世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/09/27 17:00
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  • I would love to but let me speak to my parents first.

  • I will need to speak to my mum and dad first and see if they will let me.

  • I need to ask my parents.

All of these answers explain to your friend that you will need to seek your parents permission first before visiting that friend in the USA. When someone 'lets' you do something it means they have given you permission or freely allowed you to do something. Usually this permission is from a parent or work superior. For example "My boss let me have the rest of the day off."
3例とも、親の許しがないとアメリカに行けないとその友達に伝えるときに使えます。 'lets you do something' は、何かをするのを許可することを表します。たいていこの「許可」は、親や職場の上司からのものです。 例:"My boss let me have the rest of the day off."  上司が今日はもう休んでいいと言ってくれた。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • I need to ask my parents.

  • I'll have to get my parent's permission.

1) I need to ask my parents. 親に聞かないとね。 2)I'll have to get my parent's permission. 親から許可貰わないといけない。 permission - 許可 parent (s) - 親
  • I have to ask my parents first

「まず親に話して許しをもらわないと、、」 "I have to talk to my parents and get permission first,," など 許しをもらうと同意味で to get permission は 許可をとる です。 少しフォーマルに聞こえますが日常会話でもよく使われてます。
  • Thanks, this sounds awesome, but I'd have to ask my parents first.

  • Thanks, this sounds awesome, but I think I need to get my parent's permission first.

ご質問どうもありがとうございます。 様々な表現があると思いますが、いくつか自然な表現を紹介します。 1. Thanks, this sounds awesome, but I'd have to ask my parents first. あ、ありがと!すごいいいと思うけど、まずは、親に聞かないと。 2. Thanks, this sounds awesome, but I think I need to get my parent's permission first. あ、ありがと!すごいいいと思うけど、まずは親から許可を貰わないと。 お好みに合わせて使い分けてみてください。 ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
  • I have to ask my parents

  • I will need to ask my parents first

If you need to get permission to do something then you need to 'ask' them so you would say 'I have to ask my parents' or 'I will need to ask my parents' by adding first you are telling them you are going to ask if it is ok before you can go
人の許しが必要なら、'ask'(聞く)しないといけません。 'I have to ask my parents'(親に聞かないといけない) または 'I will need to ask my parents'(親に聞かないといけない) と言えます。 'first' は「行く前に」聞かないといけないことを表します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I need to ask my parents first.

  • I have to get permission from my parents.

Get permission' means to 'get approval'. Saying 'I need. . .' in this case is the same as saying 'I have. . .' These are both standard American English usage.
Get permission' は「許可を取る」という意味です。この場合、'I need. . .' は 'I have. . .' と同じ意味です。これらはどちらもアメリカ英語で標準的な用法です。
Thomas C DMM英会話講師
  • I should speak to my parents about it.

I need to ask for approval from my parents before I can agree.
I need to ask for approval from my parents before I can agree. (親の許可を取らないと、私だけでは決められません)
Kweena DMM英会話講師
  • I would love to but need to ask my parent's first.

  • Let me just check with my parent's first.

You can let your friend know that you would love to accept their invitation but then add that you will need to speak to your parent's first. -I would love to but need to ask my parent's first. -Let me just check with my parent's first.
まず「ぜひ行きたい」と言って、それから「でも、まず親に相談しないと」と加えることができます。 -I would love to but need to ask my parent's first.(行きたいですが、まず親に相談しないと) -Let me just check with my parent's first.(まず親に相談させてください)
Lisa C DMM英会話講師
  • Thanks for the invite - just I have to ask my parents first

  • I'd love to visit you but I'll have to clear it with mum and dad first

  • Great, but I'll need to OK it with my parents

When a friend in America invites you to come visit, you want to, but first have to ask your parents. You want to explain this point. The above suggestions offer a range of possible responses.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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