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2018/11/10 08:49
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  • Tuition

  • School fees

Examples sentences "The tuition cost is higher than I expected." "Tom received a scholarship that covered his tuition for 2 years." "Did you pay the school fees this month?" "The school fees seem to be reasonable at this school." "It is time to pay the school fees again." "Tuition" is the most common expression, but you might also hear the term "School Fees" both refer to the money you pay for the school costs.
例文 "The tuition cost is higher than I expected." (授業料が思っていたより高いです) "Tom received a scholarship that covered his tuition for 2 years." (トムは[奨学金](を受けて2年間の[授業料](がタダになりました) "Did you pay the school fees this month?" (今月授業料は払いましたか?) "The school fees seem to be reasonable at this school." (この学校の授業料はそれ程高くないようです) "I pay my tuition myself." (私は自分で学費を払っています) "It is time to pay the school fees again." (また授業料を払う時が来たよ) "Tuition"が最も一般的な表現ですが、"School Fees"というフレーズも聞くことがあるかもしれません。どちらも「授業料」という意味です。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • tuition

「学費」は tuition と言います。 「1年分の学費」だと tuition for one year となり I have to pay my tuition for the whole year. 「1年分の学費を払わ[なければいけない](。」 と言えます。 ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • Tuition fees

  • fees

  • Education fees

The money that a person pays a school or learning institution to receive education is usually known as 'education fees' or some derivative of that form. 'John's tuition fees are astronomical!'
教育を受けるために学校などに支払うお金のことは普通 'education fees'、あるいはその派生句で呼ばれます。 例: 'John's tuition fees are astronomical!' (ジョンの学費は天文学的な数字だ)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • School fees

  • Tuition

The most common terms for the money that a person pays to a school to receive education are "school fees" and "tuition". Depending on which country you live in, it may be more common to say "school fees" instead of tuition. Some example sentences: "Don't forget to pay the school fees this month." "John's school fees are very expensive." "The tuition for my college was cheaper than I expected." "I have a part-time job so that I can pay my tuition."
"school fees" と "tuition" は、教育を受けるために学校に対して支払うお金を表す最も一般的な言葉です。 国によっては、"tuition" よりも "school fees" の方が一般的な所もあるかもしれません。 例文: "Don't forget to pay the school fees this month."(今月授業料を払うのを忘れないようにね) "John's school fees are very expensive."(ジョンの学費はすごく高額です) "The tuition for my college was cheaper than I expected."(大学の授業料は思っていたよりも安かったです) "I have a part-time job so that I can pay my tuition."(授業料が払えるようにアルバイトをしています)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • Tuition/School Fees

  • Scholarship

"Tuition/School fees" Any of these expressions can be used when speaking about paying money to a school in order to receive an education. From pre-k to 12 grade in the US is called school fees. When you reach college/University its called tuition. "Scholarship" Although a scholarship is not money you pay to the school directly, it still can count as you paying the school because in order for you to get that scholarship you must put in a lot of hard work, so you are working for that money they are receiving.
"Tuition/School fees"(学費) どちらも、教育を受けるために学校に支払うお金をいいます。アメリカでは、*Pre-K から高校(12年生)までは、"school fees" と呼ばれます。そして大学に入ると、"tuition" と呼ばれます。 *"Pre-K" は "Pre-Kindergarten" のこと。"Kindergarten"(幼稚園)の前段階のプログラム。 "Scholarship"(奨学金) "scholarship" は学校に直接支払うお金ではありませんが、学校に払うお金と考えることもできます。"scholarship" を得るにはものすごく努力をしないといけませんから。
Salomon DMM英会話講師
  • Tuition

  • School fees

"Tuition" Often the more formal word/phrase for paying for an education. "My children's Tuition will cost me $1000 this year" "School fees" This is a more direct phrase, referring to the school and fee, 'fee' is another term used to describe a payment, (School Payment)
"Tuition"(学費/授業料) よりフォーマルな言葉です。教育を受けるために支払うお金をいいます。 【例】 "My children's Tuition will cost me $1000 this year"(子どもたちの学費として今年は1000ドルかかる) "School fees"(学費) より直接的なフレーズです("school" は「学校」、"fee" は「料金」の意味です)。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Tuition fees

  • Fees for higher education

  • University fees

A 'fee' is a noun and another word for a payment. It is essentially an amount of money that one pays to a person or business in exchange for something in return such as a service. In this case the fee is a payment for education. One receives tutoring at University, School or College in return for lessons and tutoring. 'Tuition fees' is the best way to say this however the other options will be understood as well. 'Higher education' means a University or College where a student receives education beyond School level. Example sentences: 'The tuition fee for next semester must be paid by the end of February.' 'I think the costs for higher education are way too high.' 'It is hard these days for students to afford high University fees.'
fee' は名詞で、"payment"(支払い)の別の言い方です。これは基本的にはサービスなどの見返りとして人や会社に支払うお金をいいます。 この場合の 'fee' は教育に対する謝礼ですね。大学や学校、カレッジで指導を受ける代わりに支払うお金のこと。 'tuition fees' がベストな言い方ですが、他にも選択肢はあります。 'higher education' は高等教育である大学またはカレッジを指します。 例文: 'The tuition fee for next semester must be paid by the end of February.'(次の学期の授業料は2月の末までに支払わなければなりません) 'I think the costs for higher education are way too high.'(高等教育の学費はあまりに高すぎると思う) 'It is hard these days for students to afford high University fees.'(最近では、学生が高額な大学の授業料を賄うのは難しくなっています)
Harriet R DMM英会話講師
  • Tuition fee

  • School fees

Money usually paid to a school for the education of a person is called a "tuition fee" or "school fees". You may use these terms in a sentence in the following ways: -My mother does not have to pay my university tuition fee because I got a bursary. She only gives me pocket money. -I have to pay my daughter's school fees next week
教育を受けるために学校に支払うお金のことは "tuition fee"(授業料)または "school fee"(同)といいます。これらは文中では次のように使えます。 -My mother does not have to pay my university tuition fee because I got a bursary. She only gives me pocket money. (母は私の大学の学費は払う必要ありません、私は奨学金をもらっているので。ただ、私にお小遣いはくれます) -I have to pay my daughter's school fees next week (来週娘の学費を払わないといけません)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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