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もし日本に1週間旅行するとしたらいくらかかりますか、を英語で言うとき、 If I go Japan six days, how does it cost?か If I would go Japan six days, how does it cost? なのか教えていただきたいです。 Wouldは必要ですか? もし必要ならその理由を、必要じゃなければその理由を教えていただきたいです!
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2018/10/01 00:59
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  • How much does it cost to travel in Japan for a week?

「日本に1週間旅行したら、いくらかかりますか?」は"How much does it cost to travel in Japan for a week?"で大丈夫です。 もし日本に1週間旅行したら、いくらかかりますか? How much will it cost if I travel in Japan for a week? 以上のどちらでも大丈夫です。 いくらかかりますか how much does it cost? how much will it cost? (未来形) 旅行 travel trip ご参考になれば幸いです。
Vikash Paliwal 映画プロデューサー/映画監督/脚本家
  • What will it cost to travel domestically in Japan for a week?

  • How much would it cost for me to travel inside Japan for a week?

  • How much will it cost to travel to Japan and stay for a week?

What will it cost to travel domestically in Japan for a week? "domestically" - to travel inside a country I travel "domestically" for work! How much would it cost for me to travel inside Japan for a week? What costs will I incur to travel inside Japan for a week? "incur" - something that you will bring upon yourself, like costs I canceled my hotel reservation and I "incurred" cancellation fees!
What will it cost to travel domestically in Japan for a week?(一週間日本を旅行するといくらかかりますか) "domestically" - 国内を旅行する I travel "domestically" for work!(仕事で国内を旅行します) How much would it cost for me to travel inside Japan for a week?(一週間日本を旅行するといくらかかりますか) What costs will I incur to travel inside Japan for a week?(一週間日本を旅行すると何の費用がかかりますか) "incur" - 〔費用などを〕被る I canceled my hotel reservation and I "incurred" cancellation fees!(ホテルの予約をキャンセルしたのでキャンセル料がかかりました)
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • How much would it cost for a weeks holiday in Japan?

  • For a weeks travel in Japan, what would a rough cost be?

"How much would it cost for a weeks holiday in Japan?" "how much does it cost" is a very used and casual term. "Holiday" is a term often referred to as 'vacation' used more widely by the UK, We tend to say 'holiday' more often than 'vacation'. "Rough cost" is another casual term to ask for an estimate of a price. "Rough idea" is often used with the same context.
"How much would it cost for a weeks holiday in Japan?"(日本で一週間休暇を過ごすといくらかかりますか) = "How much does it cost" はよく使われるカジュアルな表現です。"Holiday" は 'Vacation'(休暇)を指します。イギリスでは 'Vacation' よりも "Holiday" の方が一般的です。 "Rough cost" はだいたいの費用を尋ねるカジュアルな表現です。"Rough idea" も同じ文脈で使われます。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • how much does it cost to stay in Japan for one week?

  • what would it cost me to travel to Japan for a week?

  • how much would it cost for a week long stay in Japan.

when we are wanting to know the cost of a week's stay in Japan, we can simply say something along the lines of "what would it cost me to stay in Japan for a week?" or "How much does it cost for a week long stay in Japan?". By using words like "how" or "what", this shows that we are asking a question.
日本に一週間滞在したときにかかる費用を知りたいなら、シンプルに次のように言えます。 "What would it cost me to stay in Japan for a week?"(日本に一週間滞在したらどのくらいの費用がかかりますか) "How much does it cost for a week long stay in Japan?"(日本に一週間滞在したらどのくらいの費用がかかりますか) "how" "what" などの言葉はそれが質問であることを示します。
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • An estimate. A rough idea...

  • Could you give me an estimate of domestic travel costs for a week in Japan

  • Can I get a rough idea of the cost to travel within Japan for a week?

We sometimes need to work out a budget in advance of traveling... We'ed need to get an estimate... or at least get a rough idea of the kind of costs involved, in our plans. And...since we intend to stay inside Japan and travel "domestically" or locally we could ask: Could you give me an estimate of domestic travel costs for a week in Japan? Or ...Can I get a rough idea of the cost to travel within Japan for a week?
旅行に行くときには、前もって予算を立てなければなりませんね。 見積もり、少なくてもだいたいどのくらいの費用がかかるのかは計算しておく必要があります。 日本にいて、国内を旅行するわけなので、次のように言えます。 Could you give me an estimate of domestic travel costs for a week in Japan? (一週間日本国内を旅行するとだいたいどのくらいの費用がかかりますか) Can I get a rough idea of the cost to travel within Japan for a week? (一週間日本国内を旅行するとだいたいどのくらいの費用がかかりますか)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Like roughly speaking... how much would it cost approximately to travel within Japan for one week?

ご質問どうもありがとうございます。 上の文脈を英語で表現したい場合は、下記の表現ではいかがでしょうか。 - Like roughly speaking... how much would it cost approximately to travel within Japan for one week? --- roughly speaking = 大雑把に言えば ---- like... = っていうか。。。(特に意味のない表現) --- approximately = おおよそ ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
  • About how much would it cost to travel around Japan for a week?

When an answer might vary or someone might not know the answer, you can use "about" so that they feel more comfortable not giving an exact answer. If you want to travel domestically inside Japan, then "around" is the best preposition to use. I hope that this helps. :)
答えに幅がありそうなときや、相手が答えを知らない可能性があるときには、"about" を使うと、相手は質問に答えやすくなります。 日本国内を旅行したいなら、前置詞には "around" がベストです。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • How much does it cost to travel in Japan for a week?

  • How much would a weeks traveling in Japan cost?

very country costs a different amount to see and do things and use public trsnport so if you are travelling somewhere you might want to make sure you have enough money with you so would want to ask 'how much does it cost to travel in Japan for a week'
国によって交通機関を利用したり何かを見たりしたときにかかる費用は異なります。もしどこかに旅行に行くなら、事前に予算が足りているかどうか確認しておいて方がいいかもしれません。 次のように言えます。 'how much does it cost to travel in Japan for a week'(日本を一週間旅行するとどのくらいの費用がかかりますか)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • How much do I need ton travel around Japan for a week?

  • What do you imagine my travel costs for a week in Japan would be?

You want to ask someone how much it would cost to travel in Japan for one week. Either of the above suggested queries is appropriate for that situation.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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