Please come to Japan! [ぜひ](日本に[来てください!](
Please come to Japan if you would like to see beautiful cherry blossoms.
The best time for cherry blossom viewing is March.
Come visit Japan. I'm sure you'll enjoy the cherry blossoms.
I hope you can visit Japan when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom.
The above phrases are used at different times to show that there is a desire for someone to come to Japan.
Come see what Japan has to offer!!!
This phrase is used for when you are speaking to a person who is your age. it is also used when there is excitement about the topic that you are speaking about.
Come see what Japan has to offer!!!(ぜひ日本を[見に来てください](
When you want to explain to someone that they should visit Japan if they want to see the blossoms, then you say it in the following ways:
-You should come to Japan to see them.
-You can visit Japan to see them.
-You should come to Japan to see them.(日本に見に来た方がいいですよ)
-You can visit Japan to see them.(日本に見に来てはどうですか)
There's lots of interesting flowers (or whatever the attraction is) in Japan.
Please come to Japan.
When recommending to someone that they should visit Japan, I would stick to the first sentence "you should definitely come to Japan". When wanting to tell someone something specific about what Japan has to see or do, I would stick with the second sentence "there's lots of interesting (attraction) in Japan". If you want to invite someone to Japan, a more personalised invitation, then you could say the third sentence "please come to Japan".
"You should definitely come to Japan"〔絶対日本に来た方がいいです〕
"There's lots of interesting (attraction) in Japan".〔日本には面白い(呼び物)がたくさんあります〕
"Please come to Japan"〔日本に来てください〕
You would really enjoy the experience. Come see Japan.
Japan has a lot to offer. Come visit.
When personally promoting something by saying "I think you would..." it gives the person the idea that you have a personal interest in him/her. That can motivate him/her to do something because he/she feels that the suggestion is directed personally at him/her. The invitation becomes personal and gives a sense that the experience will be special.
When making the suggestion to visit Japan, it helps to explain why the suggestion is being made. The first reason for making the suggestion is that he/she would have an enjoyable experience. The second reason is that Japan has a lot to offer. Having a lot to offer means that there is a variety of things to see, and that makes it more inviting.
"I think you would..." と言って相手に何かを勧めると、その人に対して個人的に関心を持っているという印象になります。相手はそれを個人的に自分に向けられた提案だと感じるので、その人のモチベーションを引き出せます。提案が個人的なものとなって、その経験が特別なものになるという印象になります。
日本に来ることを提案するときには、その理由を説明すると良いと思います。提案をする一つ目の理由は、相手にとって楽しい経験になるということです。二つ目の理由は、日本に見どころが多い(Japan has a lot to offer)ということです。
"Having a lot to offer" は「見どころが多い」という意味で、これも魅力的な要素です。
"Come to Japan, you will definitely enjoy it!"- this asks the person to come to Japan because they will appreciate it/find it pleasing
"Japan is a perfect place to come for that" - this explains that Japan is a perfect place to visit in order to see sakura blossoms
"You should visit Japan then!" - this tells them that because they want to see sakura cherry blossoms, they should visit Japan (because this is one of the things Japan is known for)
"Come to Japan, you will definitely enjoy it!"(日本に来てくださいよ、きっと楽しめます)
- ここでは、きっと楽しめるので日本に来てくださいと伝えています。
"Japan is a perfect place to come for that"(それなら日本はピッタリの場所ですよ)
- ここでは、桜を見るなら日本は最高の場所だと伝えています。
"You should visit Japan then!"(だったら日本に来た方がいいですよ)
- ここでは、桜を見たいのなら(日本は桜で有名だから)日本に来た方がいいと伝えています。