画像、写真と繰り返さなくてもphotoだけで事足りると思いますので、文章をシンプルにするため省きました。 また、「あなたがしたいヘアスタイル」が長く複雑すぎるときは「あなたが好きな」で十分話が通じると思いますので第一候補として挙げさせていただきました。
Natsuka K 英語講師
  • Could you show me a picture of the hairstyle that you would like?

This is a very polite way to ask your client to show you a photo of what they would like done. I hope that this helps :)
こちらの例文は、お客さんにどのような髪形にして欲しいのか、そのイメージ写真を見せて欲しい、と親切丁寧に尋ねる文章です。 お役に立てれば幸いです!
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have a picture of the hairstyle you want?

You could say 'picture' or 'photo'. 'Photo' is short for 'photograph' and is distinguished from 'picture', which is more general and can refer to a photo, painting, film or drawing.
Thomas C DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have a photo of your preferred hairstyle?

  • Can you show me a picture of the style you'd like?

You work at a beauty/hair salon - and want to ask a customer if they have a photo of the hairstyle that they want. Either of the above suggested statements is adequate for this scenario.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have a picture of the hairstyle you want?

  • Do you have an image of the hairstyle you want?

The two sentences you see provided above are great ways to ask your listener if they have a photo of the kind of hairstyle they want. In the first sentence you will notice the noun picture and in the second sentence you will notice the noun image. Both of these words mean picture. These two words would make great additions to your vocabulary.
上記二つの例文は、「してもらいたい髪型の写真はありますか」と確認するおすすめの言い方です。 一つ目の例文には名詞の 'picture'、二つ目の例文には名詞の 'image' がそれぞれ使われています。これらはどちらも「写真」という意味です。この二つの単語、ぜひ語彙に加えておいてください。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have a photo of the hairstyle that you want?

  • Do you have a picture of the hairstyle you would like?

When wanting your hair cut or styled then you will want to explain exactly what you want to make sure it is done right the best way is to take a photo or picture so the person knows what you are talking about so you would ask 'do you have a photo/picture of the hairstyle you want/would like?'
髪の毛を切ったりセットしてもらうときは、どんな風にしてもらいたいのか明確に説明しないといけませんね。 一番間違いがないのは写真を見せることです。そうすれば確実に伝わります。 次のように言えます。 'do you have a photo/picture of the hairstyle you want/would like?'(あなたがしたいヘアスタイルの写真はありますか)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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