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何か質問されて、少しは分かるけど、正確には分からないと言いたいとき何と言えばいいですか? I'm not sure exactly.でいいでしょうか?
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2016/03/16 16:28
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  • I'm not sure.

  • I don't know exactly.

  • I'm not 100% sure.

You can follow any of these expressions with "but..." before you continue with the part you know. For example, "I'm not sure, but I think Portuguese is spoken in Mozambique." You can also use "as far as I know". Example: "As far as I know, Portuguese is more similar to Spanish than English."
Beth Language & Culture Training
  • I'm not exactly sure.

  • I'm not certain.

I'm not sure exactlyですとニュアンス的には「私は分からない、正確には」になるのでI'm not exactly sureを使えば「私は性格には分かりません」となります。 I'm not certainは「私は確信してない」=正確には分からない、と言うニュアンスになります。
  • I am not too sure

  • I don't know exactly

"I'm not too sure" is a way of saying that you have a little knowledge on the subject but not enough to be absolutely certain about it.
"I'm not too sure" は「そのことついて少しは知っているが、はっきりわかるところまでは行かない」と言う時の表現です。
Lenae DMM英会話講師
  • I am not absolutely sure.

  • I am not quite certain.

  • I am not 100% sure.

In the first sentence, the adverb 'absolutely' has been used to mean 'with no qualification, restriction, or limitation; totally'. You are saying you are not totally sure about the answer you gave. So, you may say: I am not absolutely sure if this answer will suffice. In the second statement, the adverb 'quite' has been used to mean ' to the utmost or most absolute extent or degree; absolutely; completely. Also, the adjective 'certain' has been used. This adjective has several meanings, but, in this context, it means 'having or showing complete conviction about something', and in this case, about your answer. So, you may say: I am not quite certain if what they are saying is true. In the third sentence, you are being straightforward and saying: I am not 100% sure. that he will be back tomorrow morning.
最初の文では副詞の 'absolutely' が使われています。これは何から何まで、完全にという意味です。 どのような回答をすればいいかわからないことです。 このように使えます: (英文)I am not absolutely sure if this answer will suffice. (訳)私はこの答えで十分かわからない。 二つ目の文では副詞の 'quite' が使われています。これはかなり、相当という意味です。また形容詞の'certain' が使われています。これは確信しているという意味です。 このように使えます: (英文)I am not quite certain if what they are saying is true. (訳)私は彼らが言っていることが正確かわかりません。 三つ目の文はストレートに伝えることができます: (英文)I am not 100% sure. that he will be back tomorrow morning. (訳)私は彼が明日の朝までに帰ってくるか百パーセントはわかりません。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I am not 100% certain.

  • I don't have an exact answer for you but ...

  • I'm not completely sure ...

"I am not 100% certain." This means that you are partially knowledgeable about the answer that is required of you.If someone says they are "100% sure "it means that they are confident about the details of their answer. "I don't have an exact answer for you but ..." exact= something that is precise You can say this to explain that you are not entirely certain of your answer and may not have the complete details needed to answer the question. "I'm not completely sure ...: This means that you have an idea of what a great answer would be but you are not entirely confident about it.
I am not 100% certain. (100%確信できません。) この言い方は、答えないといけない回答について部分的にしかわからない事を意味します。 "100% sure (100%確信している)と答える場合、回答の内容を確信していることを意味しています。 I don't have an exact answer for you but ... (正確な答えではありませんが...) * exact=正確なもの 答えを完全には特定できず、その質問に答えるための詳細は 完全に合っていないかもしれない際の説明時に、このような言い方を使うことができます。 I'm not completely sure ... (私は完全に確信はないが...) これは、答える際に良いアイディアがあるが、 それに対して完璧に自信がないという意味になります。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • I'm not completely sure.

  • I'm not sure if my answer is fully correct, but...

"I'm not sure exactly." works in this situation! "I'm not completely sure." is a similar expression to "I'm not sure exactly." "I'm not sure if my answer is fully correct..." can be use to preface your answer. E.g. A: "Why is the sky blue?" B: "I'm not sure if my answer is fully correct, but I think the sky is reflecting the water." You can also say the expression, "I'm not sure if my answer is fully correct though." if you say it after your answer to the question. E.g. A: "Why is the sky blue?" B: "It's reflecting the water. I'm not sure if my answer is fully correct though."
"私は正確には分かりません。" この状況で動作します! "私は完全には分かりません。" 「私は正確にはわからない」と同様の表現です。 "私の答えが完全に正しいかどうか分からない..."あなたの答えを前にすることができます。 例えば A:「なぜ空は青いの? B:「私の答えが正しいかどうか分からないが、空が水を映していると思う」 あなたはまた、「私の答えが完全に正しいかどうかわからない」という表現を言うこともできます。 質問に対するあなたの答えの後にそれを言うなら。 例えば A:「なぜ空は青いの? B:「それは水を反映している。私の答えが完全に正しいかどうかわからない」
  • I knew the answer but I wasn't sure if it was correct.

"I knew the answer but I wasn't sure if it was correct." This means that you knew the answer but you were not sure if it was correct.
"I knew the answer but I wasn't sure if it was correct." これはあなたが答えはしたけれども正しいかどうか確信が持てないことを意味します。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I'm not quite sure.

  • I'm not 100% certain, but...

  • I assume it could be...

1.Expressing that you are "not quite sure" means that you are somewhat sure but not fully. Similarly, using "not 100% sure" and "assume" all have the same meaning and usage, in this situation.
1."not quite sure" は少しは理解できている時に使います。 "not 100% sure" と"assume"も同じ意味合いを持っています。
Roscoe DMM英会話講師
  • I am not entirely sure

When knowing only part of an answer, is still knowing the answer. "I am not entirely sure, but I think..." "I am not sure if this is correct!" "I am not positive about my answer."
答えの一部はわかるが、まだ答えがわからない時に使います。 例 "I am not entirely sure, but I think..." 確信は持てないけど、多分... "I am not sure if this is correct!" 正しいかはわからないけど... "I am not positive about my answer." あまり自分の答えに自信はないけど...
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • 1. I have a partial answer but cannot complete the explanation

  • 2. It's on the tip of my tongue, but something's missing

1. Here you explain that you have part of the answer but not all. "I have a partial answer but cannot complete the explanation" "That's OK, please just tell me what you can" 2. On the tip of one's tongue = almost but not quite brought to mind or spoken. "His name's on the tip of my tongue!" We use this expression when we know the answer but can't remember it immediately.
1.これは部分的に正答はしているけど、完全な答えはできていない、という時に使う表現です。 例 "I have a partial answer but cannot complete the explanation" "That's OK, please just tell me what you can" 2. On the tip of one's tongue = あと少しで思い出せそうな、答えられそうなのに完全にはでてこないときに言います。 "His name's on the tip of my tongue!" 彼の名前で喉までかかっているんだけどな。 特に、答えは知っているのにすぐに思い出せない時などにこの表現を使います。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'm not sure.

  • I have an idea, but I don't know if it's the right answer.

I'm not sure. / I'm unsure. - this is saying that you don't know if you know; you aren't sure of your answer I have an idea. - this means you have a vague understanding; you think you might have the answer but you're unsure if you're correct
I 'm not sure./ I'm unsure. はっきりとした答えがわからないという意味です。 自分の答えが明確でない時に使います。 I have an idea. あいまいな理解を持っていることを意味します。 答えはわかるかもしれないが、それが正しいかどうかわからない時に使います。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • I can partially answer the question...I only have half an idea of what you mean ;-)

  • She was speaking so fast, I got the " gist of it" , but only a rough idea what she meant!

I got "the general gist ": You caught some of the meaning but not the details! I had half an idea of what she meant;-) I partially understood her meaning. The phone connection was bad... So I only caught half of what she said... I didn't get it all...but I understood some of it...
I got "the general gist": 理解できたところもあったけど細かいところはわからなかった。 I had half an idea of what she meant(彼女の言っていることの半分くらいは理解できた) I partially understood her meaning.(彼女の言っていることの一部は理解できた) The phone connection was bad...(電波が悪かったから) So I only caught half of what she said...(彼女の言ってることの半分ぐらいしか聞き取れなかった) I didn't get it all...(全部はわからなかった) but I understood some of it...(けど、わかったとこもあった)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I'm not exactly sure.

  • I'm not positive.

  • I don't know for sure.

These are all clear and common expressions to say that you think you know, but you are not positively sure about your answer. Although they all use negative forms (i.e. not, don't) they still all imply that you do have some idea, you are just not certain. These are all good ways of providing an answer to someone, but letting them know that it may not be 100% accurate. For example, if someone asks, "Where is the bus stop located?" You could respond, "I'm not positive, but I think it is 2 blocks down on the left."
すべて、よく使われる分かりやすい言い方です。「正確には分からない」と伝えます。 これらはすべて否定文ですが、「少しは分かる」というニュアンスも残っています。「100%確かではない」と伝える言い方です。 例えば、 "Where is the bus stop located?"(バス停はどこですか) と聞かれたら、 "I'm not positive, but I think it is 2 blocks down on the left."(はっきり分かりませんが、たぶん2ブロック先の左手だと思います) のように答えることができます。
Perri DMM英会話講師
  • I am not completely certain about the answer

  • I don't know if I am 100% correct but to the best of my knowledge...

If you don't know the answer you can say "I am not completely certain" conveying that you not entirely sure of the answer. "To the best of my knowledge" means that you believe it to be true but you cannot be absolutely sure because you don't know the full facts, leaving room for some doubt.
答えが分からないときは、"I am not completely certain" と言えます。これは「答えが“はっきり”分からない」という意味です。 "To the best of my knowledge" は「正しいと思うが全てを知っているわけではないので100%確かではない」という意味合いです。
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
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