世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/10/15 19:24
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  • Do you have anywhere you would like to go?

  • Where would you like to visit in Tokyo?

Do you have anywhere you would like to go? This a general question that can be used anywhere in the world that you to. It asks the person where they would like to go and then it will be up to the person to clarify where he or she would like to go. Where would you like to visit in Tokyo? This question is specifically asking about Tokyo and where the traveller would like to go.
【例文】 Do you have anywhere you would like to go? [訳]どこか行きたい[場所](はありますか? 世界中どこでも使える一般的な質問です。どこに行きたいか聞いています。 【例文】 Where would you like to visit in Tokyo? [訳]東京では[どこに行きたいですか? ]( この質問では具体的に東京について聞いています。「東京ではどこに行きたいですか」という意味です。 その他の例文: Is there anywhere you want to go in Tokyo? 東京で行きたい場所はありますか? Where are you looking forward to visiting in Tokyo? 東京で行くのを楽しみにしている場所はどこですか?
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • Is there a spot you want to visit in Tokyo?

  • Is there a particular area you want to visit in Tokyo?

The two sentences you see provided above are great ways to ask someone what places they want to visit in Tokyo. In the first sentence you will notice the noun spot. This word means place or location. This is a word that common, especially when we are talking about traveling. This word would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
上記二つの例文は、東京で訪れたい場所を尋ねる質問です。 一つ目の例には名詞の「spot」が使われています。これは「場所」という意味です。「spot」は、特に旅行についての会話でよく使われます。ボキャブラリーに加えておくといいと思います。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Is there a place that you'd like to visit in Tokyo?

  • What part of Tokyo did you want to see?

  • What sites do you want to see in Tokyo?

  • Do you have anywhere in mind to go while you're in Tokyo?

While the person visiting will be doing some sightseeing, we wouldn't use that word in a sentence quite the same way. So, we can say something like: "What sites do you want to see in Tokyo?" since they may already have a plan of what they've always wanted to do/see in the city. When we say: "Do you have anywhere in mind to go while you're in Tokyo?" we are asking if they already have their own plans and ideas of what they want to see while in the city, so we are being polite and considerate asking them this way.
滞在中に"sightseeing"(観光)をするわけですが、文章の中では違う言い方をします。 東京で行ってみたいところ、してみたい事が既にあるかもしれませんから、例えば次のような言い方ができます: "What sites do you want to see in Tokyo?" (東京で見てみたいところはありますか) "Do you have anywhere in mind to go while you're in Tokyo?" (東京にいる間に、行ってみたいところはありますか) - 東京にいる間に行ってみたいと思っているところがあるか尋ねています。丁寧で思いやりのある言い方です。
Nadia F DMM英会話講師
  • Which part of Tokyo would you like to explore?

In a sentence you can say. Which part of Tokyo would you like visit today? Is there a part of Tokyo you would like to go to today?
文章の中では以下のように言えます: Which part of Tokyo would you like to visit today? (今日は東京のどこに行きたいですか) Is there a part of Tokyo you would like to go to today? (今日東京で行きたいところはありますか)
Baiden DMM英会話講師
  • Is there anywhere in Tokyo that you would particularly like to visit?

When someone wants to 'particularly' do or see something it means that they are interested in seeing a particular thing. For example - "When I go to London I particularly wish to visit the Natural History Museum."
「particularly」は、ここでは「特に」見たいものを表します。 例えば: "When I go to London I particularly wish to visit the Natural History Museum." (ロンドンに行ったら、特に自然史博物館に行ってみたい)
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • A) Is there any specific place you would like to visit ?

  • B) Which part of Tokyo would you like to explore ?

  • C) Which places are you interested in visiting in Tokyo ?

A) Is there any specific place you would like to visit ? * Specific -clearly defined or identified. Using specific in a sentence is asking someone what they would like to do/ see/ want. Eg Is there any specific food you don't like ? B) Which part of Tokyo would you like to explore ? In this sentence you are asking the person which place they would like to visit * Explore - travel through an unfamiliar area in order to learn about it. "he explored the France" C) Which places are you interested in visiting in Tokyo ? * Interested - showing curiosity or concern about something or someone; having a feeling of interest, wanting to know more about someone or something. "He is really interested in cars" I hope this helps !!
A) Is there any specific place you would like to visit?(どこか行ってみたい場所はありますか) * Specific - 具体的な 「specific」は、見たいもの/したいこと/欲しいものを尋ねる場合に使われます。 例: Is there any specific food you don't like?(苦手な食べ物はありますか) B) Which part of Tokyo would you like to explore?(東京のどの辺を探索してみたいですか) この文では、どこに行ってみたいかを尋ねています。 * Explore - 行ったことのないところに行ってそこを調べること "he explored the France"(彼はフランスを探索した) C) Which places are you interested in visiting in Tokyo?(東京ではどこに行ってみたいですか) * Interested - 人や物事に興味・関心を示すこと。人や物事について、もっと知りたいと思うこと。 "He is really interested in cars"(彼は車にすごく関心があります) 参考になるといいです!!
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • Where do you want to visit in Tokyo?

  • What do you want to see in Tokyo?

おっしゃられている内容は、以下のようにも表現できると思いました(*^_^*) Where do you want to visit in Tokyo? 「東京のどこを訪れたいですか?」 What do you want to see in Tokyo? 「東京で何を見たいですか?」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
  • What part of Tokyo do you want to see?

  • Is there something specific you would like to see in Tokyo?

If you would like to find out if there is a certain place that they want to go in Tokyo, you can say: "What part of Tokyo do you want to see?" "Is there something specific you would like to see in Tokyo?"
東京で行ってみたい所があるかどうか相手に確認したいなら、次のように言えます。 "What part of Tokyo do you want to see?"(東京のどこが見たいですか) "Is there something specific you would like to see in Tokyo?"(東京で何か見たいものはありますか)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • Is there anywhere special you'd like to see in Tokyo?

  • Do you have any thoughts about where you would like to sightsee in Tokyo?

To a person who came from abroad to Tokyo to sightsee, you want to ask if there is a certain place that they want to go in Tokyo. In that case, any of the above suggested queries may be suitable for your situation,
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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