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 来月、仲間連中でスキーに行くんだけど(君の)車出せる?=We are plannning to go to ski.?
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2018/09/23 00:19
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  • Can you drive?

  • Can we use your car?

❶ Can you drive? (運転してくれる?) ❷ Can we use your car? (あなたの車使える?) *しかしこの言い方は車だけ借りていいですか?と聞いてるだけで、その人が運転するかはわからない。 こう聞くことができます: We’re planning a skiing trip next month, can you drive? (来月スキー旅行に行く予定だけど、車出せる?) We will split the gas and highway fee. (ガソリンと交通代は割り勘します)。 参考までに!
  • Can we go in your car?

相手の車を使えるかどうか尋ねるときは「Can we go in your car?」ですが、その他にもいろんな言い方があります: - Can we use your car? - Can we get your car? - Can we ride in your car? などとあります。 スキーの例でしたら、「Next month we're planning on going skiing but, can we go in your car?」と尋ねます。
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • Can you drive us?

  • Can we use your car?

You don't really need to use 'drive' and 'car' in the same sentence as it is implied."Can you drive us?" is a simple and quick way to ask if a person can drive you.
”Drive"(運転する)と”Car”(自動車)を同じ文章に入れなくてもOKです。 相手に運転してもらえるかを尋ねるときは、"Can you drive us?"(連れて行ってくれる?)がシンプルで手っ取り早い方法でしょう。
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • Will you drive us to the slopes?

  • Will you drive us in your car?

"Will you drive us to the slopes?" Slopes - the mountain where you are going to ski. Will you - asking if the person can drive you to your destination at the ski slope. "Will you drive us in your car?" Asking if the person will drive and allow you to ride in their car to your destination.
"Will you drive us to the slopes?"(スキー場まで乗せて行ってくれない?) ●slopes➔スキー場がある山 ●will you➔○○してくれない?と人に頼み事をするときに使うフレーズ "Will you drive us in your car?" (車出してもらえる?) 車を持っている人に目的地まで乗せてもらえるかどうかについて尋ねています。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • Transportation...

  • When we go skiing... is it possible to use your car as our transportation?

Someone has to drive on those holiday road trips;-D Transportation is always a bit of a problem when we go anywhere... Who will do the driving ? And whose car is best suited for the journey? These questions often come up in any group sporting activity. Making the decision on whose car will be used as transportation...can be tricky with all that gear to carry ! This is best discussed properly among the group... well before the trip date!
車で旅行に行くなら誰かが運転手をしないといけませんね。 交通手段というのはどこかに行くときには必ず問題になります。 誰が運転をするのか?誰の車が一番旅行に適しているか? こうした問いは団体スポーツでよく浮上します。 大量の用具も運ばないといけませんから移動に誰の車を使うのか決めるのは簡単ではありません。 これについては旅行に行くずっと前に話し合っておいた方がいいでしょう。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • We are going skiing. Please take us there by your car.

  • Will you please drive us to the mountains where we are going to ski?

If you are going to ask your friend to drive you to where you are going to ski by his car, it is advisable to ask him/her politely. You are advised to use the adverb 'please' which has been used in both the first and the second sentences. By doing so, you are showing the car owner that you are not commanding him/her but requesting him her to help you with transport. So, you may say to your friend the car owner: We are going skiing. Please take us there by your car. or Will you please drive us to the mountains where we are going to ski?
友達にその人の車でスキーに行けるかどうか確認したいなら、これは丁寧に尋ねた方がいいですね。副詞の 'please' を加えるといいでしょう(一つ目と二つ目の文にも使われています)。これで、それが命令でなくお願いであることが伝わります。 友達に次のように言えます。 We are going skiing. Please take us there by your car. (スキーに行くので、あなたの車で連れて行ってください) Will you please drive us to the mountains where we are going to ski? (スキーをする山まで車で連れて行ってくれませんか)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Can we go together in your car?

By using the phrase "go together" it implies that you all will take the same car. Your friend should respond if they can or not. I hope that this helps. :)
"go together" を使うと、「全員が同じ車に乗る」というニュアンスになります。 相手は「いいですよ」か「駄目です」で答えてくれます。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Can you drive us there in your car?

  • I was wondering if we could use your car when we go skiing, and if you could drive us?

When you want to ask your friend if they can drive their car when you go skiing with them and if they could drive; then you may ask in the following ways: -Can you drive us there in your car? -I was wondering if we could use your car when we go skiing, and if you could drive us?
スキーに行くとき、友達に車を出せるか確認したいなら、次のように言えます。 -Can you drive us there in your car?(車を出せますか) -I was wondering if we could use your car when we go skiing, and if you could drive us?(スキーに行くとき、車を出せますか)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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