"We've just met." このフレーズは、知人としての関係がまだ新しいことを指し示します。「私達はまだ知り合ったばかりです」という意味です。言い換えると「We barely know each other.」(私達はほとんどお互いを知らない)とも言えます。
"We don't even know each other." このフレーズは、2人がまだお互いを理解していないことを強調します。「私たちはまだお互いを全然知らない」という意味です。これは「We hardly know anything about each other.」(私たちはお互いについてほとんど何も知らない)とも言い換えることができます。
新たな例文: 3. "Let's take the time to know each other better." 「もっとお互いを理解する時間を取りましょう」という意味です。これにより、関係を急がずより深く理解しあうことを提案していることが伝わります。
We haven't known each other long enough for that type of relationship.
I would like to get to know you longer before we commit to a relationship.
We just met so I don't think that would be a good idea right now.
Maybe if I knew for a longer time but right now it's way too soon.
It's way too soon for that type of relationship.
I'm not comfortable with that idea right now.
I'm sorry but we need to know each other a little better.
We haven't known each other long enough for that type of relationship.(そういう関係になるにはまだ早いと思います)
I would like to get to know you longer before we commit to a relationship.(恋愛関係になる前にもう少しよくあなたのことが知りたいです)
We just met so I don't think that would be a good idea right now.(まだ出会ったばかりなので、今はそれは良い考えだとは思いません)
Maybe if I knew for a longer time but right now it's way too soon.(もっとよくあなたを知っていたら分かりませんけど、今はあまりに早すぎます)
It's way too soon for that type of relationship.(そういう関係になるにはまだあまりに早すぎます)
I'm not comfortable with that idea right now.(今はそれは違うと思います)
I'm sorry but we need to know each other a little better.(ごめんなさい、でもお互いもう少しよく知らないと)
"We have just met"
Is a statement that suggests that you have only just met/ don't know each other so well.
"we don't know each other that well"
Is a reference that describes not knowing an individual so well, you do not know their personality.
"We have just met"(私たちはまだ知り合ったばかりです)
"We don't know each other that well"(私たちはまだお互いそんなによく知らない)
When you want to let someone down gently after they have asked you to be their girlfriend; then you may express this in the following ways:
-We've just met. I don't think it would be appropriate to start dating now.
-I think it's too soon for that. We've only just met and getting to know each other.
-We've just met. I don't think it would be appropriate to start dating now.
-I think it's too soon for that. We've only just met and getting to know each other.
"We just met this weekend."
Just - This word is telling us that something happened recently, like in the past few weeks, days, hours, etc.
Weekend - By adding the word weekend you are explaining how recently you met someone.
"I've just met the guy/girl." (Saying Guy or Girl is quite informal. To be more formal or polite you could say "I have just met the man/woman.)
"We just met this weekend."
Just - この言葉は、最近起きたということを表しています。例えば、数週間、数日、数時間など。
Weekend - "weekend"(週末)を加えて、どのくらい最近だったのか伝えています。
"I've just met the guy/girl."
"I have just met the man/woman."
DMM英会話講師プロフィール (エイミー)
If you would like to be polite, you can say "We've only just met" to gently let the person know. If you would like to be more upfront about the situation, you can say "We barely know each other".
丁寧に言いたければ、"We've only just met"(私たちはまだ知り合ったばかり)が使えます、これはやんわりと伝えます。
"We barely know each other"(私たちはまだお互いをほとんど知らない)は、より直接的な言い方です。
"I don't know you well enough" explains that the knowledge held about the other person is very limited and isn't sustainable enough for a relationship.
Using the word "Sorry" will also help make the decline feel more gentle for the receiver.
"We can be friends" is a way to offer a lighter, less committed relationship.
"I don't know you well enough"(まだあなたのことをよく知らない)
"Sorry" を使うと、よりやんわりと断ることができます。
"We can be friends"(友達になりましょう)は、より浅い関係を提案する言い方です。