世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/10/11 15:49
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  • I relax at home with my children on weekends.

  • I work so much during the week that at weekends I stay at home and play with the kids.

  • I like to play with my children at weekends.

All of these answers are good for explaining to someone that you spend your weekends with your kids. If you are in full-time employment, during weekdays it may be difficult to spend time with your children and so weekends are the best time to play and relax with them.
三例とも、週末は子どもと一緒に過ごすことを伝える言い方です。 フルタイムで働いていると、平日は子どもとなかなか一緒に過ごせないかもしれませんね。ですから、週末は一緒に遊んだりリラックスするのに最高ですね。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • I spend quality time with my children, on weekends.

  • I entertain my kids on weekends.

Many of us have busy lives and therefore do not afford our kids the time to play and spend time with them during the week. So, in this sentence you are explaining that you reserve your weekends for your kids. To spend 'quality time' with them means that the time you spend with your children is meaningful. It is time whereby both, you and our children, benefit from. This is a time to bond and improve your relationship with your kids. You can entertain your kids in various ways such as playing, talking, taking them out for treats and so forth. They are entertained as long as the activity is enjoyable.
毎日忙しくて子どもと遊んだりする時間がない人が多いですね。この文では、週末を子どもとの時間に充てていると伝えています。 「quality time(充実した時間)」は、子どもとの時間が有意義なことを表します。親にとっても子どもにとっても意味のある時間。子どもとの絆を深める時間のことです。 「entertain my kids(子どもを楽しませる)」にはいろいろあります。例えば、遊んだり、話したり、出かけたり。それが楽しいことなら「entertain」になります。
Lenae DMM英会話講師
  • I like to spend time with my children on the weekend.

  • My weekends are spent with my children.

Here are a couple more ways you can explain how you spend your weekend. 1. "I like to spend time with my children on the weekend." Like - To enjoy doing something. You are explaining that you enjoy spending those weekend days with your children. 2. "My weekends are spent with my children." You could add on to this sentence and tell what you do on the weekends with your children. Such as "My weekends are spent with my children. We like to walk around the park." or "My weekends are spent with my children. We usually watch a movie together." Hope that helps.
週末の過ごし方について、以下のように言うこともできます。 1. "I like to spend time with my children on the weekend."  週末は子供と過ごすのが好きです。 Like - 何かを楽しむこと。子供と週末を過ごすのが好きだと言っています。 2. "My weekends are spent with my children."  週末は子供と過ごします。 この文に、子供と何をするのかを付け加えることもできます。例えば: "My weekends are spent with my children. We like to walk around the park." 週末は子供と過ごします。公園を散歩するのが好きです。 "My weekends are spent with my children. We usually watch a movie together." 週末は子供と過ごします。たいてい一緒に映画を見ます。 お役に立てると幸いです!
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • On weekends I like to spend my time with my children.

  • I enjoy staying home and playing with my children on the weekends.

"On weekends I like to spend my time with my children. "- This indicates that during your weekends you like to use your time by spending it playing or just attending to your children. I enjoy staying home and playing with my children on the weekends. - This shows you like to relax on weekends and spend it playing with your children.
"On weekends I like to spend my time with my children."(週末は子どもと過ごすのが好きです) →これは、週末は子どもと遊んだり子どもの世話をするのが好きだという意味です。 I enjoy staying home and playing with my children on the weekends.(週末は家にいて子どもと遊びます) →これは、週末はのんびり子どもたちと一緒に過ごすのが好きだという意味です。
Jamima DMM英会話講師
  • Usually I spend the weekend at home playing with the(my) kids

  • Usually I stay home and play with my kids

週末はどう過ごしてるのと聞かれたとき、一つ目を使います。又は、よりカジュアルな答えは二つ目です。 知り合いと話す時、自分の子供の話で英語でthe kidsとよく言います。例えば、I took the kids to school this morning.ー今朝こどもを学校まで連れて行った ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • I spend my weekends playing with my children at home

  • I usually spend weekends at home playing with the kids

When you want to explain that you usually stay at home and play with your children on weekends; you may express this in the following ways: -I spend my weekends playing with my children at home -I usually spend weekends at home playing with the kids
「週末はたいてい家で子どもと遊んでいる」と説明したいなら、次のように言えます。 -I spend my weekends playing with my children at home(週末は家で子どもと遊びます) -I usually spend weekends at home playing with the kids(週末はたいてい家で子どもと遊んでいます)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I just stay home and play with the children

  • I usually do things with kids at home

When asked how you spend my weekends, you want to say that you stay home and play with my child/children.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I spend my weekends at home with my children

  • During the weekends I play with my Kids

To 'spend' something, in this context is to spend time, meaning during a time period you will do something, in this context you will be at home with your children at the weekend (Saturday and Sunday). 'During' meaning throughout a period of time, throughout the weekend you will play with your kids, kids is another term used for children.
spend' は「ある時間を~して過ごす」という意味です。ここでは「週末を子どもと一緒に過ごす」と言っています。 'during' は「ある期間ずっと」という意味です。ここでは、「週末は子どもと遊ぶ」と伝えています。 'kids' は 'children'(子ども)の別の言い方です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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