宿題は homework と言います。これは小学生の宿題にも大学生の宿題にも使います。
サラリーマンもこれから勉強しなきゃいけない内容についても homework と言います。
Did you finish your homework
It looks like I have some homework to about the market in Singapore
The word 'homework' is common throughout the world to describe the schoolwork a student has to do in their own time at home.
'Prep' is a common word used in English private schools, and basically means the same thing. It is a shortened version of the word 'prepare'. So the student is preparing for their next lesson. In a sentence it can be used as follows - "I forgot to do my history prep."
"I forgot to do my history prep."
「宿題」は英語で homework と表現できます。
・I have so much homework, I'm never going to finish.
・What was today's homework?
→ I have homework I have to do during summer vacation.
→ I’ve never gotten homework from this teacher.
Homework - Work you do at home from school
Studying - This is when you learn something new by searching the web or reading a book.
Revision - This is when you go over and look/learn what you have already learnt.
Did you hand in your homework?
I forgot to turn in my homework.
Have you done your homework?
I forgot to do my homework.
"Homework" is often the term used to describe work that a student will have to complete or study within their own time.
"Home studies" is more of a general term and is often not a mandatory saying, "Home studying" often refers to studying in one's own time, but an also be used to describe homework also.
When I was in school, I didn't like homework.
Have you finished your homework?
I forgot to do my homework.
You can't go out until you finish your homework.
I remember we had lots of homework when I was in college, which really stressed me out sometimes.
"Homework" is the school work that your child brings back from school that is meant to be done at home and then presented to the teacher to examine at a later date during school hours. You can say " Did you do your homework?".
'Homework' is the common term for exercises or revision or project work - or anything that the school asks the student to do at home.
'Prep' is the term used for the same thing in public schools. Obviously, if you are at a boarding school, 'prep' would be done in the school. If you are a daily student, returning home every evening, then it would still be called 'prep' at a private school.
'John has to stay in this evening to complete his homework.'
Here is an example of a dialogue: so class, I have given every one some home work to do, work your way through the second exercise in the book. Any questions? Yes, when is it due by? You have until next Friday to complete this homework.
Okay, so does anyone have any questions about today's lesson?
No? Okay, great. So, this week's homework is page 10 exercise 2, 3
Have a great weekend.
I hope this helps.
Have a great day.
Work that a student has to do at home and outside of the regular class hours is called, "homework."
Example sentences :
- My professor assigned me so much homework.
- My homework was really easy tonight.
Homework is work given by the teacher as revision of the work covered in class for the day. It is required to do at home.
- My son has a lot of homework.
- I like to assist my children with their homework.