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私がいる場所の天気は悪いって英語で何と言いますか? The weather of the place where I am is bad. は変ですか?
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2018/11/07 22:55
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  • The weather is rather inclement at the moment

  • We're having stormy/wet/windy weather at the moment

Inclement = unpleasantly cold or wet, when referring to the weather. Always better to describe exactly what the 'bad' weather is as there are so many varieties of bad weather.
Inclement =〔天気について言うと〕寒さの厳しい、荒れ模様の "bad weather"(悪い天気)にはいろいろなタイプがあるので、何が"bad"なのか具体的に表した方がいいです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The weather where I'm at is pretty bad.

  • The weather where I live is pretty bad.

Yuriさん ご質問どうもありがとうございます。 様々な表現があると思いますが、いくつか自然な表現を紹介します。 - The weather where I'm at is pretty bad. - The weather where I live is pretty bad. --- where I'm at = 私がいるとこ (すこしカジュアルな言い方です) お好みに合わせて使い分けてみてください。 ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
  • The weather's bad where I am

  • The weather's bad where I live

The weather of the place where I am is bad. は変ですね。 説明がまどろこしくなってます。 この場合「いる」が余計な感じなので 私の所の と言った 感じの表現に変えると良いです。 Where I am は 現在地のことを指してます。 私の所ですが 自分が住んでる所を指してると思うので後者の where I live を使うのも良いでしょう。
  • The weather here is horrible!

  • This city has bad weather.

Talking about weather is a very common topic, so it is something you will have the opportunity to discuss often in English. When discussing the weather feel free to use any description to explain how bad it is. Saying "the weather here is horrible!" explains the location and also how you feel about the weather. You can also be more specific when saying "this city has bad weather" showing you are talking about the city you are currently in - whether that is temporary or permanent.
天気はとても一般的なトピックなので、英語で話す機会も多いでしょう。 天気が悪いことはいろいろな言葉で表すことができます。 「the weather here is horrible!(ここの天気は最悪です)」では、場所とそこの天気について感じていることを伝えています。 また、より具体的に「this city has bad weather(この街の天気は悪いです)」と言うこともできます。(一時的であれ永続的であれ)今自分のいる「city(街)」について言っています。
Nadia F DMM英会話講師
  • The weather isn't cooperating here.

  • The weather's nasty here.

In American English, we often say the weather 'isn't cooperating' to say that it is behaving counter to our plans or hopes. 'Nasty' means really bad; you might say 'nasty' if there's a bad thunderstorm or a blizzard.
アメリカ英語では「天気が計画[希望]に反している」という意味で、よく 'The weather isn't cooperating'(天気が協力的でない)と言います。 'Nasty' は「ひどい」という意味です。激しい雷雨や猛吹雪のときは、'nasty'と言うかもしれません。
Thomas C DMM英会話講師
  • The weather is unpleasant here.

"Unpleasant" is a way to say "not nice" or "bad." Using "here" lets your listener know that you are talking specifically about where you are. I hope that this helps. :)
"unpleasant"は、"not nice"(よくない)または "bad"(悪い)という意味です。 "here"(ここは)と言えば、自分のいる所について話していることが相手に伝わります。 お役に立てると幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • The weather here is quite bad.

  • Where I live, the weather is bad.

To explain that the weather is bad where you live, you can do so in the following ways: "The weather here is quite bad." "Where I live, the weather is bad."
「私の住んでいる所では天気は悪い」は次のように言えます。 "The weather here is quite bad."(こちらの天気は悪いです) "Where I live, the weather is bad."(私の住んでいる所では天気は悪いです)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • The weather here is terrible!

  • The weather here is not very good.

  • The weather in Vancouver is not very good.

The weather here is terrible! 〜ここの天気はひどい! 「私のいるところ」を英語にすると、The place where I am で正しいんですが、文にすると長くなって遠回しに聞こえてくるので、『ここ』の天気が悪いで良いと思います。 The weather here is not very good〜 ここの天気はあまり良くないです  英語だと「悪い・ひどい」は『Bad, terrible』などがありますが、『Not very good』という言葉を使うのもいいでしょう The weather in Vancouver is not very good〜 バンクーバーの天気はあまり良くない  最初の2つの例は、話してる相手があなたのいる場所を知ってる前提で書いています。相手が場所を知らない場合、直接この文で場所の名前も入れると良いでしょう。この場合だとバンクーバーにいるということも同時に相手に伝えることができます。
  • The weather is bad where I am now.

When the weather is bad somewhere it generally means that the weather is wet or cold. When you say: where I am now, it is referring to the location you are currently in. Here is an example: At the moment the weather is so bad in New York, I am not enjoying being here during this run of bad weather.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • The weather is bad where I am.

  • The weather is bad here

  • The weather here is awful

"The weather is bad here" is the simplest way of saying that the weather where you are is bad. By saying here you are referring to the place that you are at that time. Saying "the weather is awful here" is another way of describing bad weather where you are.
Pamela E DMM英会話講師
  • The weather isn't so good where I am.

  • The weather is bad/poor where I am.

Here are two examples of how we can explain this concept about our town/city/where we live. Notice in the examples that we can either use the word, "bad," or the negation form of it's opposite with, "not good." We can actually do this with any two adjectives that are antonyms or opposites of each other so keep this in mind for more than just this example!
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • The weather is horrible where I am

  • I am in a place with terrible weather conditions

  • The weather is really bad where I am.

When you want to explain that where you located has really bad weather; then you may explain this in the following ways: -The weather is horrible where I am -I am in a place with terrible weather conditions -The weather is really bad where I am.
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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