世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話





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2018/09/11 15:19
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  • I can work anywhere there is an internet connection.

  • I am able to work anywhere as long as I have an internet connection.

  • I have to have an internet connection to work but otherwise can work anywhere I want.

I can work anywhere there is an internet connection.
I am able to work anywhere as long as I have an internet connection.
I have to have an internet connection to work but otherwise can work anywhere I want.
All I need is an internet connection and I can work anywhere.
I am free to work anywhere I want as long as I have an internet connection.

I can work anywhere there is an internet connection.(インターネットのあるところならどこでも仕事ができます)

I am able to work anywhere as long as I have an internet connection.(インターネットのあるところならどこでも仕事ができます)

I have to have an internet connection to work but otherwise can work anywhere I want.(インターネットがないと仕事ができませんが、あればどこでも仕事ができます)

All I need is an internet connection and I can work anywhere.(インターネットさえあればどこでも仕事ができます)

I am free to work anywhere I want as long as I have an internet connection.(インターネットさえあればどこでも仕事ができます)

Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • As long as you have an Internet connection, you can work anywhere.

場所を選ばないでというのはやや日本語が省略されている形です。場所を探す必要がないという意味ですね。ここでは一番シンプルな形にしています。anywhereだとどこでもという意味になります。また「as long as」というのは接続詞で「~である限り」という意味になります。「この条件さえ満たせば」という強調をすることができます。

Masaki Suzuki バイリンガルTOEIC、英会話講師
  • All I need is a stable internet connection to work.

  • Internet connection is all I need in order to work anywhere I want.

"All I need is a stable internet connection to work." Here you explain what kind of internet connection you need to work. Also, you don't need to say anywhere here, as this opens room for the person to ask a clarifying question. This answer can also be used as an answer to a question of what do you need to have in order to work anywhere?
"Internet connection is all I need in order to work anywhere I want." Here is another way of rephrasing response number one. Although, here you use anywhere in your answer.

"All I need is a stable internet connection to work."(ネット環境が安定していれば仕事ができます)
- ここでは、「ネット環境が安定していれば仕事ができます」と伝えています。ここでは "anywhere"(どこでも)と言う必要はありません、これによって相手に確認の質問をする余地を残すことができます。また、これは "What do you need to have in order to work anywhere?"(仕事をする上で必要なものは何ですか)という質問の答えとしても使えます。

"Internet connection is all I need in order to work anywhere I want."(インターネットさえあればどこでも仕事ができます)
- これは一つ目の回答の別の言い方です。ただ、ここでは "anywhere" を使っています。

Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • As long as I am connected online I may work anywhere.

  • As long as there's an internet connection I may work.

  • I can work anywhere as long as I have an online connection.

As long as- is an indication of a kind of security and reliability to the situation of being able to work anywhere as long as you have internet.
Connected online- is to mean you are securely connected online, hence the ability to work.
Online connection- also means you are securely connected to the internet and therefore have the ability to work as you please.

"As long as" は、インターネットさえあればどこでも仕事ができるという安心感や確実性のようなものを表します。

"Connected online" はインターネットにつながった状態を表します。仕事ができる状態ですね。

"Online connection" もインターネットにつながった状態をいいます。ですから、自由に仕事ができるときです。

Qu DMM英会話講師
  • As long as I am able to connect to the internet I am able to work.

  • I can work anywhere in the world If i'm able to access the internet.

"As long as I am able to connect to the internet I am able to work."
The term 'able to' is another expression to 'can', "As long as I can connect to the internet".
"I can work anywhere in the world If i'm able to access the internet."
To 'access' something is the expression used when referring to getting,going,see something. ex. "Can I gain access to your property?"

"As long as I am able to connect to the internet I am able to work."(インターネットにつながりさえすれば、仕事ができます)
'able to' は 'can'(できる)の別の言い方です。"As long as I can connect to the internet"(インターネットにつながりさえすれば)ということです。

"I can work anywhere in the world If I'm able to access the internet."(インターネットにつながりさえすれば世界中どこでも仕事ができます)
'access' は手に入れることや、行くこと、見ることを表します。
"Can I gain access to your property?"(家の中に入ってもよろしいですか)

Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • I'm free to work where ever I choose, so long as I have good Wi-Fi

  • I'm good to work anywhere, but i have to make sure the internet connection is adequate

"Free to" means you can/are allowed/able to
"So long as" is the same as - as long as
"Wi-Fi" - another name for an internet connection
"I'm good to" is the same as "Free to"
"adequate" means good enough/to the level you need

"Free to" は「~することができる/許されている」という意味です。

"So long as" は "As long as"(~である限りは)と同じ意味です。

"Wi-Fi" は "Internet connection"(インターネット接続)の別の言い方です。

"I'm good to" は "Free to" と同じ意味です。

"Adequate" は「十分である/必要なレベルに達している」という意味です。

Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • I can work remotely, as long as I have access to internet.

  • I can work anywhere I want, although I need an internet connection.

Both sentences have the same definition. The word "remotely" implies that you can work anywhere you want, away from your workplace. "As long as" implies that you are required to have an internet connection in order to work remotely. "Although" also implies that an internet connection is a requirement.

どちらの文も同じ意味です。"remotely" は「職場を離れてどこでも好きなところで仕事ができる」というニュアンスです。

"As long as" は、「遠隔勤務をするにはインターネットが必要」という意味合いです。

"Although" も同じく、インターネットにつながることが条件であることを表します。

Allex H DMM英会話講師
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