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もしくは、 "If you're tired try to make time for yourself. " で、通じるでしょうか。
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2018/11/01 17:10
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  • If you're tired try to make time for yourself.

  • If you often feel that you are too tired, please try to find time some relaxing time.

一つ目の英文は書いたどおり結構です。これと言ったら、相手は通じられるはずです。もしかして、これは一番フレーズです。 二つ目の英文は違う言い方です。この文章は日本語に翻訳すれば、「もし、あなたはよく疲れ気味があったら、ゆったりとした時間を作ってみてください」という意味です。
  • If you feel tired out, try to make time for yourself.

  • If you feel stressed out, make time for yourself.

❶If you feel tired out, try to make time for yourself. (もし疲れきっているなら、自分の時間を作ってみて)。 ❷If you feel stressed out, make time for yourself. (もしストレス疲れしてるなら、自分の時間を作って)。 If you feel tired, try to make time for yourself. と言うと、疲れたと感じる時は自分のために時間を作ってみて、 という意味になります。 私たちはみんな毎日の生活で疲れたと感じますが、❶と❷は「疲れが溜まった」時に自分のために時間を作って、という意味になります。 参考までに!
  • Go relax and chill if you are tired.

  • If you are tired, go take a load off.

  • Take it easy if you are tired.

Go relax and chill if you are tired. If you are tired, go take a load off. Take it easy if you are tired. All, I must say, are pretty informal and certainly something a native would say. And, they all explain what you want to say very well. I hope this help. Have a great day. Will
Go relax and chill if you are tired. If you are tired, go take a load off. Take it easy if you are tired. (疲れたら、息抜きをしなよ) どれも、カジュアルでネイティブらしい表現です。あなたの言いたいこともしっかりと伝わります。 参考になれば幸いです。 良い一日を。 ウィル
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Try to make some time for yourself if you are tired.

  • If you keep feeling tired, try to free some time for yourself to relax.

If you want to tell someone to make time for themselves if they are tired, you can say something like "Try to make some time for yourself if you are tired." or "If you keep feeling tired, try to free some time for yourself to relax.".
「疲れを感じたときは自分の時間を作ってみな」は次のように言えます。 "Try to make some time for yourself if you are tired."(疲れを感じたときは自分の時間を作ってみな) "If you keep feeling tired, try to free some time for yourself to relax."(疲れを感じたときはリラックスする時間を作ってみな)
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • "If you're tired try to make time for yourself"

  • "If you feel very stressed out, you should try to make time for yourself"

  • "If you are really tired, make some time for yourself"

If you wanted to say something similar to "If you're tired try to make time for yourself", you could say either of the following to express your point: "If you feel very stressed out, you should try to make time for yourself" or "If you are really tired, make some time for yourself".
"If you're tired try to make time for yourself"(疲れたときは、自分の時間を作ってみなさい)に近いことを言いたいということですね。 例えば、 "If you feel very stressed out, you should try to make time for yourself"(疲れたと感じたら、自分の時間を作ってみてください) "If you are really tired, make some time for yourself"(すごく疲れたときは、自分の時間を作ってみてください) などと言えます。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • If you're feeling burned out, you should take some time for yourself.

If you are "burned out" then that means that you are tired and uninterested in most or all activities. People can get burned out from work, school, or any major responsibilities. If you "take time for yourself" it means that you do something that you want to in order to ensure your well-being. I hope that this helps. :)
"burned out" は、ほとんどの活動に関心を示さなくなるほど疲労困憊(こんぱい)した人を表します。 "burned out" になる原因は仕事・学校などさまざまです。 "take time for yourself" は自分の健康のために時間を使うことをいいます。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Take some time out to just be by yourself.

  • If you are tired, take time out just to be by yourself.

  • You are allowed to take time off for yourself if you're tired

When you want to tell someone that is tired that they should try make time for themselves; then you may express this in the following ways: -Take some time out to just be by yourself. -If you are tired, take time out just to be by yourself. -You are allowed to take time off for yourself if you're tired
疲れている人に自分の時間を作るようアドバイスしたいということなら、例えば次のように言えます。 -Take some time out to just be by yourself.(自分の時間を作ってみなよ) -If you are tired, take time out just to be by yourself.(疲れたときは、自分の時間を作ってみな) -You are allowed to take time off for yourself if you're tired(疲れたときは、自分の時間を作っていいんだよ)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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