All of these answers are perfect for telling someone or a group of people that you are having a good day, or you feel that something good may happen on that day.
Today's going well.
I'm having a good day today.
My day is going really well today.
この場合の today's は today is の略です。
過去形にしたい場合は *Today's been a really good day。
*[過去](に合わせて today has の略になります。
I'm enjoying my day so far.
Today is a really good day for me.
I'm having a really good day.
I feel so happy today.
I feel lucky today.
I am in such a great mood today.
Th[is day just keeps getting better and better.
Today is a happy day for me.
Everything is going really well for me today.
I'm enjoying my day so far.
Today is a really good day for me.
I'm having a really good day.
I feel so happy today.
I feel lucky today.
I am in such a great mood today.
This day just keeps getting better and better.
Today is a happy day for me.
Everything is going really well for me today.
The phrases I would recommend using to describe your day would be as followed.
-Today has been lovely!
-Today has been very good.
Both phrases roughly have the same meaning, you may also interchange the last word with, nice, good, pleasant, great or excellent.
-Today has been lovely!
-Today has been very good.
最後の単語を "nice" や "good" "pleasant" "great" "excellent" と置き換えることもできます。
I started to feel better around noon today. - this response is more commonly used with the way one feels physically. If you were sick, and then later on you felt better.
Things got better around noon today. - this implies that early on in the day things were not great, but something happened to change that.
I started to feel better around noon today.(今日の昼頃から具合がよくなりました)
- これは体の具合について使われます。体調が悪かったけどその後よくなったというときです。
Things got better around noon today.(今日の昼頃に状況がよくなりました)
- これは、始め状況がよくなかったけどその後それを変える出来事があったというニュアンスです。
This is a very common expression so there are many ways to express this idea. You can use many adjectives to create a lot of variations but here are just a few.
I'm having a great day.
Today is a good day. (to be alive)
or even as a rhetorical question!
Isn't today beautiful?
I'm having a great day.
Today is a good day. (to be alive)
Isn't today beautiful?
"So far" is a way of saying "until now" or "up to this point in time".
When something "breaks your way" everything is going in your favor. For example, you hit only green lights on the way to work.
"So far" は「今までのところは」「現在までは」という意味です。
"break your way" は「物事が思い通りに行く」という意味です。例えば、職場までの信号が全て青だったとか、そういうことです。
Going Swimmingly ...Having a great day... Having a wonderful day.
Today everything is going swimmingly! I am having really day after all.
Some days everything goes to plan. We don't put a foot wrong, it seems we are on a roll.
When this happens and everything comes together, we can say:
Wow! What a great day I am having: Or ... What a wonderful day I am having!
Here are two differences of the same sentence that can be said in both the simple present and the present perfect. We can use the present perfect within this example when talking about, "today," because it can be used in moments that haven't been fully or specifically completed in the past yet. Once it became the next day, and today changes to yesterday, then it changes from, "has been," to, "was."
Both these sentences are great ways to explain that you are having a good day. Generally if someone is having a good day, good or exciting things have been happening in their life which puts them in a good mood.